May 10, 2024

From the Interim Director of Music

Wow! (Or should it read: "Whew"!)? Three candidates for the new position of Director of Music and Cathedral Arts have visited over the past month. You welcomed wonderful pastoral musicians/leaders, presenting each an opportunity to get to know you in conversations, meals, interviews, individual conversations, rehearsals and worship services. Many of you were at one or another of the events in the interview process, getting to know aspects of each candidate's work. The Search Committee oversaw every bit of each encounter. 


Now to put all the puzzle pieces together! Who can unlock our emotional life through music? Who can teach and lead the congregation? Who can work with developing and maintaining the choral programs for adults and youth? Who can most effectively develop and lead Cathedral Arts into something that offers a sacred good to our communities at St. Paul's and in the area? Who is an effective colleague? 


Great questions! 


Remember the parable of the sower: "A farmer went out to sow his seed.  As he was scattering the seed, some fell along the path, and the birds came and ate it up. Some fell on rocky places, where it did not have much soil. It sprang up quickly, because the soil was shallow. But when the sun came up, the plants were scorched, and they withered because they had no root. Other seed fell among thorns, which grew up and choked the plants. Still other seed fell on good soil, where it produced a crop—a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown. Whoever has ears, let them hear.”


The St. Paul's community is dedicated to providing the "good soil" for this endeavor. Anyone who sows seed relies on trust, prayer and hard work. Your trust, prayers, and support of the search process and the work of the Committee will guide you in continuing to seek excellence, through community, music and worship, to reflect the glory of God. 


Thanks for inviting me to be a part of your journey. 


David Neiweem

Cathedral Church of St. Paul News & Events

Service Schedule Change Coming Up

We hope you will join us for worship this Sunday, May 12, when we celebrate the Holy Eucharist at 9 and 11 a.m. Church School and Adult Forum will gather in between the two services, beginning around 10 a.m.

Starting next week, Sunday, May 19, we will celebrate the Feast of Pentecost together in one service at 10 a.m., and we will continue to worship on Sunday in one service at 10 throughout the summer. Adult Forum and Church School are on hiatus for the summer, and coffee hour will take place upstairs in the Narthex. The weekly silent vigil time moves from 1 p.m. to noon.

Call the office (802-864-0471) or reach out if you have questions about service times.

This Week in the Adult Forum: New Testament, Part 2

Adult forum continues our survey from last week, as we continue to drink of the richness that is the New Testament, focusing on letters and the John literature (including the Apocalypse). What is a pseudepigrapha? Is the last book of the Bible called Revelation or Revelations?

Come and see this Sunday at 10:00 a.m. Discussion is encouraged. All ages of adults are welcome.  

Young Adults Potluck Friday, May 17

The Young Adults of St. Paul (18-after-high-school to 40ish) will gather for an evening of food and fellowship. Young Adults are invited to bring a dish to share as we get to know each other better and celebrate the coming close of the program year at St. Paul's. Please do not see bringing a dish to share as an impediment to participation: your presence is the real gift. Childcare will be provided. 

Friday, May 17, 5 - 7 p.m. at the Cathedral.

Childcare Sought for Young Adult Potluck

As you may have seen the Young Adults of the parish will gather Friday evening, May 17th. As you may have also seen, we are in need of faithful St. Paul's parishioners to spend time with our youngest followers of Jesus.

Perhaps you miss the times you spent with your own family. Perhaps you want to repay all the kindness you were shown by those who helped to care for your children. Whatever the case, if you have a special place in your heart for children, you are invited to be a part of the team that will spend time with the children of our Young Adults so they can get to know one another without the small (in size) large (in scope) demands for their time.

If you are able to help in this way, please email Bob for the particulars. Thank you so much in advance. 

Celebrate Pentecost with us May 19

One service at 10:00

On Sunday, May 19 we celebrate the Feast of Pentecost. Pentecost, or Whitsunday, commemorates the descent of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles and other disciples following Crucifixion, Resurrection, and Ascension of Jesus Christ, and it marks the beginning of the Christian church's mission to the world.

It is customary for clergy and members of the congregation to wear red on Pentecost, which symbolizes the fire of the Holy Spirit.  

We look forward with great joy to celebrating two baptisms at St. Paul's on Pentecost this year. We hope you will join us for our 10:00 a.m. service in person or online.

Following the service, we will gather for a Parish-wide potluck.

Recognition for Graduates

God has graced us with outstanding young people in our midst who have the potential to be transformative agents in the life of our church, community, and world.

On Sunday, May 19 we would like to recognize the achievements of our high school and college graduates. You can help us celebrate these young people in two ways: First, pray for the graduates and their families as they navigate this time of transition. Second, if you are a graduate or the family member of one, send us their name so that we can be sure to celebrate them.

