Wednesday, June 5

GCES Kindergarten Graduation

Mrs. Bull's Class- 9:00 am

Mrs. Knight's Class- 10:00 am

Thursday, June 6

CCMS 8th Grade Promotion

CCHS Pavilion

6:00 pm

Friday, June 7


Words of Wisdom

Therefore, since we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us also lay aside every encumbrance and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us.

Hebrews 12:1


Grad Walk

This is always so much fun. The CCHS Class of 2024 paid a visit to Grace Christian Elementary to walk the halls to the school and be greeted by the kids who will one day be Cascade Christian graduates. It's neat to see our youngest and oldest students gathered together.

Kindergartners joined the group of seniors to represent the class of 2024 and 2036. Also pictured below with Mr. Teterud, are the students that attended Grace Cascade Christian Schools from K-12th grade. Such a fun tradition!

Night Of The Notables

Grace Christian 5th graders brought history to life by portraying notables last Tuesday evening. The Night of The Notables is an annual tradition that is a true GCES favorite.

Before settling in at their displays, guests had the opportunity to ask questions, trying to guess which notable the students are portraying. Later, visitors see the displays the kids created and learn more about their notable.

It's always fascinating to see who the students selected and why. As you can see from the photos shared (and these are just a few), there is a tremendous cross-section of current and historical figures.

Ellis Island Experience

Can you imagine traveling to another country with the intent to settle there? In some cases, you won't know the language or customs, it's uncertain what perils lie ahead on the journey. Such was the experience of countless forebears who came to America.

Our 4th graders tasted that experience as "Ellis Island" was created at school on Thursday. Our young immigrants came from various places- many selecting the land of their ancestors. You never know what may happen: a physical exam may reveal a health problem, and there would be other interviews about their previous life and questions about prospects. Some changed their names right on the spot.

It was quite an adventure. The experience was quite an undertaking, but so valuable in learning what coming to America was like. Thank you to all the volunteers who chipped in with staff on the endeavor.

Preschool/Pre-K Celebration

The first of many big steps, last week was a time of celebration for our Pre-K and Preschool students, who just completed their school year. What a fun time! Aren't they just adorable?

Among several of our kids are those whose parents came through the ranks of Grace Cascade Christian Schools. How cool is that?


Virtual Space Exploration

Can you imagine traveling through space? How about a trip via virtual reality? That happened last week in Science, as Mr. Malcolm scored some VR headsets that George Fox University graciously made available to us.

As you might well imagine, the sets take some getting used to. Once the kids figured it out, the reactions were priceless.

What an opportunity! Science class was nothing like this when we were in school.


Innovation Expo This August

Check out this exciting look into the future! How will innovation impact how we live and do business in the years ahead? Here's a great opportunity to learn more.

Senior Assembly

Wednesday was a time for celebrating our seniors with an assembly. Among the highlights, the ever energetic duo of Jack Knips and Peyton Maurer led us out in a color cheer, we premiered our senior slideshow video lovingly created by videographer Harry Gerhard, and we surrounded our senior class with a time of prayer.

Our time together concluded with forming a kind of parade route to cheer on our graduates-to-be as they walked out together for the last time.

Senior Speeches

That last task before graduation- the Senior Speech! In classrooms all around the high school, seniors presented in small groups before staff, families, and fellow students. Our camera caught a glimpse of Graycee Dorner, Claire Knips, Blake Skeeters, and Cole Stofflet.

Their speeches covered the range of memories, activities, valuable learning experiences and goals beyond high school. Parents- you can be proud of your kids, they did a great job.

Graduation Day

The big day! Students, staff, family, and friends gathered at the Cascade Christian Pavilion on Saturday to celebrate the graduating class of 2024.

As guests were seated, Cascade Christian musicians performed under the direction of Mr. Jerry Wood. The audience also enjoyed the student slide video, produced by Harry Gerhard of Lighthouse Productions.

Graduates entered as "Pomp and Circumstance" was performed by the band. Board Chair Travis Snyder opened in prayer, following a scripture reading by Brendon Van Wart. Zachary Northrop led us in the Pledge of Allegiance. He introduced GCCS Head of Schools Erik Ritschard, who made opening remarks, reminding us that it's called a "commencement," as it marks a beginning.

Elyssa Amann- one of our Valedictorians- performed special music. Fifth grade teacher Paul Sha was honored to introduce Salutatorian Graycee Dorner. She shared a verse reminding us that it is the Lord who directs our steps as we make our plans. Fourth grade Angi Amann stepped forward to introduce Co-Valedictorians Jonah Parker and Elyssa Amann, her daughter.

In her message, Elyssa used Matthew 6 to encourage us not to worry. Jonah spoke of what Graduation Day represents. Parker and Madison Todd were recognized as Challenger Cup recipients for representing challenger ideals well. Maddie then introduced the commencement speaker- beloved Bible teacher Mike Mayben. He shared an encouraging sendoff and charge to remain true to our faith- to remember the Creator in our youth. He capped off his remarks with a blessing from Romans 15:13.

Joezie Mitchell shared her testimony as she discovered that it is only the Lord who satisfies. Our student Sparrow Advisor has learned what it is to minister and be ministered to as she works through treatment for her illness. we are further grateful for how well her treatment is going. Mr. Walker gave us the charge to be salt and light. Nikhil Joseph and Sierra Samhammer gave a message of thanks for the hard work, patience, and sacrifices of the parents.

One by one, students walked across the stage to receive their diplomas from selected staff and coaches. Finally, School Board member Dr. Luke Murphy closed us in prayer.

Congratulations, graduates! This is only the beginning!


Youth Football Camp '24 & JR Boys Basketball Camp

Our annual Youth Football Camp is on! For incoming 1st through 8th grade boys and girls. Learn the fundamentals of the game we love in a fun, encouraging environment. You'll learn from coaches and players of the 5-time State Champion Challengers (including back-to-back in '22 and '23).

June 17-20, 9:30-11:30 am, Challenger Field, CCHS. Enter the gate at the end of Gilman Rd. The cost is $55. Bring athletic shoes, cleats, and water. Register via QR code or register HERE.

Jr Challenger Boys Basketball Skills Camp for incoming 5th-8th graders will take place on June 24-26th at Cascade Christian High School. See the flyer for more registration information.