issue 16
Good Evening, Dreamers!

So here we are. A year later. We won't go on and on about what we've all learned in the past 12 months, but we WILL say this: WE ARE PROUD. We are proud of you, of us, and of the work we are doing TOGETHER. Plus - it's still LIGHT OUT! We'd call that a win!

As for what's been going on with us: we have been SO busy this month - podcasts, events, panels OH MY! Be sure to check our Instagram for all the latest news and updates. If you read NOTHING else in this email, here is our MOST important update: we are now offering ON DEMAND interview advice/strategy sessions for our members! See below dreamWORK section for more details.

Also, stay tuned for more pending events in the coming weeks:

Members-Only dreamDIGEST LIVE about storytelling and facing adversity with filmmaker and viral Medium contributor Julio Vincent Gambuto

dreamMASTERS academy: Creating a Website 101 with web design expert, Sally Tudhope

How it Works @ Bell Works - March (Renewal and Growth) and April (Career Fair)

We hope to "see" you soon!

Marissa + Jamie
member benefits
Don't forget all your web membership includes! Click here for more info.
Introducing dreamWORK, a brand new arm of who we are, using the day-to-day skills of what we do (and have done for the better part of 2 decades). We are offering:

  • dreamRESUME (resume writing)
  • dreamPROFILE (LinkedIn help)
  • dreamBUNDLE (both!)
  • dreamONDEMAND (NEW): Need a little love on your job search strategy? Want to talk to an expert before an interview? Check out dreamONDEMAND - a 30 min call with our undivided attention.

Don't see something you need help with? Email us and we can discuss our other offerings. Web members get a discount. Click the logo to begin.

Remember - you can access the most recent dreamMASTERS academy classes on demand! Click the logo to begin.
the dreamcatchers podcast
Subscribe to our podcast on Apple here. We are also now on Spotify! Click here.
Some awesome new episodes that we just recorded are available NOW! Also, be sure to tune into our Facebook page to see when we are recording a new one!
Check out our current list of dreamJOBS HERE. We are working on a BUNCH!

Want to get all of our Choice emails too? Click here. And check out our company website here.
in case you missed it
Want to see what else we've been up to?
Check out past issues of the dreamDIGEST here!
welcome to the web

We have had so many people OFFICIALLY join us in the last month! Welcome to:

Jennifer Link Jacqueline Cabrera Carolyn Cope Julio Vincent Gambuto Taylor Barry Maggie Harris Maryanne Sharkey Delphine Leymarie Cheryl Schafer Alyse Dermer Rachelle Humphreys Janellen Duffy Dana Bronfman Melissa Cohen Melina Magriples Deborah J Holliday MSW Laura Belvedere Rob Smith Andre Benjamin Katie Silvers Stephanie Cartier Gabby Fuentes

And welcome to our newest dreAMBASSADOR out of Lehigh - Blair Haworth!

Know a student or entry-level superstar who would be a great advocate for what we are doing? Click here for more info on our program!
important reminders (again)
In order for us to track properly, we need you to OFFICIALLY JOIN US!
Once you do, you will receive an email with more information!

Make sure you are following us on ALL platforms - links below. If you don't LIKE US on Facebook, we can't tag/promote/share things you are doing!

Check out our website for more information!

Thank you to everyone for helping us continue to