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February 25, 2022

337 S. ORANGE ST, NEWARK NJ 07103 ~ 973-623-0258

What's happening at St Antoninus?
Today, Friday February 25 @10 am:
Mass of Christian Burial for a Priest
Rev. William Halbing
at Saint James RC Church, Springfield NJ
If you cannot attend in person, participate via livestream:

As a parish, we are deeply mourning the death of a former pastor of St Antoninus, Fr Bill Halbing who served this parish from 1999 to 2021 (Fr Joseph's predecessor).

May Fr Bill rest in the Lord's eternal peace!

In the next few days, we will be posting our St Antoninus tribute edition in honor and in celebration of the life of Fr Bill Halbing.
This Sunday:
There are two Masses:
  • 8 am in Rectory Chapel
  • 10 am in Main Church (sung Mass).
9am is Holy Hour with Confessions.
More inside, including the live-streaming link for the 10am Mass.

Ash Wednesday is this Wednesday,
March 2, the start of Lent! More inside.
See our Lenten Schedule.

Rosary at 6:30pm.
Mass at 7pm
followed by Stations of the Cross.
(Mass will be live-streamed. Link to be provided)

Religious Education for our children is transitioning to in person classes, beginning next Sunday, the first Sunday of Lent, March 6. Breakfast at 8:30am and class at 8:45pm. More information will be given to the parents in the coming week.

√Reminder: The Memorial Mass for Engr. Bennett Okoro, beloved brother of Sr Genevieve Okoro, DMMM will be celebrated tomorrow, Saturday Feb 27 at 7pm. Please see Obituary and more information inside.
Sacramental Preparations at
St Antoninus

Call the rectory office to register or email at
Tuesday - Saturday 9-3pm

WEDDINGS. Contact the parish office one year in advance of the proposed marriage date.

INFANT BAPTISM. Expectant parents should call the office to register for the baptism of your baby. Most of our baptisms take place during Sunday Mass.

CATECHISM CLASSES FOR CHILDREN - take place on Sundays, from 8:15am to 9:15am.

ADULT BAPTISM & other Sacraments of Initiation – call to register


Reminders & Updates

Synod on Synodality Click here.

Daily Mass at 12 Noon - Tuesday to Saturday.
Intentions for Daily Mass are available. Note: One petition offering per Mass. Call or email to schedule petition offering. Please provide the name of the person and reason for petition and indicate if living or deceased.

Daily Rosary at 7pm on Zoom. (During Fridays of Lent, our Rosary is at 6:30pm)
Zoom link: Click here

Every Tuesday at 8pm, we have Scripture Study- in person & on Zoom ( following the 7pm Rosary, using same Zoom link). This is mainly focused on the upcoming Sunday Mass readings, based on the video series, "Mass Readings Explained" by Dr Brant Pitre, who is a renowned & insightful Bible scholar, followed by discussions led by our "household preacher" Fr Peter Okafor. More inside.

Come in person for our Midweek Wednesday Prayer Meeting at 8pm. Join us at 7pm for Rosary & Litanies. If you cannot come in person, join us on Zoom.! More info inside.

Come in person for our Divine Adoration Prayer Meeting at 3pm every Saturday. If you cannot come in person, join us on livestream. (On the actual date, search onYoutube: St Antoninus )

Every second Sunday of the month, Children’s ministry of the Liturgy of the Word during our 10am Sunday Mass in the rectory dining room led by Sr. Genevieve Okoro, DMMM. The children will come to Mass with their parents as usual and then they will be dismissed just before the readings begin and return during or just before the Offertory. This will NOT take the place of our ongoing Children's Religious Education Classes. Participation in this requires on-time arrival at the Mass.

Join our Cleaning Ministry which meets every second Saturday of the month to do a general cleaning of the Church. Call Doris Okolie at 347 748 502, coordinator of this mission of love & fellowship.

More! See updated chart of schedule of our liturgies & ministries. Participate in our daily online Rosary, Eucharistic Prayer Meeting, Scripture Study, etc.


Please consider making an offering to the Lord on behalf of St Antoninus, that we may continue our mission. See links inside. Thank you and God bless you!
Lent begins with
Ash Wednesday
(March 2, 2022)
Ash Wednesday -
Clean out the Covid Cobwebs!          
The beginning of Lent
A day of fasting & abstinence

MASSES with Distribution of Ashes:
12 noon & 8pm
Rectory chapel
(8 pm Mass will be live-streamed.)

