
Grace Space

the official e-newsletter of Enough Grace Ministries


Greetings in the name of the LORD, dear friend!

It is my prayer that this newsletter finds you and yours being blessed by the BEST! Our Father is so gracious, loving, and kind. May we always exalt King Jesus!

It is with overwhelming joy that I share with you God's abundance lavished upon this ministry. The past year has been truly remarkable. Time and time again, we have witnessed our Lord doing "exceeding abundantly above all ever asked or imagined." (Eph. 3:20)

I want to thank you, my friend, for your partnership! I truly acknowledge, value, and cherish every act of your giving. May God bless you for the ways you bless Enough Grace Ministries with your prayers, love, and support.

Please take a minute to enjoy The Grace Space. Savor God's sweetness! To Him be all the glory, honor, and praise!

love, Candise

a few highlights from the past year

"I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth." III John 4

What a joy it is to - in a teeny way - help spiritually parent other peoples' children!

January 14 at Maury City FBC was such a treat! EGM has gotten to watch this little gal (Laura Waddey Rice) grow into Godly womanhood. She served as hostess for this amazing night. GOD IS SO GOOD!


at 50-something years old!

Moments like this are what draw me back, summer after summer, to youth camp ministry. It is our honor to serve alongside Manderley Camp. GOD does some incredible things on this mountain.

Get signed up today, students!

Manderley Christian Camp, Pikeville, TN

April 29th was a highlight for EGM! My mom and I unexpectedly got to reconnect with this darling lady, Ms. Pat Walker. In May of 2014, Ms. Pat attended one of EGM's very first ministry events. This past April (9 years later), Ms. Pat showed up again at an EGM gathering - the Somerville conference. Unbeknownst to EGM, God called Ms. Pat to women's ministry at the May 2014 event. It was a joyous and an emotional reunion as Ms. Pat shared of God's calling, her surrender, and her rewards of serving Him in this new capacity for almost a decade.

Each Monday afternoon we get to serve our local high school students. Pictured here is our annual spring hiking trip. This past fall semester we studied The Red Sea Rules by Robert Morgan. All high school students are invited. Mondays 3:45 Covenant Ranch

Thank you, Good Day Paris, for inviting us to be on your show. The taping can be viewed on the GDP YouTube Channel. (It was great to have my dad along for this awesome night of bragging on Jesus!)

God allows EGM to be a part of a variety of ladies' gatherings - retreats, conferences, banquets, etc. It is always a huge blessing to join with local women's groups. Thank you, Springhill Ladies!

You are loved!


Your greatest gift to this ministry is your prayers!

Please petition the Lord to save souls and change lives.

May Jesus be exalted forever and in all ways.

We love you, EGM family, -

so very, very much!

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