A Publication of Concord United Methodist Church - August 29, 2024


HARVEST CAMP - Be sure to join us for all the fun of making apple butter in the hills of Virginia Wednesday Nov. 6 – Sunday, Nov.10! This is Mission's major fund raiser to help finance all our mission projects and we can use all the help we can get! Can't go? You can still help. We need canning jars. Specifically, half pint, pint and wide mouth quart jars. If you have any you can donate, leave them on the silver food pantry racks or bring them to the missions office. We could use the rings too if you have them.


SOCIETY OF ST. ANDREWS – SoSA Tennessee’s Regional Director, Jeannie Hunter will be speaking at Community Care Night, Wednesday, September 4. Come hear her talk about Society of St Andrew (SoSA) and the Tennessee Gleaning Network. Learn how she coordinates volunteers across the state who rescue food at farms, farmers markets, and even processing facilities. Volunteers harvest food straight from farm fields when growers are done for the season, collect food that hasn’t sold, or package and distribute unmarketable but good produce (“ugly” food). You may have even helped at one of our crop drops in the past!

FEED THOSE IN OUR COMMUNITY - HOLIDAY FOOD BASKETS - It is time to start collecting items for the Holiday food baskets. Last year we handed out over 600 baskets for Thanksgiving and Christmas. You can donate from the list below or monetary donations are also accepted at ConcordUnited.org/give.

SEPTEMBER FOOD LIST: Canned Cranberry Sauce, Canned Yams (290z), Cake Mix, Frosting, Brown Sugar (1-2 lbs), Coffee, Tea (family size bags), Stuffing, Gravy Mix, Boxed Mashed Potatoes, Canned Green Beans, Reusable Shopping Bag

NEW HOUSING FUND - One of the greatest needs in our community is affordable housing. Families are having a difficult time acquiring the funds to secure a place to call home. We are starting a “housing fund” to assist families who are struggling. If you wish to donate go to https://onrealm.org/ConcordUnitedKnox/give/housingfund



CONNECT TO GOD AND CONCORD - Time to take your next steps. Time to Connect to God and Concord. This is our four-week group that introduces what we believe about God and the mission and vision of Concord United Methodist Church. This group is for persons new to Concord, those who are looking for a group to connect with, and parents who want to participate in a group that is covering material covered in Confirmation. This group discusses the mission and vision of Concord, the history of the church, Methodism, and Concord, learn about what we believe about God, and interact with the various ministries at Concord. This group is led by our pastors and staff.  To register, go to concordunited.org/events or use this LINKFor more info, contact Pastor Brooke at bhartman@concordunited.org.


DEEPLY ROOTED - Understanding the Bible deeply includes a foundation in the Old Testament. This fall Deeply Rooted sets our roots deeply in the Old Testament through Epic of Eden resources by Dr. Sandra Richter and reading scripture inductively that corresponds. This group meets Wednesdays, September 4 – November 20, from 10:00am-12:00pm in the Worship Center. Pastor Brooke Hartman leads this group. Cost for the study is $5 for binder with handouts and Bible readings. Register at concordunited.org/events or use this LINK. For more information, contact Pastor Brooke at bhartman@concordunited.org

CONCORD COMMUNITY NIGHT - September 4 - Come hear Jeannie Hunter share about Society of St Andrew (SoSA) and the Tennessee Gleaning Network. Learn how she coordinates volunteers across the state who rescue food at farms, farmers markets, and even processing facilities. Volunteers harvest food straight from farm fields when growers are done for the season, collect food that hasn’t sold, or package and distribute unmarketable but good produce (“ugly” food). You may have even helped at one of our crop drops in the past! MENU - Meatball Subs

EPIC OF EDEN - Is the Old Testament confusing for you? Do you avoid the Old Testament? Are you ready to learn how to understand the Old Testament and its connection to God’s overall story? Epic of Eden is for you. This 12 week group meets Wednesdays, September 4 – November 20 from 10:00-11:00 in the Worship Center classroom. We use the resources created by Dr. Sandra Richter. Group is led by Pastor Brooke. Register at concordunited.org/event or at this LINK. For more information, contact Pastor Brooke at bhartman@concordunited.org

RELATIONSHIP CHECK UP - Sunday, September 22 & 29 - 12:30-2PM - Sign up for the "Relationship Check Up". In this two session program, participants will explore a detailed report from their Enrich Couples Inventory (to be completed beforehand). Couples will be invited to capitalize on their strengths and learn practical skills to navigate their challenges. This experience is designed for couples who aim to improve their relationship and is not designed for couples in crisis. $75 per couple, fee due at time of registration. This includes lunch and childcare if needed. Register at ConcordUnited.org/events.

METHODIST MEN BREAKFAST - SEPTEMBER 8 - United Methodist Men will meet at 7:45 am on September 8 (not September 1) in the Fellowship Hall. We’ll have breakfast followed by our speaker, Rev Jeannie Hunter, Tennessee Regional Director, Society of St Andrew. She will discuss the history and successes of SoSA’s programs to intercept food that’s about to be wasted and divert it to people faced with food insecurity. 

