[HAUMC Website]
February 9 , 2016
In This Issue...
Pub Theology in Lent

Boomers! Gen X! Greatest Gen! Millennials! All generations of adults ages 21+ are welcome at intergenerational Pub Theology in Lent. Usually meeting monthly on second Wednesdays, we're expanding: two sessions every Wednesday in Lent! That's twelve chances to discuss and share about God, faith, life, family, vocation, and more over a tasty beverage. 

See a list of real discussion questions we've used this year, plus our rules, schedule, and location lineups at hennepinchurch.org/pubtheology.

This week's Pub Theology events are on February 17
6:00pm-8:00pm | Bauhaus Brew Labs - 1315 Tyler St NE, Minneapolis, MN 55413 ( map)
9:00pm-11:00pm | Houlihan's of Richfield - 6601 Lyndale Ave S, Minneapolis, MN 55423 ( map)

Zentangle...the art of drawing meditation
Wednesday, February 17 from 6:00 - 8:00 PM  in the Art Gallery

As a part of our Hands On Lent Year (HOLY), this class will lead folks in the practice of meditative drawing available to everyone. Simple techniques will be shared and the class will end with a short worship service.

Be the Spark: 
Leadership Development for the Care of God's Creation
Saturday, February 20 from 9:30-4:30 PM
Centennial UMC, Roseville; Cost: $40, includes lunch

This dynamic and experiential leadership development workshop will help you lead the communities where you live, work, play and worship to take committed and sustained action to care for God's creation. Through facilitated conversations, we will explore the ways that climate change intersects with our concerns as people of faith. Participants will leave with organizing tools and strategic approaches to be successful in engaging their communities in reflection and action that will transform the world.

Please register by February 15 at http://bit.ly/1QAUUWz.
For more information, please contact Rev. Susan Mullin smullin@faithumchurch.com.

The Jesus Fatwah
Love Your Muslim Neighbor As Yourself
Led by Rev. Bill Mate
Sundays, February 21 & 28 from 5:30 - 7:00 PM

Feb. 21:  The conversation continues in Islam 101: Misconceptions, Islam in America, Making Connections with Christians and Muslims.

Feb. 28:  The conversation continues led by 17 Islamic and Christian scholars offering reliable information about what Muslims believe, how they live out their faith and how we can all be building relationships across the lines of faith.

Advance Directives and Funeral Planning
Sundays, February 21 & 28 from 11:00 AM until 12:30 PM

A three session workshop on creating or updating your Advance Directives will be held in the Art Gallery. You should plan on attending both sessions. The instructor is Koinonia Program Director Mark Peterson, a veteran hospital chaplain. Mark is certified by the Minnesota Council of Churches to do Advanced Care planning. A third session on "Planning Your Funeral," taught by Pastor Sally Johnson, will be held on February 28. Once completed, you will have the option of storing your Advance Directives and Funeral Plan at Church. Register for these workshops www.hennepinchurch.org/register, or at the Reception Desk in Carlson Hall. There is no cost.

LYFE Camp and Mission Trip Information Meeting
This Sunday, February 21 at 11:15 in the Church of Youth Room

Teens and parents are invited to learn about LYFE Camp (7th-12th Graders), the camp Pastor Nate has led for over ten years and the Senior High Mission Trip (9th-12th Graders). Learn about mission, content, scholarships, costs, deadlines, and more for both of these powerful ministries.

Selma: The Bridge to the Ballot Box
February 24 at 7:00 PM in the Art Gallery

Produced by the Southern Poverty Law Center, this movie was made to remind us that this event, more than any other, moved the Civil Rights agenda in this country to enacted legislation. It is made from film shot at the time and a great reminder of the human spirit moving with resolve.

Saturday, February 27 at 3:00 PM
St. Andrew's Lutheran Church in Eden Prairie

BellFest! is an annual ringing festival for handbell ensembles, and a terrific way to perk up a long Minnesota winter. As many as thirty-five handbell ensembles and all of their ringing equipment gather on a chosen Saturday to ring under the direction of a guest conductor. William H. Mathis will be conducting this massed ringing event. The repertoire, learned ahead of time, is rehearsed in this massed setting, and a concert for the public is performed in the afternoon.

The 3pm concert is free and open to the public.

The Copper Street Brass presents "An Evening at the Grammys"
February 26 & 27 at the Parkway Theater in Minneapolis

Join Hennepin's Artists in Residence on February 26 & 27 at 7pm as they celebrate music's biggest night at the Parkway Theater in Minneapolis. These concerts pay tribute to the music and legacy of award-winning artists and bands who have won, or have been nominated for, a Grammy. They'll cover songs from musical legends like Paul Simon and Stevie Wonder to modern day winners like Adele and Daft Punk. And the winner is...

