March 2017  
UHS Staff Highlight: Karen Hughes, MPH

(Corrected link)
Karen Hughes, MPH
has worked as a health educator in Health Promotion at UHS since 2006. In her work she promotes cultural and personal norms that prioritize student and community wellness. Karen also manages two student programs, PartySafe@Cal and the Health Worker program (both currently accepting applications). She chooses to work in college health because she enjoys "working with and building the capacity of good, caring and smart people who in turn help others and collaborate to leave their communities better than they found them." Watch Karen's #TangTip video and view her full Staff Highlight feature online. 
Facebook Live with UHS' Medical Director and SHIP Manager 
Anna Harte & Bahar Navab

On Tuesday, March 21, 6-6:30pm UHS Medical Director Dr. Anna Harte and Student Health Insurance Plan manager Bahar Navab will be live on Cal Parent's Facebook account to answer all of your UHS questions. Tune in to the event, and feel free to leave your questions in the event comments section in advance. 
Health Worker Program Recruiting - Apply by Thursday, March 23
Are you passionate about public health and helping your community? Do you live in campus housing? The Health Worker Program might be right for you!
Here's one reason Health Worker James loves the program:  "Developing professional skills. Last year, Health Workers helped thousands of students by conducting over 800 one-to-one peer health advising and referrals (including safer sex, first aid and self-care supplies). You can help your peers find the help that they need! In addition, you get to meet monthly with your community leaders to develop friendly and professional relationships."   More reasons you should apply
Love Sexual Health? Apply for SHEP by Friday, March 24 
UHS' Sexual Health Education Program (SHEP) is currently accepting applications, due Friday, March 24. SHEP is a peer health education program dedicated to promoting sex positivity and harm reduction. SHEP students provide accurate, non-judgmental information about sexual health via individual appointments, group workshops, campus events, educational blogs and DeCal courses. Learn more about SHEP and find the application here under Sexual Health Education Program
Ask the Dietitian: Craving Candy
Q: I eat way too much candy, especially during exams. What should I do when I have cravings?
A: Become a surfer. Dude - let me explain. The first step to becoming a surfer is to cut yourself some slack. Recognize that cravings are common, especially in stressful situations. For a complex set of reasons we don't fully understand, physical or emotional distress usually increases our desire for foods high in fat and/or sugar. Continue reading Toby's tips on how to manage cravings and recognize when it's really hunger
Meet LoveCafe@Cal Baristas
Meet LoveCafe@Cal Baristas Angela and Simran! These are a couple of the friendly faces behind your favorite advice blog. Ask them (anonymously) your questions about love, relationships, friends, school and more. 

Recently on the LoveCafe: 
Q: "What exactly is a casual relationship?" 
Leading an Emotional Discussion
One of the strengths of UC Berkeley is the engagement of students, faculty and staff in campus dialogue. At times these discussions can be emotionally charged and those leading the discussion are looking for guidance about how to support students who may be understandably distressed by the content. There cannot be a counseling presence at all of these events and moderators/leaders are often in the role of facilitating discussion and addressing emotions that arise. Read our Suggestions for Leading an Emotional Discussion
Potential ACA Repeal & SHIP 
Many in our community are worried about the proposed repeal of ACA and how that may impact them and their families. The proposed repeal will not impact Berkeley SHIP's plan this year, nor in 2017-18. Berkeley is adding a few benefits next year, with a focus on protecting the robust benefits offered through Berkeley SHIP while maint aining affordability of the plan.  Students who waived SHIP can submit a waiver reversal and join SHIP at any point in the semester in they ever lose coverage. Additionally, all eligible students are offered SHIP regardless of their immigration status.  Read more details on UHS' Statement on Potential Affordable Care Act (ACA) Repeal.
Spring Break Hours
During Spring Break most offices will be open with limited service Monday-Thursday, March 27-30 (last Urgent Care and CPS check-in at 4:30pm). The Tang center will be closed Friday-Sunday, March 31-April 2. View our hours and see After Hours Assistance for resources while Tang is closed.
Going Abroad? Schedule Your Travel Clinic Appointment Now
Schedule your travel care visit six to eight weeks before departure when possible. Schedule online via eTang, call (510) 643-7177 or stop by the Specialty reception desk, first floor of Tang. Learn more about the International Travel Clinic
Schedule STI Screening Without an Appointment
Did you know you can request testing for chlamydia, gonorrhea and HIV without a medical visit through the eTang portal? Self-directed testing does not test for all STIs, and may not be right for everyone, depending on your sexual practices. Be informed, and take a moment to review the process: Self-Directed STI Screening
Upcoming Events
March 15, 16 & 17:  LGBTQ-Talk Drop-in Counseling  (repeats weekly)
March 17:  SHEP Sexpert Education Clinic, 12-3pm
March 17: Gender Spectrum Support Group, 11:15am-12:30pm, Chavez 242 (repeats weekly)
March 21 & 22: Bears Got Your Back Photoshoot, 11am-2pm, upper Sproul
March 22: Drop-in Nutrition Education - 2:30-5pm (repeats weekly)
March 22: Blood Drives
March 31-April 2:  UHS closed
View the full calendar
Pet Hugs Returns 4/4
Next month the  Pet Hugs pack  will be out on Sproul Tuesday, April 4, 12-1pm. Stay tuned to our  Facebook page  for a list of which dogs will be attending next month.

Save the date for RRR week Pet Hugs Tuesday, May 2 and Wednesday, May 3. 

Can't wait? Check out the therapy dogs in  our album  from the March 7 event.
What You Missed
Be Well @ Cal, UC Berkeley University Health Services
510-642-2000 |  2222 Bancroft Way, Berkeley 94720 |