Distribution of Ashes
Rectory Chapel

Below is the live-stream link for the 8pm Mass.

The Significance of Ash Wednesday
The time has now come in the Church year for the solemn observance of the great central act of history, the redemption of the human race by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
In the Roman Rite, the beginning of the forty days of penance is marked with the austere symbol of ashes which is used in this liturgy. The ashes symbolize the dust from which God made us.
As the priest applies the ashes to a person's forehead, he speaks the words: "Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return."
Alternatively, the priest may speak the words, "Repent and believe in the Gospel ."
Regulations for Fasting & Abstinence:
Ash Wednesday and Good Friday are obligatory days of fasting and abstinence for Catholics. In addition, Fridays during Lent are obligatory days of abstinence.

For members of the Latin Catholic Church, the norms on fasting are obligatory from age 18 until age 59. When fasting, a person is permitted to eat one full meal, as well as two smaller meals that together are not equal to a full meal. The norms concerning abstinence from meat are binding upon members of the Latin Catholic Church from age 14 onwards (From the USCCB website )
Below, more on Ash Wednesday:

Below, watch Fr Chris Alar: "Why Penances are Obligatory and Scriptural. What You Need to Know"

Reflections on the meaning and observance of Lent in preparation for the feast of Our Lord's Resurrection

by Fr. John A. Hardon, S.J.
Written for the Marian Catechist in 1989

It seems certain that a Lenten season preceding Easter goes back to the time of the Apostles. The length of time varied. But by the Council of Nicea (325 A.D.), which was the first general council of the Church, Lent is to be observed for forty days.

The number forty has a long biblical history: The forty days' fasts of Moses, Elijah and especially Our Lord in the desert.

During the early days of the Church, the observance of fast was very strict. One meal was allowed per day and, even in that meal, meat and fish were forbidden. By the fifteenth century, the one meal was taken at noon.
Gradually an extra collation was allowed in the evening.
The present legislation of Canon Law is as follows:
All Fridays through the year and the time of Lent are penitential days and times throughout the universal Church (Canon 1250).
Abstinence from eating meat or another food according to the prescriptions of the conference of bishops is to be observed on Fridays throughout the year unless they are solemnities; abstinence and fast are to be observed on Ash Wednesday and on the Friday of the Passion and Death of Our Lord Jesus Christ (Canon 1251).
According to the apostolic constitution of Pope Paul VI (1966), "the law of abstinence forbids the use of meat, but not of eggs, the products of milk or condiments made of animal fat. The law of fasting allows only one full meal a day, but does not prohibit taking some food in the morning and evening."

Spirit of the Lenten Season
There are two guiding principles for the observance of Lent. During this season, the faithful are to grow in their love of Jesus Crucified, and they are to practice extra penance for their own and other people's sins. Both aspects of Lent deserve some explanation.

Love of Jesus Crucified
The spirit of Lent is the spirit of Christ Crucified. Therefore, whatever enables us to better understand Christ's Passion and Death, and deepens our responsive love for His great love toward us should be fostered during the Lenten season.

Some recommendations:
1.   Meditation on the Gospel narratives of Christ’s Passion.
2.   Spiritual reading of books like Goodier’s Passion and Death of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Abbot Marmion’s The Way of the Cross, Edward Leen’s Why the Cross?, Fulton Sheen’s Seven Words on the Cross.
3.   Recitation of prayers like Soul of Christ, Sanctify Me [Anima Christi].
4.   Besides making the daily Way of the Cross, encouraging others to make the Stations at least on Fridays during Lent.
5.   Having some symbol of Christ’s Passion, like the crucifix or picture of the crucifix within easy eye vision to remind us of the Passion at odd moments of the day.
6.   Having some short aspiration which is recited (at least mentally) a few times during the day, like, “My Jesus Crucified,” or “Heart of Jesus, obedient unto death, have mercy on us.”
7.   Occasionally reciting the Litany of the Precious Blood.
8.   Spending some extra time before the Blessed Sacrament, asking Our Lord to grow in the understanding of His continued Passion now in the Church, which is His Mystical Body on earth!
9.   Making an occasional entry into one’s spiritual journal about, “How much the Passion of Christ means to me.”

