March 29, 2024

From the Dean & Rector

Many thanks to the volunteers who have made this week go smoothly so far with grace and good cheer. Special shout out to Penny Pillsbury, Karl Fandrich, Lynda Pibus, Henry Kellogg, and Judy Contompasis for their above-and-beyond help with the Agape meal.

We're grateful for the participation of everyone whose camaraderie and worship moved us through sound, music, color, symbols, light, darkness, scripture, liturgy, sacraments, flowers, art, and prayers, all bound together by the Spirit.  

Cathedral Church of St. Paul News & Events

Good Friday Schedule Change and Service Options

Please make a note of the fact that St. Paul's will hold one Good Friday service this year, at 7:00 p.m. Worship will be held in person and live streamed via the Cathedral's website.

If you'd like to attend an in-person daytime Good Friday service, we found a few other options:

  • All Saints Episcopal Church, Good Friday service, 12:00 noon. 1250 Spear St., South Burlington.
  • First Baptist Church Good Friday service, 12:00 noon. A quiet service of prayer and reflection as we honor Jesus’ final hours on the cross. 81 St. Paul St., Burlington.
  • St. Mark's Catholic Church, 3:00 p.m. 1251 North Ave., Burlington.

Good Friday Offering

For 102 years, donations to the Good Friday Offering have directly supported ministries of the Anglican Communion Province of Jerusalem and the Middle East.

Through conflict, pandemic, and humanitarian disasters, the Good Friday Offering has remembered these siblings in Christ who cannot worship God freely. As we mark our Lord's passion and death on Good Friday, we remember those whom he loves facing injustice and oppression today, and remember the urgency of true, sacrificial love.

If you would like to contribute to life-giving ministries in the province, including St. George's, Baghdad, the eye clinic in Ras Morbat, Yemen, the Al Ahli Arab Hospital in Gaza; and numerous other institutions identified by their dioceses, please donative via the Good Friday Offering line on the Cathedral Webpage.

No Adult Forum This Week

There is no Adult Forum this week. In this "off" week, please consider the way you are formed by Christ's care for you, the cloud of witnesses that supports you, and the world about you. Many blessings. 

Calling all Chair Movers

We are seeking volunteers who have 15-30 minutes of time on Saturday morning to help us reset the Nave for Saturday and Sunday services. Come a bit early - at 8:30 - and participate in the Liturgy of the Day!

This is a job made much easier by a few extra pairs of hands! If you can stop by around 9 for a little while we'd appreciate it! Morning Prayer begins at 8:30 if you'd like to join us for that before moving chairs.

Cathedral Office to Close Easter Week

The Cathedral office will be closed April 1 through April 5.

Downtown Road Closures April 8

Burlington is in the path of totality for the solar eclipse on Monday afternoon, April 8, and city planners are expecting a significant amount of visitors. Many roads around town will be closed to accommodate crowds, including College St., Route 127, St. Paul Street, and portions of Battery Street, among others.

Additionally, Battery Park is the site of the post-eclipse celebration, so expect heavy traffic and crowds! For more information, check out the Obscura Burlington website, and please plan your downtown trips accordingly.

Young Adults Game Day

On Saturday, April 13, the Young Adults of St. Paul's (18-after-high-school to 40ish) will gather for an afternoon of tabletop games at the Cathedral.

We will begin the festivities with a special game everyone is invited to play together. Then folks will split into affinity groups related to the various games (and teachers) on hand. All levels of engagement will be represented: from casual card games to gateway board games to narrative-driven roleplaying games.

We will gather in the Parish Hall. Please bring a snack to share if you are able. Childcare will be provided. Saturday, April 13, 2 - 5 p.m.

Seeking Childcare for Young Adults Gathering

As you may have seen, the Young Adults of the parish will gather Saturday afternoon, April 13th. As you may have also seen, we are in need of faithful St. Paul's parishioners to spend time with our youngest followers of Jesus.

Perhaps you miss the times you spent with your own family. Perhaps you want to repay all the kindness you were shown by those who helped to care for your children. Whatever the case, if you have a special place in your heart for children, you are invited to be a part of the team that will spend time with the children of our Young Adults so they can get to know one another without the small (in size) large (in scope) demands for their time.

If you are able to help in this way, please email Bob for the particulars. Thank you so much in advance. 

Cathedral Square Portraits Exhibition

An exhibit of portrait photographs by Paul Van De Graaf and Gerry Davis will be on display in the Nave of the Cathedral Church of St. Paul, Burlington, during the months of April and May 2024. Cathedral Square was created in 1977 as a mission of the church and an independent nonprofit corporation to develop Cathedral Square Senior Living, the nine-story, solar-panel-topped building just east of the Cathedral, with 108 apartments for older adults. The project to photograph residents at Cathedral Square Senior Living was undertaken as a service to these subjects and to honor the missions of Cathedral Square and the Cathedral.  

