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In This Issue
IDA Launches Reviews of University Teacher Training Programs
Adolescents & Adults with Dyslexia
Brain Activity Associated with Dyslexia Predates Difficulty Learning to Read

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 READ 2012

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February 16-18


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February 25 


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February 25


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March 2


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February 2012

IDA Launches Reviews of University Teacher Training Programs

IDA is conducting reviews of university-based teacher training programs in reading using the criteria set in the IDA Knowledge and Practice Standards. Nine university programs are currently undergoing the independent review, which began in January and concludes in April.  The university programs submitted a wide variety of course materials and requirements for the review, which will also include a site visit to the school. Read More.
Adolescents & Adults with Dyslexia

For older individuals with dyslexia, the demands upon them in school or the workplace are great. It is often assumed that students have acquired sufficient decoding and that their reading struggles are only comprehension related. However, struggling readers with dyslexia may have significant difficulty with word recognition and might not have established skills to identify unfamiliar words. Older students with untreated dyslexia have not benefitted from years of reading and the exposure to various kinds of complex texts. This may put them at a disadvantage with other key aspects of reading such as vocabulary, background knowledge, and comprehension skills. Read More.

Brain Activity Associated with Dyslexia Predates Difficulty Learning to Read

Brain Image

We may have an answer to a persistent which-came-first-the-chicken-or-the-egg question about dyslexia.   New imaging research in a study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences suggests that brain activity associated with dyslexia occurs even before undertaking the task of learning to read. Previously, it was unclear whether this activity difference results from the struggle to learn to read or predates the difficulty.   Read More.

If you have a recommendation for an article topic, or wish to provide an article in its entirety for consideration to appear in a future issue, please email  info@interdys.org

The LD Community Loses a Matriarch

IDA is sad to announce  that Phyllis Meisel  passed away on January 29, 2012. Phyllis, an IDA icon in the Boston area, was equally well known outside of Boston because of her far-reaching influence on the education of individuals with dyslexia. This includes her significant teacher training contributions, having been a President of the International Multisensory Structured Language Education Council, as well as, a Founding Member and Board Member of the Academy of Orton Gillingham Practitioners and Educators. In addition, Phyllis shared her considerable knowledge, expertise and wisdom through her critical involvement on IDA's Task Force and Alliance for Certification and Credentialing. She will be sorely missed. IDA extends heartfelt condolences to her daughter, Ellen, son, John, and granddaughter, Sophia. For more information, please read on...


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