Upcoming Opportunities
Here are some educational opportunities offered by South Dakota Parent Connection and by other organizations that can help support South Dakota families. A complete list of events can be found on our website at www.sdparent.org or Facebook page.
Single Parents and Employers Survey - The South Dakota Department of Health is seeking public input as it prepares its fiscal year 2024 Maternal and Child Health Block Grant submission to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Maternal and Child Health Bureau (MCHB). If you are a single parent, HR director, manager, or business owner in the Rapid City area, you are invited to take part in a survey regarding single parents in the workplace. Your participation in this survey will help gather information about local businesses and their employees and how our toolkit can best serve our community.
August 3, 2023 - Early Intervention Conference - This event is designed to celebrate and empower professionals who work with infants and toddlers and/or preschool age children with developmental delays or disabilities. If you are a team member of an IFSP and/or IEP, this conference is for you! Service coordinators, school district providers, BDI evaluators, private and health care providers are encouraged to attend. Learn more and register.
August 16, 2023 - PACER's Symposium on Students with Mental Health and Learning Disabilities: Join PACER for a full day of informative, engaging sessions on the current best practices related to children's mental health and learning disabilities. Parents, educators, administrators, and other professionals will learn strategies to more effectively support students at school and at home. Learn more.
September 6 -7, 2023 - South Dakota Conference on Developmental Disabilities: The theme of this year's conference is Leading Change Together and will focus on developing partnerships to improve the well-being of individuals with developmental disabilities in South Dakota. This is a joint effort across multiple agencies throughout South Dakota. Learn more about the conference.
November 28 - December 1, 2023 - 39th Annual International Conference on Young Children with Disabilities and Their Families: Find everything you need to know about what's included in this year's conference and find out about the available family registration waivers and family scholarships, visit their website.