July 11, 2023

We Are Hiring

South Dakota Parent Connection is hiring an Outreach Specialist for our Rapid City location. Become a part of an organization that works together to provide information, training, technical assistance, and support to families of children with disabilities or special health care needs.

This opportunity is a part time position, which allows for a wonderful work-life balance. Here is what Pam Brown, the most recently hired Specialist, has to say about her work. ” I work with an amazing team that is positive, supportive, and encouraging! Each day at South Dakota Parent Connection is filled with the opportunity to learn and grow, and the freedom to apply my skills and ideas. The most enjoyable part of the job is the interaction with parents and being able to provide them with resources.”


Disability Pride Month

July is Disability Pride Month. In July of 1990, ADA (the Americans with Disabilities Act) went into effect, which is the federal civil rights law that prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability. During this month, we can take the time to honor the history, experiences, accomplishments as well as the struggles of people with disabilities. According to the CDC, one in four people have a disability, which makes it the largest minority group in the US. 


The original Disability Pride flag was created in 2019 by Ann Magill, a disabled woman, and featured a zig-zag or lightning bolt design but after receiving input from people with visually triggering disabilities, the flag was changed in 2021 to have muted colors and straight diagonal stripes.


Each of the colors of the flag represents a specific disability. Green is for sensory disability. Blue represents emotional and psychiatric disabilities. White stands for non-visible and undiagnosed disabilities and gold represents neurodiversity. Lastly, red is for physical disabilities. 


What can you do to recognize Disability Pride Month? A variety of special events are occurring throughout South Dakota during the month to help recognize and celebrate those with disabilities. Attend the celebration event in your community or check out this site offers some suggestions on how to meaningfully celebrate and learn more about those with a disability.


Rapid City

ADA Picnic 2023 at Main Street

July 26th- 11:00 Am- 1:00 PM

Sioux Falls

ADA Day Annual Beer Release

Obscure Brewing Company

July 26th from 3:00 - 11:45 PM

Sioux Falls

Lighting up the Arc for the ADA

Arc of Dreams

8:00 - 11:55 PM

Hand Picked

100 Ideas for Keeping Your Child with Special Needs Busy All Summer: From making slime to going on a scavenger hunt-enjoy these ideas to keep children engaged during the summer months!

The Ugly Truth About ADHD and Lying: why some kids choose to lie when the truth is easier.

Less Hand Holding, More Independence: Save your incoming college freshman from an academic free-fall with these tips for planning ahead, choosing courses, and encouraging self-advocacy.

Research-Based Tactics for Improving Executive Functioning in Teens: this free webinar for teachers about improving executive functioning skills in middle and high school.

Anxiety is Often Misdiagnosed. Here's Why: Symptoms of ADHD and anxiety disorder overlap. Both cause restlessness and trouble falling to sleep. A clinician might mistake anxiety for the hyperarousal of ADHD, or misinterpret a child's worries and obsessions as inattention. It takes time to tease apart ADHD and anxiety.

Upcoming Opportunities

Here are some educational opportunities offered by South Dakota Parent Connection and by other organizations that can help support South Dakota families. A complete list of events can be found on our website at www.sdparent.org or Facebook page.

Single Parents and Employers Survey - The South Dakota Department of Health is seeking public input as it prepares its fiscal year 2024 Maternal and Child Health Block Grant submission to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Maternal and Child Health Bureau (MCHB). If you are a single parent, HR director, manager, or business owner in the Rapid City area, you are invited to take part in a survey regarding single parents in the workplace. Your participation in this survey will help gather information about local businesses and their employees and how our toolkit can best serve our community.

August 3, 2023 - Early Intervention Conference - This event is designed to celebrate and empower professionals who work with infants and toddlers and/or preschool age children with developmental delays or disabilities. If you are a team member of an IFSP and/or IEP, this conference is for you! Service coordinators, school district providers, BDI evaluators, private and health care providers are encouraged to attend. Learn more and register.  

August 16, 2023 - PACER's Symposium on Students with Mental Health and Learning Disabilities: Join PACER for a full day of informative, engaging sessions on the current best practices related to children's mental health and learning disabilities. Parents, educators, administrators, and other professionals will learn strategies to more effectively support students at school and at home. Learn more.

September 6 -7, 2023 - South Dakota Conference on Developmental Disabilities: The theme of this year's conference is Leading Change Together and will focus on developing partnerships to improve the well-being of individuals with developmental disabilities in South Dakota. This is a joint effort across multiple agencies throughout South Dakota. Learn more about the conference.

November 28 - December 1, 2023 - 39th Annual International Conference on Young Children with Disabilities and Their Families: Find everything you need to know about what's included in this year's conference and find out about the available family registration waivers and family scholarships, visit their website.

Office Hours: 9:00 - 5:00 CT

Monday - Thursday

Friday by Appointment

Call Us: (800) 640.4553

In-Person: By Appointment

Email Us: sdpc@sdparent.org

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This e-publication was developed under grants from the U.S. Department of Education Project Grant H328M2000666 and Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Grant H328M140021, Family to Family Health Information Center, $93,175; and approximately 5% financed with non-governmental resources. The contents should not be construed as the official position or policy of, nor should any endorsements be inferred by US Department of Education, HRSA, HHS or the Federal Government.