Communion and Mission Focus for September - Project Transformation
MPT’s summer reading program involves children, youth, and college age young adults. Monday – Thursday the children are offered breakfast and lunch provided by a local YMCA. The children and youth spend the morning, 9:45 am - 11:45 am, reading to an adult volunteer. The volunteers listen to 1 child read for 1 hour and then listen to another child for the 2nd hour. Because of loving caring volunteers, 99% of the children that have participated have improved or maintained their reading level.
In the afternoon, the children and youth are engaged in enrichment activities through a summer day camp experience that develops students’ social-emotional skills in a high-energy and relational environment.
Volunteers also provide the opportunity for the children and youth to learn new skills through hands on participation or by learning about new opportunities when special guests come and share their experiences. Learning to sew, learning about the Memphis Fire
Department, learning about woodworking, are just a few examples where volunteers sharing their time and talents can make a difference. If you would like to support Project Transformation you can do so by placing a check earmarked for PT in the offering plate or using the link below.