Names can be sent to the Cathedral office:

Thank you!

Celebrate Pentecost with a Potluck Picnic

Join us after the 10 o'clock worship service on Sunday, May 19 for a parish-wide potluck meal.

We'll gather for good food, fellowship, and to celebrate the end of the church program year. While the life of the church continues throughout the summer, families are away, schedules change, and we bid a temporary farewell to Sunday school, the church choirs, and the Revd Bobby Leopold for the summer.

Please bring a dish to share. No sign ups required - just your presence! All are welcome.

Donations for the Joint Urban Ministry Project (JUMP)

On Sundays during the prayers for the people, when Rick asks for prayers "for all who come to JUMP for help," do you know exactly what that means?

The JUMP Drop-In Center (in the First Congregational Church on South Winooski) offers direct assistance with utilities, food, thrift store and laundromat vouchers, toiletries, and referrals, as well as the hospitality of a cup of coffee and a snack. JUMP can assist up to 15 households/individuals on Thursday and on Friday mornings. 

We can help JUMP help our neighbors with these donations:

TP (individually wrapped only) 

Shampoo (travel size only)

Razors (we put two razors in each bag. so double supply of razors is helpful)

Toothpaste -- at least 2 oz. size and no family size, please

If you'd like to help out, please put any donations in the basket near the front door of the church.

Cathedral Square Portraits Exhibition

An exhibit of portrait photographs by Paul Van De Graaf and Gerry Davis will be on display in the Nave of the Cathedral Church of St. Paul, Burlington though the month of May. Cathedral Square was created in 1977 as a mission of the church and an independent nonprofit corporation to develop Cathedral Square Senior Living, the nine-story, solar-panel-topped building just east of the Cathedral, with 108 apartments for older adults. The project to photograph residents at Cathedral Square Senior Living was undertaken as a service to these subjects and to honor the missions of Cathedral Square and the Cathedral.  

Twenty-one residents, including one couple and one staff member, volunteered to participate. Each subject was photographed in color with a modern Sony digital mirrorless camera and in black and white using a Zone VI 4”x5” large format film camera. Each subject received a set of color and B&W prints to share with family and friends in time for the holidays.

This project was helped greatly by the support of Kim Aldous at Cathedral Square, Dean Greta Getlein, and the Cathedral Arts Committee. These photographers have teamed together previously on several projects, are good friends, and enjoy their photography and their work together.

Coming up at St. Paul's

  • Sunday, May 12: Holy Eucharist, 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. Last Sunday for Adult Forum and Church School until September.
  • Friday, May 17: Young Adults Potluck Picnic, 5 - 7 p.m. (Childcare needed!)
  • Sunday, May 19: The Day of Pentecost Holy Eucharist, 10:00 a.m. Recognition for Graduates, followed by parish-wide potluck. Single Sunday worship service schedule begins.
  • Tuesday, May 21: Cathedral Arts Presents Lynette Combs, Organist, 12 noon.
  • Friday, May 24: Cathedral Arts Presents Transcontinental Piano Duo Elaine Greenfield and Janice Meyer Thompson, 7:00 p.m.
  • Saturday, May 25: Trinity Eve Holy Eucharist, 5:00 p.m.
  • Sunday, May 26: No services, Marathon Sunday.
  • Sunday, June 2: Holy Eucharist, 10:00 a.m., Cathedral Arts Presents Vermont Choral Union, 4:00 p.m.
Children's Corner

This Sunday will be the last Church School until the fall. All children ages four to 11 are welcome to join our Church School class, which takes place at 10 a.m. between the two worship services downstairs in the Undercroft.

We'll continue to publish the Sunday Paper weekly. To view or download the Sunday Paper for this Sunday, click here.

If you have questions, please contact Katie Gonyaw at


From Out of Vermont Kitchens: Recipe of the Week

I was initially drawn to this week's recipe because we're getting close to strawberry season, and because it would make a fun dessert for any mothers who are being celebrated this weekend. But after reading it, the author calls for thawed frozen strawberries - even easier, more accessible, and no waiting for those few short weeks of perfect fresh strawberries.

Mile High Strawberry Pie

Excerpted from the introduction of the 1990 edition of Out of Vermont Kitchens:

St. Paul's Cathedral published our first cookbook, Out of Vermont Kitchens, in 1939. The world and the small corner of it that is Vermont were very much different then, and yet some things stay the same. The values that first book represents - fresh ingredients cooked with pleasure and creativity for family and friends - are with us still today.