Women are welcome. To be included for the headcount for breakfast, please text/call Chuck Parmele at 865-414-4463 or email him at parmelecc@aol.com.

55+ LUNCH GANG - Sept. 9 - noon - Corner 16 off Northshore - Click here to register.



Small Groups - 10:00-10:50AM

Confirmation - Room 243

Middle School - Room 242

High School - Room 240


5:30pm CCN Dinner

6:30pm Student Worship

7:15pm Small Groups

Student Leadership Team

Would you like to have a voice in what's coming up in Student Ministry? Join us on September 8 at 6:00pm in the coffee house, where we will make plans for the Spring semester and talk about the future of Student Ministry.

White Water Trip

Join us on September 15 for a great day on the rapids! Click the link below for more info and to sign-up:

Sign Up Here to White Water 2024!



8:50am-12:00PM Preschool Wing



10am - 10:50AM (K-5th)

Drop off in the Crossroads (Room 76)


KIDS WORSHIP - No kids worship Labor Day weekend



5:30-6:30PM Free community dinner

6:15-7:30PM Crescendo (K-5th) 

Starting this fall no community kids after Crescendo.

September 15 - TWEEN MISSION PROJECT - 4:30-6pm. Tweenagers come join us for a fun evening! Make dog toys for the animal shelter, meet cool dogs, and eat pizza. Sign up on Realm or click here.

September 18 - LOOP THE COVE FAMILY NIGHT - Join us for a great opportunity to get outside and support an important church ministry! CADES is Concord United’s Adult Day Enrichment program for senior adults. This event will help raise awareness for this awesome ministry here at Concord. Meet at church at 2pm if you’d like to caravan or meet us at The Cove to start walking at 4pm.A sandwich dinner will be provided! Register for every member of your party attending. Please let us know of any allergies. In addition to raising awareness for CADES we are also fundraising. Please consider making a donation to CADES at https://onrealm.org/ConcordUnitedKnox/give/loopthecove. The suggested rate by CADES is $40. Any amount will be a blessing to the CADES ministry.


Sunday, September 1

9AM & 11AM - Traditional

Sermon: Transformed by Grace,

Strengthened in Faith

Scripture: Romans 12:1-8

Pastor: Wil Cantrell

Hymns: I Come With Joy - UMH 617

O Church of God, United - UMH 547

 9AM & 11AM - Contemporary

Sermon: Transformed by Grace,

Strengthened in Faith

Scripture: Romans 12:1-8

Pastor: Becca Means


Gifts have been given in memory of

Gary Ramsey (Community Garden)

Betty Minnis (Building Fund and CADES

A gift has been given in honor of Catherine Braden to the Good Samaritan Fund.


The congregation mourns the loss of Curt James, Concord member since December 12, 1976, who died on August 25.


Wil Cantrell - 865-288-7424


855-CRISIS-1; 855-274-7471


LOST & FOUND - Stop by the lost and found shelf in the East Connector if you are missing a travel mug, shoes, jewelry, books and so much more! Once again we will be donating everything left to the Thrift Store.

CRAFT FAIR SIGN UPS HAVE BEGUN - NOVEMBER 16, 9AM-2PM - If you would be interested in signing up to be a vendor in this year's Craft Fair, click here for more information and how to sign up.

CONCORD PICKLE BALL - First come, first serve. Tuesdays, 2-8PM - For more information, contact Joan De Tar, 865-966-6728, ext. 242.

TECH TUESDAYS - If you are struggling with your phone, tablet or computer, make an appointment with Joan De Tar, 865-966-6728, ext. 242 to get a bit of help.

CHURCH OFFICE - Just a reminder that the church office will be closed on Monday, September 2.

ITEMS NEEDED FOR THRIFT STORE - We often get asked what items are needed at The Thrift Store, one category that we could always use more of is children's clothing and shoes. If you are cleaning out your closets, please consider passing children's items on to the Thrift Store. We will take any season of children's clothing; we prefer at this time of year to receive fall and winter items for adults. Also if you have any Fall/Halloween decorations to donate, we would love to have them. Just drop them off at the store, the items we do have are selling quick.


The Thrift Store is looking to hire part time employees for both sales and receiving.


PART TIME SALES ASSOCIATE, up to 20 hours per week. The sales associate will assist in the day-to-day operation of the thrift store, opening and /or closing, operating the POS system, arranging displays, greeting and working with volunteers. A heart for missions is required and retail experience is preferred.


PART TIME RECEIVING ASSISTANT to work 15 – 20 per week, mostly on Thursdays and Saturdays. The receiving assistant will help with unloading, loading, stocking, pricing, hanging items, work with our volunteers and greetings person making donations. A heart for the Thrift Store mission is required. 


If you are interested in applying, send your resume to missions@concordunited.org or call Jane Currin at 865-288-7427








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Concord United Methodist Church | 11020 Roane Drive, Knoxville, TN 37934

865-966-6728 | ConcordUnited.org