eVOICE for June 6, 2024


The Third Sunday after Pentecost

June 9, 2024

We will be celebrating virtual Eucharist with Transfiguration Church via Zoom at 9:00 am, and Morning Prayer in-person at Good Shepherd Church 10:30 am.

Good Shepherd Mission Statement

We are a people who hear the Good Shepherd's voice.

We know by faith that we belong to God.

We are called to seek and love our neighbors as God loves us!


Good Shepherd participated in Rockville Pride along with several other Episcopal parishes last Sunday and shared the love with our community!!

A Night at the Ballpark: The Episcopal Diocese of Washington is inviting all of its member churches to gather at the ballpark on Saturday June 15th to see the Nationals play the Miami Marlins. The only agenda is to have a good time. Game time is 4:00 PM. Purchase your tickets today.

Wednesday Bible Study - 11:30 am in-person with Deacon Linda Mahler

Lunch Bunch, all are welcome to join for a potluck lunch, Wednesday, June 12th, 12:30

Telephone prayer meeting every Thursday at 9:15 am. The number to call to join the prayer meeting is 508-924-2778. If you have any questions contact Lynette Clark at 301-357-1726. 

From the worship team:

We are hard at work to make sure that worship at Good Shepherd is both beautiful and

meaningful. There are several ways you can let us know how we’re doing, share ideas about what would make worship more fulfilling for you, or ask us questions:

  • Come to a worship team meeting. Email Linda (mahlerlindal@gmail.com) for the Zoom link.
  • Use this online form to give written feedback: bit.ly/GSECworshipfeedback We see your comment as soon as you post it.
  • Talk to one of us at church on Sunday.

Aaron Dunn, who preached for us on Palm Sunday, has now graduated from seminary and will be ordained to the priesthood in July. He is returning to preach for us at a Morning Prayer service on Sunday June 23rd. We will have the Rev. Catherine Ballinger as supply clergy for two weeks in June. We are hoping to find more long-term supply clergy after that. The conversation continues...Anna, Ray, George, Debbie and Linda

Memorial service for Don Schimmel- We are organizing a memorial service for our longtime organist, choirmaster, and friend Don Schimmel. Please save the date Saturday, September 28 for honoring him. The Reverend Patty Downing will be with us to lead the service. If anyone wants to help organize the memorial, please let Debbie know. 

Birthday Greeting Card Donations: we are looking for donations of birthday cards, such as the ones sent by charities. Please bring card donations to Good Shepherd.

Vestry Update

JasCiel Stamp has stepped down as Junior Warden for personal reasons. The vestry is so grateful for all her hard work and insight during the past year and a half. We have appointed Sal Campo to complete the term of Junior Warden (February 2025) and we are looking forward to working with him.

An Accessible Path of Discipleship

Here is the  portal for the Courageous Discipleship program on the EDOW website under the School for Christian Faith and Leadership. Thank you Rev Anna Olson!! 


EPPN Action Alerts 

Help Find Justice for Indigenous Women! Please write your members of Congress today to ask them to support legislation that will help address high rates of missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls.

Episco-Pols Season 3! – The 2024 U.S. election season is well underway, as is our Episcopal election engagement. This season of our podcast focuses on how Episcopalians can embody healthy, faith-informed civic engagement this election season.

For any questions, please contact Lynette Clark at 301-357-1726 or ilovegoldens12@gmail.com.

Messages from Presiding Bishop Michael Curry and the Episcopal Public Policy Network (EPPN)

“People of faith and goodwill can organize and address our governments to call for humanitarian aid to flow freely to those in desperate need in Gaza; for the release of all hostages; for an end to all targeting of children and other civilians; and for a de-escalation of violence in the West Bank and East Jerusalem.”   

 - Presiding Bishop Michael Curry

As death, destruction, and violence continue in Gaza, we urge you to lift your voices and do everything possible to put pressure on all parties for an immediate and sustained ceasefire. 

