november 2018
news from the blue
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a message from jill

If you've spent much time with me in classes, workshops or trainings, you've likely seen me make a hand gesture with my palms facing upwards, side by side. No matter the topic, the dialogue accompanying the self-created mudra is always about two seemingly unconnected or even conflicting ideas, truths or options. And the challenge of the moment is never about figuring out which is right or better, rather, it's opening the mind to the possibility of both/and. The contents held in each hand, no matter how incongruent they may seem, are rarely mutually exclusive. What if it's this and that? What if both are true?

practicing gratitude
As we enter this season of thankfulness, join us in the active practice of gratitude through selfless service and celebration of community. 
  • Seva Project: Beginning November 23, bring in new gift items to help fill stockings for the Salvation Army's Christmas Cheer Program, which registered 7,200 children in need this year. Then, sign up here to join Kristina, Rayneen and fellow yogis for some holiday seva on December 15 for a stocking stuffing party!
  • As a small thanks to our beloved blue community, we invite you to our annual, free Gratitude Flow class on Thanksgiving morning. Kristina will be guiding this all-levels flow & stretch practice, and we expect a full house. Save your spot now!
the gift of self-care

Give yourself the ultimate self-care gift as we embark on the holiday season. Prepare to be more fully present, calm and grateful as you face the busyness of the season with equanimity and peace.

Sign up for both the Tuesday 7pm  Reclaiming Equanimity series and Thursday 7pm  Yoga Nidra series for only $80. That's just $10 per class for all 8 classes! Visit the online store to register for this specially priced package-- just in time to experience the holidays in a new way. 


  • While we are so excited for her new venture, Yogi Oasis in Garner, NC, we are sad to bid farewell to our dear Kristen Rae. We're grateful for the time and gifts she has shared with us, and wish her the very best! Come by soon and say goodbye on Thursdays at 4pm or Fridays at noon- her last regular class at blue will be Friday, November 9.
  • We are pleased to welcome Andrea Rice to a permanent slot on Monday at 7pm for Flow & Stretch. We've had so many great teachers share that role this year, and are grateful Andrea will now be calling it her own.
  • Daytime Yogis delight! In Kristen's stead, Kristina takes over the Friday Lunch Flow beginning Friday, November 16 and Jill will offer Thursday, 4pm Heated Flow through the end of the year.

teacher spotlight: Kristina
Kristina in Peru
Q & A with Kristina

How does your practice change in the Autumn?
I love Autumn. It is the season that I feel the most alive and has always been the season I thrive in. Because the nights are longer and the mornings are darker, my morning meditation practice is easily much quieter and longer. It usually feels like I could sit forever enveloped in the morning darkness and quiet. (It does help that my dog, Charlie, sleeps in longer when there is no sun peeping in the window.)

What does equanimity mean? Kristina Pugh 1
Upeksha, the fourth of the brahmaviharas, might be most easily translated as equanimity. It is a state of mind which allows us to respond to all of life's fluctuations in such a way that we are opposite of the way James Bond likes his martini: stirred, but not shaken. This understanding of upeksha as equanimity stresses the importance of balance. A balanced heart is not an unfeeling heart. The balanced heart feels pleasure without grasping and clinging at it; it feels pain without condemning or hating; and it stays open to neutral experiences with presence. 

 Insight meditation teacher Sharon Salzberg speaks of equanimity as a "spacious stillness of mind," within which we can remain connected to others and all that happens around us. The state of balance, of oneness, that we seek to acquire through our practices of yoga and of upeksha is Samadhi. It may seem to have nothing to do with our everyday activities, but on another level Samadhi is the most important thing in our lives. This concept of equanimity brings with it the possibility of a deep living and deep hope about our growth as human beings. Patanjali teaches that we are always capable of experiencing Samadhi- that at any moment we can become whole and fully present.

Kristina Do you have any advice for first-time meditators? 
Don't stop! I promise it gets easier the more you do it. All you need is 12 minutes a day. Even 5 minutes of mindful breathing can go a long way. And, please ask the blue teachers questions. We are practicing along side of you, and have techniques that can help when you are first starting out.

Practice with Kristina every Saturday (10 am), Sunday (4 pm), Wednesday (7 pm), and Friday (noon), starting on November 16. Kristina is offering Reclaiming Equanimity, a 4- week practice featuring meditation, breath work, and restorative yoga later this month.

immersions & trainings

with Jill
November 9-11
13 hours RYT200 CEU
14 hours YTT300 CEU   
Through meditation, pranayama, restorative yoga and yoga nidra practice, this workshop invites deep self-study and inquiry. Join us to take stock and set intentions for growth in the year ahead.  
with Dani
December 7-9
10 hours RYT200/300 CEU

Soothe the thinking mind and open the door to the heart by exploring the essential philosophy and principles of Bhakti Yoga, the yoga of love and devotion. Learn about the power of ritual, sacred spaces, mantra, and using vibration and sound to surrender into oneness. 

workshops, series & events
Moving Grace: The Dance of the Spirit
with Glenda
November 17 | 1:00-3:30 pm

yoga tune up
with Jane Thibodeau
November 17 | 4-6:00 pm
Gratitude Kundalini Yoga & Sound Healing
with Amanda May
November 25 | 6-8:00 pm

with Kristina
4-Week Series | Tuesdays
November 27-December 18
Save $10 when you sign up for this and the Yoga Nidra series under packages.

with Kathleen
4-Week Series | Thursdays
November 29-December 20
Save $10 when you sign up for this and the Reclaiming Equanimity series under packages.

special classes
Exploring the Divine Feminine Series
with Angela   
November 4 & 11

Yoga 101 Series  
with Glenda & Rayneen 
November 6, 13, 20

Foundations I
with Kathleen
November 8 & 15

Yoga Nidra with Singing Bowls 
with Kristina & Melissa
November 16

Kirtan by-donation
with Rayneen
November 17

Sunday Sadhana
5 Elements Flow
with Jen Fisher
November 18

Gratitude Flow- Free Class!
with Kristina
November 22

Detox Flow
with Jill
November 23

Community Yoga - Free!
November 24

Pay What You Can Yoga
November 9, 16, 23

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