What's new this quarter?
Vacation as a Way of Life!
Aging Gratefully with Val!
Returning to the Office
My Network is Your Network!
After not having the opportunity to travel in 2020, I was thrilled to spend time in Ft. Lauderdale with good friends during the month of June.

Each day was a day of gratitude and thanks.  I love the beach and recognize how nurturing the water is to my mind, body and spirit.

My new life motto is “Vacation as a way of Life!” and I am guided and uplifted by this theme in every way!
As many of you know, I coach women in the 50+ age range and my platform is “Creating a Joy Driven Life”.

I help women identify and celebrate the joy that shows up in their lives and where there is none, we work together to put it in!

I also facilitate personal and professional development webinars.

Most recently my sister, Cheryl and I facilitated a webinar titled “The Challenges Of Elder Care”

Cheryl is an Elder Care Consultant and she provided participants with valuable information and resources.

Keep your eyes open for future webinars like this as well as caregiver support groups. If you are caring for an elder and are seeking resources and support, reach out to Cheryl and I at eldercare1415@gmail.com.

If you are a woman in the 50 + age range and feel stuck in your personal and/or professional life, please reach out to me for a free discovery session.
Well, it’s been 20 months, that many of us have been working from home, creating a new routine when it comes to work and a new way of meeting the demands of our home life and our work life. This is about to come to a screeching halt.
I have seized this opportunity to support organizations with understanding how to better meet the needs of their employees.  I’ve designed 2 workshops:

  • “Returning to the Office:  Creating a New Normal” and

  • “Returning to the Office, Creating a Trauma Informed Work Environment”. 
If you are interested in learning more about these webinars, please shoot me an email and for those of you who have been working remotely and are now returning to your work sites, please let me know how you are doing with making this transition.
My personal and professional life is grounded on establishing a powerful network!

I’d love to know what you are up to and if there is any way that I can support you, please let me know.

Email me to update me on what is happening in your life and I’ll let you know what I can do to support you!
“Power Networking: Where Your Career and Your Well-Being Meet” provides readers with a roadmap that integrates self-care, networking and career advancement.

It divulges insightful networking concepts and strategies which will help you learn the art of active listening, how to use social media as a networking tool, and how being of service naturally creates opportunities.

This book will help you catapult from an average networker to a power networker and achieve your goals in your personal and professional life.