Reparation for Sin. 
In practicing penance, we should keep in mind that there are two levels of reparation we are to practice, for our own and other people's sins. We are to expiate the guilt incurred by failing in one's love for God. And we are to repair the harm done by disobeying the will of God.
On the first level, our penance should be the practice of a deeper and more generous love for God
  • By making acts of divine love.

  • By doing our ordinary work with more selfless love for God.

  • By putting our heart more sincerely into whatever we are doing, and periodically telling our Lord we are doing it out of love for Him.

  • By deciding before Lent, what form(s) of charity I will practice towards those with whom I live or work. There is no more pleasing love of God, as expiation, than the selfless love of others whom God puts into my daily life.

  • By going through the spiritual and corporal works or mercy, and selecting one or more on which I wish to concentrate during Lent, as my form of penance-as-love, offered to the loving but offended God.

On the second level, our penance should strive to endure some pain in order to expiate the sinful pleasure that is always the substance of sin. This can take on a variety of forms, and no two people are the same in this matter. The following are merely examples.
  • More frequent reception of the Sacrament of Penance during Lent.

  • More frequent attendance at Mass.

  • Less time spent in eating, or eating less food, or getting up earlier than usual.

  • Sacrifice of some hours per week that would otherwise have been spent in watching television, listening to the radio, reading secular newspapers, magazines, or fiction.

  • Walking, instead of driving, and walking upstairs instead of using an elevator.

  • Doing without some delicacy at table, or not eating between meals.

  • Getting up promptly in the morning, and retiring in good time at night.

  • Answering letters or writing to persons who would appreciate hearing from us.

  • Gauging one's time in telephone conversation or conversation in general.

To download chart, click here.

This Sunday:

February 27, 2022

8 am Holy Mass in the Rectory Chapel
9 am- Holy Hour in Main Church

10 am- Holy Mass in Main Church

Come in Person!

Live-streaming only for 10am Mass

To watch the 10am livestream on our YouTube Channel: go to

Or go directly to the links below:
ADORATION livestream

Pls click


Pls click
Mass readings
Click on image.
Read this Sunday's Bulletin. Click on image .

Part 2 of the Bulletin:
Read Eileen O'Hara's Tribute to Fr Bill by clicking on image.
Read this month's (March) Antoninews.
Click on image .

Memorial Mass this Saturday, February 26, 2022
For those who cannot come to the Memorial Mass in person, below is the link for YouTube Livestream at 7pm EST, tomorrow, Saturday. Just click .

Engr. Bennett Chukwunyere Okoro was the second child and first son of the twelve children born to Christopher Anyanwu Okoro and Sussana Adaure Okoro of Olakwo Enyiogugu, Aboh Mbaise LGA of Imo State. His father, Christopher Anyanwu Okoro and grandfather, Patrick Emenyeonu Afoko were celebrated educationists.

His mother, Sussana Adaure Okoro was the first Enyiogugu girl child to graduate from the Mount Carmel School of Midwifery Emekuku and later, the Regina Caeli Teachers College, Ogbor Nguru. With such highly educated ancestry, it was no surprise that young Ben was marched off to school before his hands could touch his ears. He moved through the gears and left a reputation in each school he attended as a highly cerebral scholar and outstanding footballer.

With his excellent grades in the A ‘Levels, he had offers of admission to study Engineering from a host of universities in Nigeria and overseas. Ayodele Awojobi’s presence in the faculty of Mechanical Engineering University of Lagos (UNILAG) easily propelled the young Ben Okoro to opt for Mechanical Engineering at UNILAG where he graduated as the best student in his class. He became, also, the first person from Enyiogugu to be awarded a University degree in Engineering. After his A’ Levels he taught Mathematics, Additional Mathematics and Physics.

Engr. Ben was employed in 1974 as Well-site/Operations Engineer, Nigerian National Petroleum Corp. (NNPC) Port Harcourt. Later, he became Drilling Operations Coordinator and Drilling Superintendent Senior Operations Engineer, NNPC, Port Harcourt. He worked as Drilling Manager, Ashland Oil Nig. On his retirement from Addax he became consultant to several companies
Engr. Ben Okoro acquired professional training in the best Institutes across the globe during his illustrious career. He also attended countless professional courses including Drilling Project Management: Houston Texas, USA, 1992. Ben over the years, acquired several licenses and certifications in Horizontal Drilling and Production.