Twenty-one residents, including one couple and one staff member, volunteered to participate. Each subject was photographed in color with a modern Sony digital mirrorless camera and in black and white using a Zone VI 4”x5” large format film camera. Each subject received a set of color and B&W prints to share with family and friends in time for the holidays.

An opening reception will be held on April 14 during coffee hour after the 11:00 o’clock service. This project was helped greatly by the support of Kim Aldous at Cathedral Square, Dean Greta Getlein, and the Cathedral Arts Committee. These photographers have teamed together previously on several projects, are good friends, and enjoy their photography and their work together.

Cathedral Arts Presents: Vermont High School Touring Choirs

Choirs from Mount Mansfield Union High School, Rice Memorial High School, and Colchester High School present a collaborative performance led by Choral Directors Caleb Pillsbury, MMUHS Choral Director, and Kevin Ginter, Rice HS Choral Director, featuring selections from Mass in Blue by Will Todd, and a folksong arrangement of Amazing Grace, among others. The performance goes on tour at Worcester Cathedral in Worcester, England, on April 23rd and 27th, 2024.

Tuesday, April 16 at noon. This is a free concert. Donations to Cathedral Arts are always gratefully accepted.

Coming up at St. Paul's

Friday, March 29: Reset Nave for Good Friday worship, 9 a.m.

abcdeGood Friday, Liturgy of the Day, 7 p.m.

abcdeCollection for the Good Friday Offering

Saturday, March 30: Holy Saturday Liturgy of the Day, 8:30 a.m.

abcdeDecorating of Nave, 9 a.m. – 12 p.m.

abcdeGreat Vigil of Easter, 8 p.m.

Sunday, March 31: Easter Day, Festive Holy Eucharist 9 & 11 a.m.

abcdeNo Church School, No Adult Forum

abcdeSilent Vigil & Witness Against Racism, 1 p.m.

Monday, April 1 - Friday, April 5: Cathedral Office Closed

Monday, April 8: Total Solar Eclipse, Burlington streets closed

Saturday, April 13: Young Adults Game Day, 2 - 5 p.m.

Sunday, April 14: Third Sunday of Easter, Holy Eucharist 9 & 11 a.m.

abcdeCathedral Square Portrait Exhibition Opening during 11 o'clock coffee hour

Tuesday, April 16: Cathedral Arts Presents Vermont High School Touring Choirs. 12 abcdenoon. This is a free concert, donations to Cathedral Arts are always gratefully abcdeaccepted.

Sunday, April 28: The Fifth Sunday After Easter, Holy Eucharist, 9 & 11 a.m.

abcdeNo Church School, Adult Forum

abcdeSilent Vigil & Witness Against Racism, 1 p.m.

abcdeCathedral Arts Presents Counterpoint Spring Concert, 3 p.m.

Children's Corner

There is no Church School this week. Happy Easter!

To view or download the Sunday Paper for this Sunday, click here.

If you have questions, please contact Katie Gonyaw at


From Out of Vermont Kitchens: Recipe of the Week

This Easter, consider making the following recipe featuring lamb, a traditional centerpiece for a festive meal. I'm especially interested in the tip about sauteeing without fat - would vermouth or water really work?

Savory Lamb Shanks

Excerpted from the introduction of the 1990 edition of Out of Vermont Kitchens:

St. Paul's Cathedral published our first cookbook, Out of Vermont Kitchens, in 1939. The world and the small corner of it that is Vermont were very much different then, and yet some things stay the same. The values that first book represents - fresh ingredients cooked with pleasure and creativity for family and friends - are with us still today.

Vermont itself is a blend of old and new, a study in contrasts. It is still a rural state with many small family dairy farms and sugarbushes, but in recent years an influx of new residents from "down country" has brought us new life and richness with their interest organic gardening, sheep raising, and the production of a variety of cheeses and homecooked products now sold far beyond our borders. While treasuring our wonderful maple syrup and dairy products, we also welcome the addition of a broadened range of produce, herbs and spices to our shelves.

Vermont is a place of distinct seasons and sometimes harsh climate, but always of outstanding beauty. Much of our life continues to involve church suppers, town fairs, country auctions, and rigorous outdoor activity, along with a penchant for self-reliance and the homegrown. Our more recent neighbors have often settled here because they too love these simper pastimes and values. Those of us fortunate enough to live here wouldn't be any other place.

So come into our kitchens. Sit down and browse awhile through our recipe files and well-thumbed favorites. Then join us around the table to share a dish that, in the universal spirit of kitchen creativity, you have made your own.

Join Us For Worship

Join us for our Worship, in person or via our Live Stream on YouTube.

Friday, March 29: Good Friday Liturgy of the Day, 7 p.m. in person and online.

