eVOICE for July 4, 2024


The Seventh Sunday after Pentecost

July 7, 2024

We will be celebrating virtual Eucharist with Transfiguration Church via Zoom at 9:00 am, and Holy Eucharist in-person at Good Shepherd Church 10:30 am.

Good Shepherd Mission Statement

We are a people who hear the Good Shepherd's voice.

We know by faith that we belong to God.

We are called to seek and love our neighbors as God loves us!


Food Drive Collection, July 6 at 11 am

Lunch Bunch, July 10, 12:30 pm, post 4th-of July lunch bunch with a patriotic theme! Bring a favorite dish to enjoy and come help us celebrate. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, UNITED STATES!

CHRISTMAS IN JULY?? Watch this space! Good Shepherd Social Ministries will be setting up the Giving Tree on an upcoming Sunday, with the goal of collecting a full Household Kit for a migrant family by the end of July. Look for the tree sometime soon and pick out a tag or two to help out!

Action in Montgomery (AIM). Do you want to help our community? Do you want Good Shepherd to help our community? One of the best ways is to be involved in Action in Montgomery.

While we have participated in some events, we are looking to expand our involvement and recruit more people. Did you know that Transfiguration Parish was one of the founding members of AIM? More Episcopal Churches in our area have been longtime members (Ascension, Silver Spring) and more are joining as well: Ascension, Gaithersburg and St. James Potomac. Check out AIM's website: www.actioninmontgomery.org


Bill Schauman from Ascension Silver Spring lists the 3 reasons he feels this organization is so important to him and his church:

  1. AIM is where citizens bargain in good faith (!) over how best to manage our collective life. This is a good description of AIM's approach.
  2. Participating is a way for me to fulfil my Episcopal baptismal vows. No need to elaborate on that.
  3. I get genuine pleasure out of seeing AIM identify and develop community leaders in their churches, schools, and apartments and neighborhoods.

"AIM is the most genuinely diverse organization I know. Black, white, brown, young, old, extremely old, native-born, immigrant, English-speaking, Spanish-speaking, citizen, undocumented-- all of us working together. Call me corny, but I find this inspiring." 


Here is your chance to find out more about AIM: Sign up for the Summer Training Series!! Four members of the Vestry have already signed up!!


AIM, ACT, and PATH Summer Training Series: Building Diverse Teams for Justice  https://www.actioninmontgomery.org/summer-training-series

Wednesday Bible Study - 11:30 am in-person with Deacon Linda Mahler

Telephone prayer meeting every Thursday at 9:15 am. The number to call to join the prayer meeting is 508-924-2778. If you have any questions contact Lynette Clark at 301-357-1726. 

From the Worship Team: 

We are hard at work to make sure that worship at Good Shepherd is both beautiful and

meaningful. There are several ways you can let us know how we’re doing, share ideas about what would make worship more fulfilling for you, or ask us questions:

  • Come to a worship team meeting. Email Linda (mahlerlindal@gmail.com) for the Zoom link.
  • Use this online form to give written feedback: bit.ly/GSECworshipfeedback. We see your comment as soon as you post it.
  •  Talk to one of us at church on Sunday.

Great news! Lynn Wood will be joining the worship committee as its lay member starting this month. We are looking forward to welcoming her onto the committee. Our next meeting is on Tuesday, July 9, 2024. If you would like to give us feedback at that meeting, please let one of us know.  

Supply priest Catherine Ballinger will be with us for the next few weeks. The conversation continues.… Ray, George, Debbie and Linda

Senior Warden Update


Have a safe and happy Fourth of July!

-Divine Presence, we humbly ask for your guidance and strength as we show up in our lives today. Help us to be fully present in each moment, to be open to new experiences, and to embrace the opportunities that come our way... Help us to let go of fear and self-doubt, and to step into each moment with grace and confidence. Guide us...in sharing our unique gifts and talents with the world. May our presence be a reflection of your love and light, inspiring others to do the same. Amen.


Opportunity to Reflect on the Gaza crisis – The Reverend Dr. Mae Elise Cannon, Executive Director of Churches for Middle East Peace, will talk at St John's Norwood in the parish hall on July 21 at 11:30 am. Rev. Cannon's talk will address "How our Christian principles should inform our engagement on the Gaza crisis." This talk is free and open to the public, and all are welcome. Light refreshments will be available. Address: 6701 Wisconsin Ave, Chevy Chase MD 20815. For more info contact Kirk at kirkcruachan@yahoo.com.


