issue 15
Good Evening, Dreamers!

Guess what? There are 129 days until the first day of Summer. We know it feels good to count down, to look forward, to have plans. What an unfathomable memory we are all creating. We feel better when we are inspired, which is why we plan to curate and create as many enriching and enlightening moments that we can for all of us!!! We deserve (and have earned) these upcoming dates. Flag ‘em and put them on your phone and calendar.

Thursday, February 18 @ 3pm, the dreamcatchers podcast:
We are incredibly privileged to have Rob Smith, CEO + Founder of The Phluid Project on the show! (Special #webatwork wink to dreamMAKER Laura Belvedere for the introduction!) Rob has created a brand combining his profession (retail) with his passion (a commitment to social justice). A fashion industry veteran, Rob has now made it his life's mission to lead a global movement of freedom, authenticity and self-expression. Join us on FB Live then stay tuned for the full episode on Apple Podcasts!

Thursday, February 18 @ 7:30pm, dreamMASTERS academy:
quiet the noise: a yoga class to pull you back into yourself featuring former what's the word (TENACITY) podcast guest, Tootsie Olan. See link in podcast section below - her episode was one our MOST LISTENED to ever! AHHH! We cannot wait for this, as Tootsie is our own personal fitness guru and we are thrilled to share her with our community! Come get a taste of her brand new Tootsie Olan Digital Studio, something she pivoted to create in the past year. Click here to register. Members - $10, Non-Members - $15, with proceeds benefiting Dermer Dreams.

Thursday, February 25 @ 11:30am, How it Works @ Bell Works:
The monthly panel we moderate at Bell Works in Holmdel is BACK for 2021! In honor of BHM, this month's topic is Courage and Inclusivity. A conversation we ALL need to hear. Local? Come by the Big Bang Cafe in the center of Bell Works and listen to us LIVE. (It's SO safe and well done there...TRUST us!) Click here for more info and find us LIVE on their Facebook (and ours) next week!

Thursday, March 4 @ 7:30pm, dreamMASTERS academy:
THE BRAND CRUSH PROJECT: Breaking Through the Clutter to Land Your Dream Job with co-founder of the dreamcatchers, Jamie Sztoser. One of our favorite topics, now finally packaged specifically for our community. Click here to register. Members - $10, Non-Members - $15, with proceeds benefiting the Society for Prevention of Teen Suicide (a cause close to our hearts - see clips of our interview with Susan Tellone below!)

Stay tuned for more pending dates in the coming weeks:

Members-Only dreamDIGEST LIVE about storytelling and facing adversity with filmmaker and viral Medium contributer, Julio Vincent Gambuto

dreamMASTERS academy: Creating a Website 101 with web design expert, Sally Tudhope

How it Works @ Bell Works - March (Renewal and Growth) and April (Career Fair)

We hope to "see" you at one or all of these events!

Marissa + Jamie
member benefits
Don't forget all your web membership includes! Click here for more info.
In our opinion, the most priceless thing you receive with your web membership is access to Marissa and Jamie's brain full of names and people who might be able to help you find some career inspo - our password-protected online dreamDIRECTORY. Think of it like a private curated LinkedIn - so instead of sending cold emails, you can connect to someone and say, "hey! I know the dreamcatchers too!"

Click the dreamDIRECTORY logo, check your listing and let us know if you have any changes! We did our best with the information we have to fill in the blanks but could always use your help. Forgot the password? Email us!

Also - don't forget about our private Facebook group! This is one of our home-bases; a place for you to come to collaborate, network, and share. Do not be shy. Not a member yet? Join the web and then click here.
Need some resume love? No idea how to use LinkedIn? We are here to help. Introducing dreamWORK, a brand new arm of who we are, using the day-to-day skills of what we do (and have done for the better part of 2 decades). Don't see something you need help with? Email us and we can discuss our other offerings. Web members get a discount. Click the logo to begin.

As mentioned above, members also receive discounted pricing for dreamMASTERS academy, our carefully curated enrichment programming, and we have several exciting classes coming up in the next few weeks! We also have all of our past classes available on demand. Click the logo to begin.
As a web member, you also get direct access to Marissa, Jamie and their team via House Calls (mentoring sessions). Don't forget to grab time with us! Check out our Calendly by clicking the logo above and let's get dreaming.

Other benefits of your web membership include:

  1. Placement in a constellation (an individualized group of stars with our dreamMAKERS) – we will then arrange networking sessions for others in the web with similar goals (note: this is based on enrollment so please be patient!)
  2. When applicable, early access to our events and opportunities to connect directly with our panelists/dreamMAKERS
  3. First dibs on hearing episodes of the dreamcatchers podcast before the public
Don't forget to check out our Instagram Contest and help us grow! The first 5 people to get a friend to #jointheweb will get a $20 Amazon gift card! Couldn’t be easier. Don’t forget - both of you must like our page & share to your story (don’t forget to tag us @thedreamcatchers23). Once your friend joins, comment on the post and we will DM you to claim your prize!  
the dreamcatchers podcast
Subscribe to our podcast here.
Some awesome new episodes that we just recorded are available NOW! Click below for clips from our most recent. Also, be sure to tune into our Facebook page to see when we are recording a new one!
And in the spirit of LOVE, we wanted to shed a bit on our most listened to episodes to date...drum roll please...take a listen!

What’s Your Story (Conversations with Intrapreneurs):
What’s the Word (Conversations with Entrepreneurs):
What's the WORD: TENACITY with Tootsie Olan (see you at her dreamMASTERS academy class!)
What's the Matter (Conversations about current topics):
Live from Home: Julio Vincent Gambuto (see you at his dreamDIGEST LIVE!)
And just last week, we did our first collab/crossover podcast (our episode will be live in both places curated to both audiences)...What's the WORD: LOVE with Melody Pourmoradi
Check out our current list of dreamJOBS HERE. We are working on a BUNCH!

Want to get all of our Choice emails too? Click here. And check out our company website here.
in case you missed it
Want to see what else we've been up to?
Check out past issues of the dreamDIGEST here!
welcome to the web

We have had so many people OFFICIALLY join us in the last several months. Welcome to:

Annabelle DeGrazio Tootsie Olan Caren Boscaino Christina Gorini Josh Gryvatz Cristina Santos Lori Sawyer Michelle Faustini Meredith Paley Marissa Savino Williams Tilden Brighton Kristine Deer Rachel Rothman Mindy Scheier Nicole Stellke Vanessa Broochian Amy Scholz Bolanle Williams-Olley Robin Barrie Laura Burak Jacquelin Franklin Marsha Gryvatz Ali Kucich Katherine McDonald Justine Roth Elizabeth De Quillacq Jamie Paul Lucinda Nugent Sally Tudhope Soti McGinley Susan Tellone Leigh Genkinger Mikayla Cohen Alyssa Golub

And welcome to our newest dreAMBASSADOR from Jamie's alma mater, University of Michigan - Amy Rosner! GO BLUE!

Know a student or entry-level superstar who would be a great advocate for what we are doing? Click here for more info on our program!
important reminders (again)
In order for us to track properly, we need you to OFFICIALLY JOIN US!
Once you do, you will receive an email with more information!

Make sure you are following us on ALL platforms - links below. If you don't LIKE US on Facebook, we can't tag/promote/share things you are doing!

Check out our website for more information!

Thank you to everyone for helping us continue to