Saturday, March 30: Holy Saturday Liturgy of the Day, 8:30 a.m. in person, Great Vigil of Easter, 8:00 p.m., in person and online.

Sunday, March 31: Easter Day, Holy Eucharist, 9 a.m. in person and 11 a.m. in person and online.

You can view or download the order of worship on our website.


Other Regular Services

All are welcome to join us for our weekday services:


Morning Prayer, Monday - Friday at 8:30 a.m. on Zoom.

Tuesday - Friday at 8:30 a.m. in person

Compline, Sundays and Wednesdays at 9:00 p.m. on Zoom

For Our Prayers This Week

We pray for blessings and joy for those who celebrate birthdays this week: Suzanne Garrity, James Sears, Peter Frechette, Sylvia Knight, Gordon Brown.

Let us name before God those for whom we offer our prayers: Debby Galbraith; Stan Walker; Katie and baby; Aimee Viens; Steve Savage; Delores and Vaughn Altemus; Sandy Nicholson; Tom Ely; Alice Van Buren; Sasha; Jasper Davies; Jim and Linda Larson; Joseph and Abby Gonyaw; Gina Hilo; Nancy Bloomer; Ben; Alex Versaw; Steve Burns; Barbara; Genevieve; Terrence; Jaya and Abby Kelly; Fran Carlson, Devin Starlanyl; Karin Davis; Laura Macke; Jay Slobodzian; Thomas McGrade; Ashton Christy; James Booze; Jennifer Jenkins; Michael Fay; Henry Maciejewski; P.J.; John; Lindsey Fay; The Anthony Family in Moscow, Russia; Marie Cole; Kim Martin; Helene; Cole; Nancy Johnson; Ella Baskett; Mary Magot; Jean Erno; Jackie; Lillian Robinson; Peter Adams; Elizabeth Webster; Pat Barra; Debbie Altemus; Vaughn Altemus; Naomi Hodgett; Helen McGrath; and Mary Carter. For Ukraine and those fleeing its borders and for the people of Russia, and the ongoing wars in Sudan, Myanmar and Ethiopia. For peace in Jerusalem and between Israel and Palestine. For all victims of gun violence. For all who grieve.

We pray for those who are in the discernment process, Henry Kellogg; and for Trinity Fellow, the Revd Nitano Muller.

Quote of the Week

"Easter is meant to be a symbol of hope, renewal, and new life."

-- Janine di Giovanni

Lessons for March 31: Easter Day

Almighty God, who through your only-begotten Son Jesus Christ overcame death and opened to us the gate of everlasting life: Grant that we, who celebrate with joy the day of the Lord's resurrection, may be raised from the death of sin by your life-giving Spirit; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.

Community News & Events

2023 Cathedral Square Annual Report is Here!

From Cathedral Square Chief Executive Officer Kim Fitzgerald...

Our 2023 Annual Report is here and I'm so excited to share the digital release with you! If you enjoy flipping through the pages, you can check out the flip book version here. Either way, I hope you'll take a moment to read our stories and join us in celebrating an award winning year.

  • Successful completion of our $1 million capital campaign for Memory Care at Allen Brook
  • The groundbreaking of Kelley's Field II in Hinesburg and plans for a new affordable housing community for older adults in St. Albans
  • A significant Medicaid rate increase for assisted living, plus investments in affordable housing and SASH® (Support and Services at Home) innovations
  • Impacts and data from year one of our SASH for All pilot in the Brattleboro area
  • Funding awarded from Senator Sanders to continue and expand our SASH Embedded Mental Health program across the state
  • Updates on our Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion initiatives
  • And many more heartwarming stories of our staff, donors, and volunteers going above and beyond to make all of this possible!

We're now well into 2024, with more ambitious goals ahead of us. Your support makes our success possible -- thank you for believing in us and ensuring vulnerable Vermonters have access to compassionate services and a place to call home. We couldn't do what we do without you!

Submission Deadline for St. Paul's eNews
This weekly e-newsletter is circulated on Fridays. Please send your submissions to Jennifer Sumner at by noon on Wednesday. Thank you.
Give On-Line Thank you!
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The Right Rev. Shannon MacVean-Brown, Bishop of Vermont

The Very Rev. Greta Getlein, Dean and Rector

The Rev. Canon Dr. Robert K. Leopold, Canon for Adult Formation

The Ven. J. Stannard Baker, Cathedral Deacon and Diocesan Archdeacon

The Rev. Deacon Susan F. McMillan, Cathedral Deacon and Diocesan Liaison

David Neiweem, Interim Director of Music

Jennifer C. Sumner, Office Administrator

Barbara F. Comeau, Financial Administrator

Katie Gonyaw, Children's Formation Coordinator

Adam Skiff, Property Steward