Tickets range from $20-$55. Get yours today before the awards have all been handed out! Go to   www.copperstreetbrass.org or call (612) 722-3667 for tickets and more information

Hennepin's 'Gearing Up' to End Homelessness

One of the things needed to end homelessness is more affordable Housing. We can get that done by asking our legislators to pass bills that support the creation of more housing for those in need. Hennepin Church will join with other members of the Downtown Congregations to End Homelessness and the Minnesota Coalition for the Homeless in order to do just that.

Feb 29 - "Gear up for Housing," Plymouth Congregational, 6:30 - 8:00 PM
In preparation for the Day on the Hill we will go to "Gear Up for Housing" at Plymouth Congregational Church (1900 Nicollet Ave S, Minneapolis). There we will hear the insights of our spiritual leaders and learn about the 2016 legislative ask for housing and the homeless. We will also learn what has been achieved for housing and what is still needed. Free Parking and snacks will be provided.

March 15 - "Homeless Day on the Hill," MN State Capital, 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
We will journey to the state capital as a faith community to influence the shaping of laws that affect those experiencing homelessness. We will depart Hennepin Church to get to Central Presbyterian Church (500 Cedar Street St. Paul) by 9am. After Advocacy training, at 10am, we will travel to the State Capital to meet with legislators. To attend, please sign up at Hennepin Church's Reception Desk and also register online (free) at www.mnhomelesscoalition.org

Life Adventures: Aging and Addiction
Friday, March 11 at 12:00 Noon

Dr. John MacDougall, who is the Spiritual Care Coordinator at The Retreat, a twelve step residential program for addiction recovery in Wayzata, will address the many faces of aging and addiction in America. He is also a retired United Methodist minister and the author of the recent book Being Sober and Becoming Happy. Prepaid reservations due March 9. Cost $12.

Thursday Bible Study: The Gospel of John
Thursdays at 11:00 AM in the Longfellow Room

On February 25 the class will begin a new six-week study based on Adam Hamilton's book John: The Gospel of Light and Life, which explores the major themes of the gospel, gives context for some well-known verses, and follows the life, ministry, death and resurrection of Jesus. Class is led by Mary Mensheha and Juanita Reed-Boniface.

An Altar in the World.....
A Retreat for Women at Koinonia Retreat Center
April 8 - 10, 2016

Come away for a relaxing weekend at Hennepin's retreat center on Lake Sylvia. We will use the book An Altar In the World: A Geography of Faith by Barbara Brown Taylor as our guide. There will be time for worship, prayer, singing, hiking, reading, creativity, needlework, yoga and enjoying one another's company. No need to read the book before unless you want to. Cost is: $125.00 and registration can be made at hennepinchurch.org/register. Questions, Sally@haumc.org.

Outreach Notes:

March is Hunger month.
 A food drive begins March 1st. Donations will be given to the Groveland Food Shelf.

UMCOR Health Kits we have exceeded our goal!
We have 2760 kits that will be sent to the Sager Brown Depot in June. Thank you for your generosity and participation in this project!

I sing because...

Singing in the Sanctuary Choir offers a warm opportunity for community with a dedicated group of people who enjoy making harmony with each other.  Being able to participate in the cooperative blending of voices to create beautiful sound is a satisfying, and at times, transporting experience. Its also a splendid opportunity to learn from Bill Mathis, a skilled teacher, about vocal technique, music theory and music history.
-Sharon Rowe

Come join the fun, the fellowship and especially
the music
Practice with us on Wednesdays at 7:15 PM 
We are looking forward to seeing you, questions? 
Contact Bill@haumc.org

A Thoughtful Way to Start  Our Sunday Church Life
Sundays at 8:00 AM in the Border Chapel

Following the life of much of the Christian Church throughout the ages, we at Hennepin, for many years, have started our worship each Sunday with Holy Communion at 8:30 and now 8:00 A.M. It is a visible gift of grace by Jesus to his people where we meet him in a special way. It is also a visible expression of what it is to be a community of his people. You are invited to set the tone for the day by joining in this simple, quiet, and reflective half hour service. It is held in the Border Chapel at 8:00 A.M. each Sunday morning.

Please join us.

News from Koinonia
This is a busy week at Koinonia! Our Retreat Center's mission is to "foster and sustain beloved community for Hennepin Avenue United Methodist Church, other guests, and all of God's creation."  Please take a moment to say a prayer for this week's guests: Valley of Peace Lutheran Church Women's Retreat; Minnesota Annual Conference Soul Leaders; Julie Brooks Crafting Retreat; HAUMC Created by God Retreat; Gustavus Adolphus Freshman and Seniors Student Retreat. We pray that these retreats will be successful, and every guest will be blessed by Koinonia's hospitality.

Go to our event calendar at the HAUMC website to find out about upcoming events Hennepin Church.

One More Thing...

Worship With Us!

  8:00 AM | 8:30 AM | 10:00 AM11:15 AM
Submissions and Deadlines
The deadline for e-Spire is Noon on Monday for the upcoming Tuesday email. Please send to  ben@HennepinChurch.org or drop off at church.  All submissions are subject to editing for space and content. Thanks for sharing your stories!