Shepherd’s Table is asking Good Shepherd for volunteers. Please follow this link for opportunities to volunteer or reach out to Daniella Burgos dburgos@shepherdstable.org. Thank you!

Food Drive, Saturday June 15th

Grocery Shopping for our Food Collection-  All nutritious staples are happily received.

- Tuna, Salmon, or Chicken, in water

- Dry or canned beans (low sodium, if possible)

- Natural nut butters

- Brown rice (16 oz)

- Whole grain pasta

- Pasta sauce in plastic jars

- Canned vegetables (low sodium, if possible)

- Canned fruit (in juice)

- Fruit cups

- Shelf-stable milk in individual milk boxes

- Cooking oils and spices



The Third Sunday after Pentecost

First Lesson: Genesis 3:8- 15

Psalm: 130

Second Lesson: 2 Corinthians 4:13- 5:1

The Gospel: Mark 3:20-35

The Week of June 9, 2024

Sun 6/9 via Zoom 9:00 am, Morning Prayer in-person at Good Shepherd 10:30, Troop 97 3 pm, M de Vida 5 pm

Mon 6/10 M de Vida service 7 pm

Tues 6/11 SDA service 6 pm

Wed 6/12 Bible Study 11:30 am

Thurs 6/13 SDA 6 pm

Fri 6/14 SDA 6 pm

Sat 6/15 SDA service 9 am & 6 pm, food collection 11 am, M de Vida service 6 pm

Sun 6/16 Zoom 9:00 am, Holy Eucharist in-person at Good Shepherd 10:30 am, Panda computer class, 1 pm, BS Troop 97 3 pm, M de Vida 5 pm

Zoom Readers (9 am):

June 9 Ray Groshong

June 16 Deena Groshong

June 23 Greg Wood

June 30 Laura Meissner-Denmark

LEM & Lector

June 9 Debbie Beebe, Araba Pobee

June 16 Donna Clemons-Sacks, Florence Walters

June 23 Liz Cocke, Arlene Mahon

June 30 Debbie Beebe, Anna Gilcher


June 9 Joan Lewis, Kirk Franklin

June 16 Patricia Dorn, Florence Walters

June 23 Sal Campo, Erik Reiffenstein

June 30 Diane Janesko, Shaun Hardy

Vestry on Duty

June 9 Lillian Luksenburg

June 16 Vanvisa Sivali

June 23 Liz Cocke

June 30 Ray Battistelli


Sue Womack (GS member), Carol Lewis (GS member), Frank Desmond (GS member), John Elliott (GS member), Joan DeMoss (GS member), David Jeter (GS member), Rosemond Cole (GS member), Althea Peters (GS member), Arlene Mahon (GS member), Greg Wood (GS Member), Madison Smith (friend of Linda Campo), Paul Crawford (brother-in-law of Patricia Dorn), Robert Tschinkel (friend of Patricia Dorn), Phyllis Shipley (friend of Florence Walters), Ida Watson (friend of Florence Walters), Jeanette Ottley (friend of Florence Walters), Med and Lynette Douglas (family of Florence Walters), Tristan Walters (nephew of Florence Walters), Ena Veronica Hall (friend of Florence Walters), and Hugh Walters (brother of Florence Walters).

Names of Family and Friends will remain on the list for 4 weeks.

Clergy & Staff

Deborah Beebe



The Rev. Linda Mahler


Organist & Choirmaster

George Drumwright


Parish Administrator


Vestry & Delegates

Senior Warden

Deborah Beebe

Junior Warden

JasCiel Stamp

Shaun Hardy

Ray Battistelli

Becky Parks

Liz Cocke

Vanvisa Sivali

Lillian Luksenberg


Rosemary Addy

Eric Reiffenstein

Counters & Recorders (All serve on a rotating schedule.)

Ray Battistelli

Elisa Elliot

Kirk Franklin 

Arlene Mahon

Florence Walters

Greg Wood

Jim Woodhams

Allen Wyrick



Quick Links: GS website GS facebook Episcopal Diocese

Questions/Comments Form