As a devout and assiduous member of the Roman Catholic Church, Engr. Ben Okoro belonged to several pious societies including the St Jude’s Society and Catholic Men’s Organization. He was an avid lover of music and Patron of the St. Michael’s Catholic Choir, Enyiogugu; a committed church builder who played pivotal roles in the construction of several churches including the St. Michael’s Catholic Church Enyiogugu. He displayed an acute sense of justice as a moral code. He was the soul of courtesy and humility. He was influential in the upliftment of the Okoro family by supporting the training and education of many of his siblings. He was also instrumental in bringing several young people into the Oil Industry.

Ben translated peacefully in the morning of Sunday, January 16, 2022 after a brief illness. His life was an impactful and meaningful life well-lived. He will be dearly missed, but everyone knows that Engr. Ben Okoro, will be forever present in our hearts and our memories.

He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Ibitoru Okoro; two sons, Kelechi and Chijindu Okoro and a daughter, Aneto Okoro. He is also survived by three grandchildren; daughters-in-law, brothers, sisters, brothers-in law, Sisters-in-law, nephews, nieces, uncle, aunts and cousins, etc.
May his soul rest in peace. AMEN.

Sr. Mary Genevieve Okoro, DMMM

Read Sr Mary Genevieve's tribute to her brother, Bennett Chukwunyere Okoro. Click here.

Every Wednesday night- our Holy Spirit midweek refreshment!


For those who cannot join us in person , join us via Zoom.

Meeting ID: 823 8386 9993

Passcode: Rosary

One tap mobile
+13126266799,82383869993# US

For audio only - phones +1 929 205 6099 US

Tuesday nights!
Scripture Study
We have added a video series by Dr. Brant Pitre to our Tuesday Night Scripture Study. Join us in person and on Zoom! Start with the Rosary at 7pm (Rosary every nite at 7pm), then the Scripture Study starts at 8pm.
A note about Dr Pitre:

Dr Brant Pitre is a renowned & insightful Bible scholar.

What blessing it is to listen to Dr Pitre's study on the Mass readings, to " be instructed in the Old Testament background of the Gospel, the Jewish rabbinical tradition, the testimony and interpretation of the early Church Fathers, the Church's magisterial teaching, and the personal insights of a leading Catholic Scripture scholar.
Dr. Pitre makes the Scripture come alive, and his love for God's Word comes through loud and clear. He communicates profound insights into Scripture in a manner available to everyone, from the beginner to the accomplished student or scholar"
Fr. Miles Walsh, S.T.D.

The discussions following the video presentation is led by our own Fr Peter Okafor.

Below: our "Hybrid" Scripture Class is now both in person and via Zoom. Join us every Tuesday night at 8pm.
For those who can only join via Zoom, here is the link:
(Same link for Rosary & Prayer Meeting)

Just click 

Meeting ID: 823 8386 9993

Passcode: Rosary

One tap mobile
+13126266799,82383869993# US

For audio only - phones +1 929 205 6099 US
Visit JESUS in the Most Blessed Sacrament!

Tuesday thru Saturday
9am to 8pm 
Our Lady of Guadalupe Chapel.
Could you not watch with me one hour?
Mark 14: 40b
Our Lady of Guadalupe Chapel is open for personal visits with our Eucharistic Lord. Spend precious time alone with Jesus!
To obtain the door combination, you will need to register simply emailing us at Give your full name, tel #, and your address. This will give you an access to our security key pad.
Oh come, let us worship and bow down;
let us kneel before the Lord, our Maker!
Click here. For more detailed information on our schedules, including online links, click on image below.
Please consider making an offering to the Lord on behalf of St Antoninus, that we may continue our mission. Thank you and God bless you!

We are accepting Zelle for online contributions. 
All you need to do is enter on the Zelle info:
Name: St. Antoninus Catholic Church
This means that you can open a Zelle account and put St Antoninus as a recipient.
If you don't have a Zelle account yet, it is easy to do this one time setup:
When you sign up, please include your email or phone number. Thank you.

Other options for Offering:
You can click below to choose other convenient online options and methods for your donation.
You also have the option to mail in your tithe:
St Antoninus Church
337 S. Orange Ave, Newark NJ 07103
Thank you and God bless you!"
337 South Orange Ave, Newark NJ 07103 
Rev. Joseph A. Meagher (Pastor)