Vermont itself is a blend of old and new, a study in contrasts. It is still a rural state with many small family dairy farms and sugarbushes, but in recent years an influx of new residents from "down country" has brought us new life and richness with their interest organic gardening, sheep raising, and the production of a variety of cheeses and homecooked products now sold far beyond our borders. While treasuring our wonderful maple syrup and dairy products, we also welcome the addition of a broadened range of produce, herbs and spices to our shelves.

Vermont is a place of distinct seasons and sometimes harsh climate, but always of outstanding beauty. Much of our life continues to involve church suppers, town fairs, country auctions, and rigorous outdoor activity, along with a penchant for self-reliance and the homegrown. Our more recent neighbors have often settled here because they too love these simper pastimes and values. Those of us fortunate enough to live here wouldn't be any other place.

So come into our kitchens. Sit down and browse awhile through our recipe files and well-thumbed favorites. Then join us around the table to share a dish that, in the universal spirit of kitchen creativity, you have made your own.

Join Us For Worship

Join us for our Worship, in person or via our Live Stream on YouTube.

Holy Eucharist, 9 a.m. in person and 11 a.m. in person and online.

You can view or download the order of worship on our website.


Other Regular Services

All are welcome to join us for our weekday services:


Morning Prayer, Monday - Friday at 8:30 a.m. on Zoom.

Tuesday - Friday at 8:30 a.m. in person

Compline, Sundays and Wednesdays at 9:00 p.m. on Zoom

For Our Prayers This Week

We pray for blessings and joy for those who celebrate birthdays this week: Molly Comeau, Deborah Altemus, Alan Rubin.

Let us name before God those for whom we offer our prayers: Debby Galbraith; Stan Walker; Katie and baby; Aimee Viens; Steve Savage; Delores and Vaughn Altemus; Sandy Nicholson; Tom Ely; Alice Van Buren; Jasper Davies; Jim and Linda Larson; Joseph and Abby Gonyaw; Gina Hilo; Ben; Alex Versaw; Steve Burns; Barbara; Genevieve; Terrence; Jaya and Abby Kelly; Fran Carlson, Devin Starlanyl; Karin Davis; Laura Macke; Jay Slobodzian; Thomas McGrade; Ashton Christy; James Booze; Jennifer Jenkins; Michael Fay; Henry Maciejewski; P.J.; John; Lindsey Fay; The Anthony Family in Moscow, Russia; Marie Cole; Kim Martin; Helene; Cole; Nancy Johnson; Ella Baskett; Mary Magot; Jean Erno; Jackie; Lillian Robinson; Peter Adams; Elizabeth Webster; Pat Barra; Debbie Altemus; Vaughn Altemus; Naomi Hodgett; Helen McGrath; and Mary Carter. For Ukraine and those fleeing its borders and for the people of Russia, and the ongoing wars in Sudan, Myanmar and Ethiopia. For peace in Jerusalem and between Israel and Palestine. For all victims of gun violence. For all who grieve.

We pray for those who are in the discernment process, Henry Kellogg; and for Trinity Fellow, the Revd Nitano Muller.

Quote of the Week

"We are born of love;

love is our mother."

-- Rumi

Lessons for May 12: The Seventh Sunday of Easter

O God, the King of glory, you have exalted your only Son Jesus Christ with great triumph to your kingdom in heaven: Do not leave us comfortless, but send us your Holy Spirit to strengthen us, and exalt us to that place where our Savior Christ has gone before; who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, in glory everlasting. Amen.

Community News & Events

Organ for Pianists Workshop Series

On Saturdays May 18, June 1, and June 8 from 9 a.m. to noon, Dr. David Neiweem will lead workshops for pianists interested in playing the organ at the Cathedral Church of St. Paul. 

Participants should bring a piano piece that represents their ability. Attending all three workshops is recommended but not required. This series is sponsored in part by the Vermont Chapter of the American Guild of Organists.

Email Karl Fandrich to learn more or call him at 603-731-1199.

Submission Deadline for St. Paul's eNews
This weekly e-newsletter is circulated on Fridays. Please send your submissions to Jennifer Sumner at by noon on Wednesday. Thank you.
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The Right Rev. Shannon MacVean-Brown, Bishop of Vermont

The Very Rev. Greta Getlein, Dean and Rector

The Rev. Canon Dr. Robert K. Leopold, Canon for Adult Formation

The Ven. J. Stannard Baker, Cathedral Deacon and Diocesan Archdeacon

The Rev. Deacon Susan F. McMillan, Cathedral Deacon and Diocesan Liaison

David Neiweem, Interim Director of Music

Jennifer C. Sumner, Office Administrator

Barbara F. Comeau, Financial Administrator

Katie Gonyaw, Children's Formation Coordinator

Adam Skiff, Property Steward