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Weekly Alert August 15th, 2024

Summer COVID surge getting locals' attention

2 out of 3 Texas adults heard about it last week

According to CDC, 32 states, including Texas, are likely seeing an increase in COVID-19 infections in August. Levels of the virus in sewage water – a marker of COVID spreading in communities identified by using wastewater monitoringare three times higher in August 2024 than one year prior.

High awareness in Texas

Among Texas adults surveyed, 69% had heard about the summer wave of COVID in the last week. It was the highest awareness rate among the five states in the survey.

Why awareness matters

Research shows that as COVID infections increase in a community, residents take more precautions to prevent becoming infected. Health organizations and other community partners in Texas can help raise awareness of the COVID surge by sharing the resources below.

Why a summer surge?

In the short history of COVID, cases have typically increased during summertime. Reasons include increased social gatherings and travel, mutation of the COVID virus, and decreasing immunity if vaccines from the prior Fall were built to protect against different variants than are circulating in the summer. 

Who is most affected by the summer surge?

For severe cases of COVID, older adults (ages 65+) have the highest hospitalization rates. This helps explain why older adults are so aware of the summer surge. Among 619 survey respondents in five states (CO, MD, MO, NE, TX), adults 50+ were more likely to have heard about the summer COVID surge in the last week than those under 50 (57% vs. 36%). Make sure older adults in your life are taking extra COVID precautions during this summer surge.

This week's report is based on responses from a panel of 619 adult residents of Texas (n = 89), St. Louis, MO (n = 145), Omaha, NE (n = 89), Baltimore, MD (n = 169) and Colorado (n = 127) surveyed August 10 - 12, 2024. Explore these data and more at  iHeard Texas.

Shareable Resources

Click to download resources to share in your community.

Remember to include #iHeardTexas #iHeardTX when sharing on social media!

COVID Cases on the Rise Again!

An icon at the top reads “COVID summer surge.” An illustration of wavy line that moves from the bottom left to the top right with the words “COVID rates” on it accompanies this text: “COVID is on the rise. Again.” Across the bottom are the words “Here’s what you need to know”
In a text box with the title “Why a summer surge?” is this text: “Although COVID is still new, there has been a trend of cases increasing in the summer. Reasons include: More social gatherings; More travel; COVID virus mutating into new variants; Less immunity from vaccines built to protect against older variants. Source: Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health”
In a text box with the title “Who is most affected by the summer surge?” is this text: “Older adults (ages 65+) have the highest rates of hospitalization. Encourage older adults in your life to use extra COVID precautions.” To the right of the text box is an image of a man with dark skin tone, a purple button up shirt, wearing a surgical mask that covers his nose and mouth; he is giving the ‘thumbs up’ sign.
In a text box with the title “Who is most affected by the summer surge?” is this text: “Older adults (ages 65+) have the highest rates of hospitalization. Encourage older adults in your life to use extra COVID precautions.” To the right of the text box is an image of an older woman with light skin tone in a white blouse, wearing a surgical mask that covers her nose and mouth.
A title at the top center of the graphic says, “Where can I get tested, vaccinated, or treated for COVID-19 in Texas?” and below the title are a list of resources: COVID-19 website:; Visit local pharmacies like Walgreens, CVS; Visit Find a Test to Treat location near you at; Visit
Small related icons of the activities mentioned accompany the text: “Use these strategies to reduce spread: Stay up to date with COVID-19 vaccines; Practice good hygiene; Improve air flow; Mask in crowded spaces. Source: CDC”

Suggested Caption:

Research shows that as COVID infections rise in a community, people take more COVID precautions. What are you doing to keep yourself and your loved ones safe?

An updated COVID-19 vaccine is expected in this Fall. Everyone 6 months and older can get it.

#iHeardTexas #TexasHealth #COVID19

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