July 5, 2024

From the Dean & Rector


I am fresh back from my first ever General Convention. Our week or so in Louisville was wonderful, busy, joyful, and just plain old full full! A few of the great things that happened in Louisville at the modern Convention Center were these:

  • The House of Bishops elected, on the first ballot (not unprecedented but unusual) The Rt. Rev. Sean Rowe to be our next Presiding Bishop. His term begins November 1. Bishop Rowe currently serves two dioceses - Western New York and Northwestern Pennsylvania.
  • The House of Deputies elected, on the first ballot, Julia Ayala Harris for a second term as President of the House.
  • The Dioceses of Eastern and Western Michigan reunited to form the new Diocese of the Great Lakes.
  • The Dioceses of Eau Claire, Fond du Lac, and Milwaukee reunited to (re)form the new(old) Diocese of Wisconsin
  • Navajoland Mission became a Missionary Diocese giving them the right and freedom to elect their own bishop
  • The Episcopal Church in Micronesia, comprising the church in Guam and Saipan was joined with the Diocese of Hawai'i

There was so much joy for all of these! Lots of other stuff happened at Convention and we will cover the more interesting and exciting bits here, so stay tuned!

Beloved, you are beautiful. I love you and God adores you.


Cathedral Church of St. Paul News & Events

Thank You

Many thanks to Tom and Maureen Rees for leading the charge again for this year's Heavenly Parking.

Thank you to Al Belluche and everyone who participated in the 2024 COTS Walk in May of this year. Altogether, St. Paul's walkers raised $1,695 for the Committee on Temporary Shelter!

Welcome Peter Berton this Sunday

Join us on Sunday, July 7 as we welcome Peter Berton to the position of Director of Music and Cathedral Arts.

Peter brings with him a wealth of experience in developing young choristers, in church music, and a lot of ideas about the Cathedral Arts program. We’re really looking forward to having him with us at St. Paul’s.

COTS Adult Forum Presentation Rescheduled

COTS (Committee on Temporary Shelter) will not be offering a presentation at the Cathedral this Sunday, but we will hear about their important work making shelter, support services, and innovative prevention solutions possible later this summer.

Until then, consider checking out this kid/teen/family friendly event: The Back to School Bonanza is COTS' program where school-aged kids can get what they need for the coming academic year (including backpacks, school supplies, first day of school outfits, haircuts) in a fun, carnival-like setting (think face-painting, bouncy house and snow cones!). Did you know that, in Vermont, 1 in 4 people experiencing homelessness are children? While we cannot readily fix the housing shortage, we can participate in small ways to 'do unto others,' as Jesus calls us to do, and have fun doing it!

COTS is always looking for volunteers to help both the day before (August 2) and the day of the event (Aug 3). Please check out this opportunity to work with our community to make this world a better place for kids.

Epiphany Dossal Project Continues

Work progresses nicely with the Epiphany Dossal “refresh” project! We’ll be resuming that work on Tuesday and Friday (that’s July 9 & 12) this next week. Not sewing yet but getting everything ready prior to that stage. 

A huge thank-you to all who have been helping!


St. Paul's Flower Guild Needs Your Help

Did you know? In an effort to be more sustainable, the flower guild has created botanical displays of potted plants for the Nave in place of cut flowers. There will still be cut flowers on special occasions.

In the meantime, the plants need to be watered twice a week (mid-week and Sunday) during the warm summer months. Would you be willing to take a turn to keep these plants thriving? We will show you the ropes-it only takes about 20 minutes. 

Thank you,

Barrie Montross: 

Marley Skiff:

Justice Speaks Seeks Contributors

Justice Speaks is a Social Justice oriented feature that has run regularly in the St. Paul's eNews.

Do you have a special interest in a social justice organization? Justice Speaks would like to hear from you and help you spread the word in about 250 words. For more information please email Mary Schreiber —

Service Schedule Changes: All Your Questions Answered

We recently announced that we intend to continue worshiping together in one service at 10 a.m. for a year instead of returning to our regular two-service schedule in the fall, as we have done in the past.

We wanted to give everyone plenty of notice of this change, and explain the reasoning behind it:

  • Togetherness!: The biggest reason in support of worshipping together in one service is the community-building that happens when we are all regularly together.
  • Choir Mentorship: There are a lot of exciting plans in the works under the leadership of Peter Berton, and bringing the choirs together in one service will allow everyone to foster a strong sense of community amongst our singers.
  • Adult Forum, Church School, and Coffee Hour: Having all of us together at one service makes planning and attending these offerings easier and ensures that the diversity of interests and experience among our parishioners is represented.
  • Volunteer Scheduling: Preparing for and serving at one service will be less taxing for our fabulous and dedicated roster of volunteers.
  • More Capacity for Different Worship Offerings: Staff will have the bandwidth to think about more regular alternative offerings, such as Sunday evening Evensong or other worship services.

As Dean Greta said in her note two weeks ago, "We will work hard to retain the openness of the old 9:00 service, especially as it pertains to welcoming children, and to retain the solemnity of the old 11:00 service, especially as it pertains to the sacred mysteries of the Divine. We will incorporate 'flavors' of both services along the way and will welcome your feedback as we chart this new course together."

Children's Corner

Church school is on summer hiatus. We'll continue to publish the Sunday Paper weekly. To view or download the Sunday Paper for this Sunday, click here.

If you have questions, please contact Katie Gonyaw at


From Out of Vermont Kitchens: Recipe of the Week

Here's a fresh and quick recipe for spaghetti with fresh tomatoes, cheese and basil.

