May 2020
Zero-Emission Train Slated for Arrow Service Recognized by SCAG
The Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) presented the 2020 SCAG Sustainability Award for the Clean Cities: Alternative Fuels and Infrastructure category award to San Bernardino County Transportation Authority for the Zero-Emission Multiple Unit Initiative at the May Board of Directors meeting.

This award honors efforts to promote low and zero-emission transportation in the region, with a focus on clean fuel vehicles and infrastructure. This award is presented by the SCAG Clean Cities Coalition, a U.S. Department of Energy certified program. 
West Valley Connector Project Environmental Document Approved
Preparation of the environmental document began in July 2016 to clear the West Valley Corridor Connector Alignment, as approved by the Omnitrans Board of Directors in September 2016. The proposed Project is subject to state and federal environmental review requirements because it involves the use of local, state and federal funding, including funds administered by the Federal Transit Administration (FTA). Based on the Project’s multiple funding sources, the environmental documentation was prepared jointly in compliance with both the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) of 1969. SBCTA is the lead agency under CEQA. FTA is the lead agency under NEPA.
Impact of Coronavirus on Sales Tax Revenue Anticipated
Sales tax revenue collections for Measure I 2010 through 2040 began on April 1, 2010. Cumulative total receipts for Fiscal Year 2019/2020 as of March 31, 2020 were $142,495,143.

The quarterly receipts represent sales tax collection from the previous quarter taxable sales. For example, receipts for January through March represent sales tax collections from October through December. Measure I revenue for the Fiscal Year 2019/2020 Budget was estimated to be $166,900,000.
Economist Offers Optimistic View of Post-COVID Economic Recovery
The SBCTA Board of Directors was given an economic briefing at their May 6 th meeting. Economist Christopher Thornberg from the University of California, Riverside, Center for Economic Forecasting and Development gave an overview of the U.S. economy going into the COVID-19 crisis, where we stand now and what we may expect as the economy reopens post-COVID crisis.

Since there is no modern metaphor for the COVID-19 crisis, economists are struggling to find a model to link to the current situation. The lack of data makes economic modeling difficult. He pointed to the drastic increase in unemployment as one indicator we can glean some insight from. Typically, unemployment is not a leading indicator of a downturn, but the result of a downturn.
Release of Construction Management RFP Approved by Board
The I-10 Cedar Avenue Interchange is the highest priority in the Measure I 2010-2040 Freeway Interchange Program. Cedar Avenue is a north–south arterial in the unincorporated community of Bloomington and forms a tight diamond interchange with the I-10. This location has been experiencing high levels of traffic congestion resulting in low levels of service. This prompted the County of San Bernardino (County) to proceed with obtaining environmental clearance for the Project, which was completed in July 2013.

On Wednesday, May 6 th , the SBCTA Board of Directors approved the release of a Request for Proposals (RFP) for Construction Management Services. Currently, the design package is 65% complete and the total estimated construction capital cost is $77.2 million. Ninety-five percent of the design package is scheduled to be completed later this year.
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