Shepherd’s Table is asking Good Shepherd for volunteers. Please follow this link for opportunities to volunteer or reach out to Daniella Burgos dburgos@shepherdstable.org. Thank you!

Food Drive, Saturday July 6th, 11 am

Grocery Shopping for our Food Collection-  All nutritious staples are happily received.

- Tuna, Salmon, or Chicken, in water

- Dry or canned beans (low sodium, if possible)

- Natural nut butters

- Brown rice (16 oz)

- Whole grain pasta

- Pasta sauce in plastic jars

- Canned vegetables (low sodium, if possible)

- Canned fruit (in juice)

- Fruit cups

- Shelf-stable milk in individual milk boxes

- Cooking oils and spices


EPPN Action Alerts 

Invest in Higher Education The America’s College Promise Act of 2023 would establish grant programs to invest in Historically Black Colleges and Universities, Tribal Colleges, and Minority Serving Institutions.

Episco-Pols Season 3! – The 2024 U.S. election season is well underway, as is our Episcopal election engagement. This season of our podcast focuses on how Episcopalians can embody healthy, faith-informed civic engagement this election season.


For questions, call Lynette Clark at 301-357-1726 or email ilovegoldens12@gmail.com


The Seventh Sunday after Pentecost

First Lesson: Ezekiel 2:1-5

Psalm: 123

Second Lesson: 2 Corinthians 12:2-10

The Gospel: Mark 6:1-13

The Week of July 7, 2024

Sun 7/07 via Zoom 9:00 am, Holy Eucharist in-person at Good Shepherd 10:30, Troop 97 3 pm, M de Vida 5 pm

Mon 7/08 M de Vida service 7 pm

Tues 7/09 SDA service 6 pm

Wed 7/10 Bible Study 11:30 am

Thurs 7/11 SDA 6 pm

Fri 7/12 SDA 6 pm

Sat 7/13 SDA service 9 am & 6 pm, M de Vida service 6 pm

Sun 7/14 Zoom 9:00 am, Holy Eucharist in-person at Good Shepherd 10:30 am, Panda computer class, 1 pm, BS Troop 97 3 pm, M de Vida 5 pm

Zoom Readers (9 am):

July 7 Elspeth Nunn

July 14 Elisa Elliot

July 21 Laura Meissner-Denmark

July 28 Susan Womack

LEM & Lector

July 7 Diane Russell, Elisa Elliot

July 14 Debbie Beebe, Greg Wood

July 21 Liz Cocke, Elspeth Nunn

July 28 Linda Campo, Lillian Luksenburg


July 7 Diane Janesko, Shaun Hardy

July 14 Joan Lewis, Kirk Franklin

July 21 Patricia Dorn, Florence Walters

July 28 Sal Campo, Eric Reiffenstein

Vestry on Duty

July 7 Shaun Hardy

July 14 Debbie Beebe

July 21 Liz Cocke

July 28 Lillian Luksenburg


Sue Womack (GS member), Carol Lewis (GS member), Frank Desmond (GS member), John Elliott (GS member), Joan DeMoss (GS member), David Jeter (GS member), Rosemond Cole (GS member), Althea Peters (GS member), Amber Garwood (niece of Linda Campo), Madison Smith (friend of Linda Campo), Paul Crawford (brother-in-law of Patricia Dorn), Robert Tschinkel (friend of Patricia Dorn), Phyllis Shipley (friend of Florence Walters), Jeanette Ottley (friend of Florence Walters), Med and Lynette Douglas (family of Florence Walters), Ena Veronica Hall (friend of Florence Walters) and Shannon Botts (daughter of Debbie Beebe).

Names of Family and Friends will remain on the list for 4 weeks.

Clergy & Staff

Deborah Beebe



The Rev. Linda Mahler


Organist & Choirmaster

George Drumwright


Parish Administrator


Vestry & Delegates

Senior Warden

Deborah Beebe

Junior Warden

Sal Campo

Shaun Hardy

Ray Battistelli

Becky Parks

Liz Cocke

Vanvisa Sivali

Lillian Luksenberg


Rosemary Addy

Eric Reiffenstein

Counters & Recorders (All serve on a rotating schedule.)

Ray Battistelli

Elisa Elliot

Kirk Franklin 

Arlene Mahon

Florence Walters

Greg Wood

Jim Woodhams

Allen Wyrick



Quick Links: GS website GS facebook Episcopal Diocese

Questions/Comments Form