Spaghetti with fresh tomato sauce and basil

Excerpted from the introduction of the 1990 edition of Out of Vermont Kitchens:

St. Paul's Cathedral published our first cookbook, Out of Vermont Kitchens, in 1939. The world and the small corner of it that is Vermont were very much different then, and yet some things stay the same. The values that first book represents - fresh ingredients cooked with pleasure and creativity for family and friends - are with us still today.

Vermont itself is a blend of old and new, a study in contrasts. It is still a rural state with many small family dairy farms and sugarbushes, but in recent years an influx of new residents from "down country" has brought us new life and richness with their interest organic gardening, sheep raising, and the production of a variety of cheeses and homecooked products now sold far beyond our borders. While treasuring our wonderful maple syrup and dairy products, we also welcome the addition of a broadened range of produce, herbs and spices to our shelves.

Vermont is a place of distinct seasons and sometimes harsh climate, but always of outstanding beauty. Much of our life continues to involve church suppers, town fairs, country auctions, and rigorous outdoor activity, along with a penchant for self-reliance and the homegrown. Our more recent neighbors have often settled here because they too love these simper pastimes and values. Those of us fortunate enough to live here wouldn't be any other place.

So come into our kitchens. Sit down and browse awhile through our recipe files and well-thumbed favorites. Then join us around the table to share a dish that, in the universal spirit of kitchen creativity, you have made your own.

Join Us For Worship

Join us for our Worship, in person or via our Live Stream on YouTube.

Holy Eucharist, 10 a.m. in person and Live Streamed.

You can view or download the order of worship on our website.


Other Regular Services

All are welcome to join us for our weekday services:


Morning Prayer, Monday - Friday at 8:30 a.m. on Zoom.

Tuesday - Friday at 8:30 a.m. in person

Compline, Sundays and Wednesdays at 9:00 p.m. on Zoom

For Our Prayers This Week

We pray for blessings and joy for those who celebrate birthdays this week: Suki Rubin, William Anderson.

Let us name before God those for whom we offer our prayers: Laurie Donaldson; Gail Ernevad; Barbie Kimberly; Joan Braun; Deloit Strickland; Debby Galbraith; Stan Walker; Katie and baby; Aimee Viens; Steve Savage; Delores and Vaughn Altemus; Tom Ely; Alice Van Buren; Jasper Davies; Jim and Linda Larson; Joseph and Abby Gonyaw; Gina Hilo; Ben; Alex Versaw; Steve Burns; Barbara; Genevieve; Terrence; Jaya and Abby Kelly; Fran Carlson, Devin Starlanyl; Karin Davis; Laura Macke; Jay Slobodzian; Thomas McGrade; Ashton Christy; Randy and Ruth Booze; Jennifer Jenkins; Michael Fay; Henry Maciejewski; P.J.; John; Lindsey Fay; The Anthony Family in Moscow, Russia; Marie Cole; Kim Martin; Helene; Cole; Nancy Johnson; Ella Baskett; Mary Magot; Jean Erno; Jackie; Lillian Robinson; Peter Adams; Elizabeth Webster; Pat Barra; Debbie Altemus; Vaughn Altemus; Naomi Hodgett; Helen McGrath; and Mary Carter. For Ukraine and those fleeing its borders and for the people of Russia, and the ongoing wars in Sudan, Myanmar and Ethiopia. For peace in Jerusalem and between Israel and Palestine. For all victims of gun violence. For all who grieve.

For al

We pray for those who are in the discernment process, Henry Kellogg

We pray for the repose of the souls of those who have died: Sandy Nicholson.

Quote of the Week

"A right heart exceeds all."

-- Benjamin Franklin

Lessons for July 7: The Season After Pentecost,

Proper 9

O God, you have taught us to keep all your commandments by loving you and our neighbor: Grant us the grace of your Holy Spirit, that we may be devoted to you with our whole heart, and united to one another with pure affection; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

Community News & Events

The Rev. Deacon Stan Baker Elected to Executive Council

Last week, the House of Deputies elected our own Deputy Stannard Baker to the Executive Council of the Episcopal Church for a six-year term. He is pictured here with two other Vermonters who have served on Executive Council: Deputies Lee Alison Crawford (2006-2012), and Thomas Little (2003-2006).


Congratulations, Stan!

The Executive Council serves as the governing body of The National Episcopal Church between sessions of the General Convention, charged specifically with executing the program and policies adopted by the General Convention. They also serve as the board for the Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America (commonly referred to as the DFMS) and for the Executive Office of the General Convention.

St. Paul's Parishioner in the News

Check out this recent news story from local CBS affiliate WCAX featuring St. Paul's parishioner David Turner talking about his work with the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI). The Burlington chapter meets weekly at the Cathedral on Thursday afternoons.

New mental health support group programs come to Northeast Kingdom (

Submission Deadline for St. Paul's eNews
This weekly e-newsletter is circulated on Fridays. Please send your submissions to Jennifer Sumner at by noon on Wednesday. Thank you.
Give On-Line Thank you!
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The Right Rev. Shannon MacVean-Brown, Bishop of Vermont

The Very Rev. Greta Getlein, Dean and Rector

The Rev. Canon Dr. Robert K. Leopold, Canon for Adult Formation

The Ven. J. Stannard Baker, Cathedral Deacon and Diocesan Archdeacon

The Rev. Deacon Susan F. McMillan, Cathedral Deacon and Diocesan Liaison

Jennifer C. Sumner, Office Administrator

Barbara F. Comeau, Financial Administrator

Katie Gonyaw, Children's Formation Coordinator

Adam Skiff, Property Steward