Upcoming Opportunities
Here are some educational opportunities offered by South Dakota Parent Connection and by other organizations that can help support South Dakota families. A complete list of events can be found on our website at ww.sdparent.org or Facebook page.
August 16, 2023 - PACER's Symposium on Students with Mental Health and Learning Disabilities: Join PACER for a full day of informative, engaging sessions on current best practices related to children's mental health and learning disabilities. Parents, educators, administrators, and other professionals will learn strategies to more effectively support students at school and at home.
August 23 and 30, 2023 - Early Literacy for Providers and Families - training will be from 7:00-9:00pm CT and 6:00-8:00pm MT. Participants will learn strategies to support young children’s language and literacy skills to increase their school readiness in home and childcare environments. A $100 stipend is available for all providers and family members from South Dakota who complete the class, and providers who attend with a family member of a child they support will receive an additional $25.
September 6 -7, 2023 - South Dakota Conference on Developmental Disabilities: The theme of this year's conference is Leading Change Together and will focus on developing partnerships to improve the well-being of individuals with developmental disabilities in South Dakota. This is a joint effort across multiple agencies throughout South Dakota.
September 22-23, 2023 - Parent Leadership Training for Educational Advocacy: PACER’s Minnesota Statewide Family Engagement Center (MNSFEC) is recruiting parents and caregivers for our annual Parent Leadership Training for Educational Advocacy. This two-day training is for people who have one or more children in regular education and want to learn leadership and educational advocacy skills. NOTE: special education issues will not be the focus of this training. Application deadline is September 1.
October 23-25, 2023-2023 Disability Services & Supports Fall Conference: Brought to you by SDRehabACTion. Learn more about the presenters and how to register on their website.