nov. 16, 2022
Creative Connection is your bi-weekly member-exclusive newsletter providing opportunities such as grants, workshops, calls to artists, jobs, resources and more! (Pictured above: Grantees from our recent grant celebration at UrbanBeat in Old Town, celebrating our Young Creatives, Artists in the Community, GRIT Grants and Michigan Arts and Culture Council Minigrant grantees. See more photos from this celebration here.)
The world needs you and your creativity, now and every day, so please keep making art, seeking out opportunities, going to those auditions and submitting those applications.
calls to artists
City of Lansing and the Arts Council announce the 2023 Arts Impact Project and pitch competition. Come pitch your project idea to the Arts Impact Project Pitch Panel on Tuesday, Dec. 13, 2022, from 4:30 - Last Pitch. Get all the info here. AND...don't miss the "Perfect Your Pitch " workshop this Wednesday! See below!

East Lansing Art Festival is seeking submissions for its 2023 East Lansing Art Festival held May 20 - 21, 2023. The ELAF maintains high standards of quality in fine art/fine crafts. All work must be the creation of the exhibiting artist: the original concept, design, style and execution must be attributable solely to the displaying artist(s). All work on display must be consistent with the images submitted. Artists must be 18 years of age or older. The jury fee, before and on Nov. 30, 2022, is $25.00. Beginning Dec. 1, 2022, the fee is $35.00. The jury fee is nonrefundable. Deadline is Jan. 31, 2023.

and beyond...
Light Space & Time Online Art Gallery announces an art call for the gallery's 12th Annual "Nature" Online Juried Art Competition. The "Nature" theme is the artist's interpretation and depiction of nature: geographical subjects, landscapes, natural objects, wildlife and natural environments. The gallery invites artists, regardless of where they reside, to apply to this competition by submitting their best representational or abstract art and photography. Deadline: Nov. 27, 2022. 

PleinAir Magazine seeks entries for their Nov. "PleinAir Salon Art Competition." Available awards of $1,100 per month, over $33,000 annually are given. The PleinAir Salon is an online art competition open to painters working in the traditional painting style. Plein air and studio paintings in a variety of mediums and subject matter are eligible. Deadline: Nov. 30, 2022. 

Boynes Monthly Art Award announces and open call to emerging artists worldwide to apply for the monthly art award. The Monthly Award will open on the 1st of each month with submissions running until the end of each month. Selected artists receive $50, publication on their website, newsletter feature and winner's certificate. Accepted categories are: painting, drawing, photography, mixed media and sculpture. There is a $10 application fee. Deadline: Nov. 28, 2022. 
perfect your pitch
Are you planning your pitch for the upcoming City of Lansing Arts Impact pitch competition? Unsure of what skills you need for success?

Join us as Small Business Development Center regional director Laurie Lonsdorf presents "Perfect Your Pitch," a free smARTS Workshop that covers the important elements of every pitch, including content, design and delivery.

In this session, Laurie will cover the must-have categories of every successful pitch, design tips to make your pitch visually appealing and secrets to delivering your live presentation with ease. Whether you are pitching for the Arts Impact Project or any other project, you will gain tips and skills from this workshop.

This workshop for the City of Lansing Arts Impact Project will take place on Nov. 16, 2022, 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. at MICA in Old Town. Get all the details and register!
december grant chat
Let's talk about grants! Grant Chats are casual drop-in gatherings held at area cafés. They offer anyone an opportunity to chat with our membership and program manager Taylor Haslett about project and funding ideas, grant opportunities, membership and more! Drop by Chateau Coffee Co. on Dec. 9, 2022, between 11 - 1 p.m. or email Taylor to get more details. Learn more.
Renew Today!
it's now or never...
Well, not never, but the longer you wait, the more you risk the chance of missing out on member-only opportunities! So why not renew your membership now? We love having you all in our community and want you to be there again next year.

you can do it!
You get so many great benefits, such as discounts on professional development workshops, grant opportunities, consultations, this informational newsletter and so much more. Please share the news with all of your creative friends, and make sure to click the button below to renew!
Don't forget to check our Events Calendar for upcoming arts and cultural festivals and events in our area! If you know an organization or event organizer who should be a member of our Festival Alliance, have them contact Taylor at for more info.

Come on...WOW us!
We want to share your stuff. Send your photos of your art things and creative happenings! We want to share them in this bi-weekly newsletter. Let all of your fellow members know what you are creating and doing.
Share the love! Email with all the goods.
visit for complete arts info!