August 18, 2020                                                
Medicaid Managed Care Implementation Update
The Joint Legislative Oversight Committee on Medicaid and Health Choice received some revealing updates on Medicaid managed care implementation from NC DHHS leaders Dave Richard, Deputy Secretary for NC Medicaid and Jay Ludlam, Assistant Secretary for Medicaid. They provided insights into what the Department is working on right now and offered a number of key start dates:

Medicaid Clinical Coverage Policies Proposed Changes Incorporate Pandemic Lessons Learned
Telehealth became the star of the pandemic by keeping people in services despite having to quarantine at home.  North Carolina quickly ramped up their telehealth policies through a temporary waiver of federal rules and providers accordingly increased their telehealth capacity.  The list of qualified professionals who can provide certain services, particularly telehealth, was also expanded temporarily.  Both of these have the potential to expand access to needed services for individuals with Medicaid and Health Choice.  The outstanding question has been what portion of the temporary flexibilities would become permanent.  NC DHHS is taking steps to determine this through proposed changes to Medicaid Clinical Coverage Policies and is requesting feedback.  

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Substance Use Disorder Federal Confidentiality Rules Amended to Address Opioid Epidemic
Confidentiality rules related to substance use disorder services have historically been more stringent than confidentiality requirements for other diagnoses. This has made it more challenging to share consumer information from one professional to another. As the country moves toward a greater integration of care, data sharing through electronic health records, health information exchanges and other mechanisms are fundamental. Not only are communities working toward better integration of care, but they are also coordinating their responses to the opioid epidemic.

i2i's Medicaid Managed Care Implementation Refresher 
With all that has been going on in 2020 and the delay in Medicaid managed care implementation, many of us have had our minds on other things.  With the recent passage of the bill to being the Medicaid Standard Plan program in July, 2021, many of us may need a refresher on some of the details.  If you are looking for information, i2i has it!  Here are links to articles describing some of the key aspects of NC's managed care program.

Standard Plan Value Based Care Models and ACOs 

More articles can be found at

CARES Act Medicaid Provider Relief Funds Available till August 28

CDC Data Showing 1 in 4 Youth Considering Suicide in last 30 Days 
Some alarming data recently released by the CDC found that 1 in 4 youths ages 18-24 "seriously considered suicide in the past 30 days," according to the survey.

This pandemic is creating more than just a health crisis, but a mental health and substance use crisis as well.  Other CDC findings are that 40% of U.S. adults reported struggling with mental health or substance use in the past 30 days.

Many are calling attention to the fact that behavioral health has been greatly underfunded for decades and it is clear that new funding will be needed to meet these challenges going forward. National Council statement.

988 National Suicide Hot Line to be Up in 2022 
On July 16th, the Federal Communications Commission voted unanimously to finalize
988 as the number Americans can call to be directed to the 24/7 National Suicide Prevention Lifeline hotline. The three-digit number will become available starting on July 16th, 2022.
Currently, individuals in suicidal crisis can reach that hotline by dialing 1-800-273-8255 (TALK). In addition, North Carolina has a crisis hotline through Hope 4 NC at: 1-855-587-3463 (FIND). 

Virtual Pinehurst Conference 
Exhibit & Sponsorship Opportunities Now Open!

Virtual exhibiting might sound a little strange at first, but in 2020, it is becoming the new way to market and interact with attendees at conferences.  

i2i has rolled our our virtual exhibit space for December 2-4th.  It offers great visibility and interactive features including:
  • A Comprehensive Exhibitor Listing on the Conference Website & APP - includes: live product demo, promotional video, logo, website link, organization description, staff contact, request for information and door prize sign up.
  • Ability to Host Live face to face "Office Hours" during Exhibit Hall Times - Interested Attendees Can Join - Add Push Notification About Your Meeting*
  • Ability to set up face to face meetings after Office Hours with potential customers during the Conference
  • Interactive Chat with Attendees
  • Capacity to upload video about your product or service for attendees to watch
  • Ability to export Leads and Contacts requesting information
  • Option to upload product/service photos
  • Upload Brochures/Information
  • Offer Booth Prize Give Away
  • Receive list of all conference attendees and contact information
  • 1 Complimentary Meeting Registration (for 1 exhibit staff) - Participate in Sessions

i2i Co-Sponsoring 4 Virtual Children, Youth & Families Regional Policy Institutes  

You are invited to attend a virtual Children, Youth and Families Regional Policy Institute  designed to educate and engage participants in a conversation around policy in NC that impacts children, youth and families. Each Regional Institute will include a keynote speaker, an Advocacy 101 training, networking opportunities and a region specific legislative Q & A panel. Questions, contact or  
America's Looming Mental Health Crisis and the Role Telehealth Can Play
As we enter month seven of the COVID-19 pandemic and see record-breaking case counts across the country, it's important to remember the other health crisis bubbling beneath the waves. Last week, several healthcare leaders gathered to discuss the coming mental health tsunami. 

Isolation from family and friends, home-schooling, working remotely, and the rapid increase in unemployment have largely contributed to the looming mental health crisis facing our nation. In an effort to bring these issues to light and think through solutions, our CEO and co-founder, Gil Addo, joined AbleTo Chief Medical Officer, Reena Pande, MD, and Genoa Telepsychiatry General Manager and Executive Vice President, Samir Malik. Led by Bunny Ellerin, the President of NYC Health Business Leaders, the group discussed the opportunities and challenges associated with bringing virtual care to the people who need it the most. 

United Health Foundation Donates $1.2 Million to ECU for Maternal Health Amid COVID-19 Pandemic
UnitedHealthcare has been committed to support and collaborate with purpose and resolve for COVID-19 relief. We acknowledge COVID-19 disproportionately affects communities of color. Sadly, the racial disparity gaps in infant mortality and maternal health rates were evident here in NC even before the pandemic. The mental health of pregnant mothers is concerning during this time as well. The eastern part of NC continues to suffer from these health and racial disparities.  Last week United Health Foundation donated $1,250,000 to East Carolina University's Brody School of Medicine to expand access to health care and improve health outcomes for NC's mothers and babies.  The funding will expand telepsychiatry services to better address the mental health needs of expectant and new mothers, develop and deploy a new obstetric care model for high-risk patients, and address food insecurity among pregnant women.

NCPA has rescheduled their conference for September 20-21, 2021 with the continued commitment from all those who planned to contribute to the 2020 event. 

Our sponsors and  members deserve special recognition for their dedication. Every day, they advocate for and enrich the lives of our state's most vulnerable populations.

Provider agency management and staff have a STEADFAST AND UNWAVERING COMMITMENT to the people who they support.

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i2i Center for Integrative Health | | |
1135 Kildaire Farm Road, Suite 200
Cary, NC 27511
(919) 657-0580