Big Chill 2022
Dear Too Coolers,

Bringing you Pre Race info for the 2022 Big Chill adventure race.

Please pass the pre-race letter along to all of your team members.  January 19, 2022
Welcome to the Big Chill Race. We want to give you some pre-race info to help keep everyone happy. Please take the time to read through all information below. There's a lot here.
Directions To Park we are based out of the Rec Hall in Buescher State Park.

Check-in will be from 7-8 am Saturday at the Rec Hall  

Pre Race Meeting: will be at 8:30 am Saturday morning in rec hall for all sprint/12 hr racers. We will give out lots of info so everyone needs to be present.  12 hour racers you will need to be ready to board busses promptly at 8:45.
Map Handout for 12 hr racers ONLY will be done Saturday morning on the bus. You will receive your course booklet/maps and checkpoints. Teams will still be required to do the legs IN ORDER and still check in between legs. 

No pre riding trails this week!
GPS You simply cannot use a GPS to help you with your LOCATION!   However, GPS may be used to analyze race data after the event. Odometers, etc are fine.  

Boats: Too Cool is supplying boats this year. They are sit on top tandem kayaks for two person teams and canoes for three person teams. Please be prepared. There are single boats as well for the soloists. There will be paddles and PFDs supplied or you may bring your own. 

Teamlist: please check to make sure it is correct AND email us immediately if there needs to be any changes
Mandatory Gear: see website

Recommended Gear: see website
Weather: The race is on, rain or shine. Severe weather might make race directors have to modify the course. If you are on the water during severe weather you must pull over to the nearest land. We will do everything we can to ensure a safe, fun race.  
Ranking will be as followed: 
1) Teams with all CPs + time
2) Teams with most CPs + time
Race cut-off  will be  4:00  pm on Saturday for the Sprint Racers, 9:00 pm for the 12 hr racers .

Canned goodsWe are proud to support the local foodbank. Don't forget them!  5 per Racer. This will allow teams to use a 'skip' point during the race.

Support is allowed in the TA only. Friends and family are welcome and are required to pay the entrance fee.

Covid-yup, we are all pretty sick of it by now. But we are recommending you social distance inside the rec hall, wear a mask if possible and use common sense.

100 mile challenge finishers we will have your pint glass and sticker waiting for you at check-in. Congrats!

Remember this is adventure racing Too Cool style and you should expect the unexpected at all times. Some of the things you may expect would be carrying running shoes on a bike/trek leg, ensuring you can keep a map or important instruction sheet dry, thinking outside the box, reading instructions VERY carefully , carrying mandatory gear and much more! 
Thank you, Robyn & Art

Any updates close to the race will be posted on our Facebook page. Make sure you have liked our FB page to get updates.

robyn cantor
  • Too Cool Racing, LLC

Robyn Cantor
Too Cool racing, LLC
| Too Cool Racing, LLC Website