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Sunday, November 12, 2023

Campus Cleanup Recap

Last Saturday, November 4, several dedicated parishioners descended upon the grounds of St. Francis and worked to keep Mother Nature in check. From 8:30 - 12:00 or so people were busy using hedge trimmers, clippers, rakes, brooms, shovels, tarps, and blowers. The grounds look wonderful, thanks to teenagers who were there for service hours and the St. Francis Faithful. The devotion of the congregation is amazing; several people who were not able to be there on Saturday came beforehand and did a great deal of work, trimming back trees and shrubs. Thank you to everyone who participated! It was a great day!  

Father Jason's Week in Review

November 2: Caught up on admin work; pastoral meeting; UTO meeting; worked on e-news.  

November 3: Day off.

November 4: Campus clean up from 9:00 - 12:30; Archie had the time of his life, doing yard work while at church (three of his favorite things: being outside, yard tools, and church). Sermon prep.

November 5: All Saints Day observed; sat in with the junior choir during their rehearsal (they were great!).  

November 6: Caught up on email correspondence; pastoral calls; met with Ed Heinz about the upcoming Variety Show.

November 7: Met with Senior Warden and Office Manager; spiritual direction/counseling; admin tasks; phone meeting with the Dean of the Convocation; dinner with parishioners.

November 8: Bulletin review; wrote for the e-news; pastoral phone call; did wedding planning for an upcoming service in December (off-site, friends of parishioners). 

Packing Boxes for our Troops: Sunday, Nov. 12

Join us Sunday, November 12th, from 2-4pm as we pack boxes to send to our troops over-seas. Everyone age 5 and older are welcome (with parent supervision) to help! If you can’t make it no worries you can still help: donate items listed on the flier, or donate $22 to help pay for ship-ping. Any questions? Reach out to Susie Zimmerman 310-316-5941.

Click here to download this flyer as a PDF.

Thanksgiving Outreach with Harbor Interfaith

Harbor Interfaith Services, Inc. plans to deliver over 350 complete holiday meals for Thanksgiving. Donations from St. Francis can help to make Thanksgiving brighter for families served by HIS. They ask specifically for frozen turkeys, canned vegetables, mashed potatoes, stuffing or dressing mix, canned yams or sweet potatoes, cake mixes/frosting and/or grocery gift cards.

Parishioners can bring donations to church on Sundays or to the church office during office hours through Wednesday, Nov. 15 for delivery to HIS on Nov. 16.

For more information, contact Joyce Alley at

For more about Harbor Interfaith, visit

Communications and Notices
Please send all notices you wish to be included in the enews or bulletins to Rev. Jason.

Nursery and Sunday School

Sunday school for children in kindergarten through fifth grade will be held in the Parish Hall from 9:50 am to 10:40 am (ish ... the kids typically come in at the Peace). There is a nursery for children 6 months to 5 years old.

Contact: Kristina Pelá

Watch and Listen!

We livestream Sunday 10am worship on Facebook and YouTube. You can view past sermons or entire livestreams on our YouTube channel:

Weekly Worship
Sundays - Holy Communion
8:00 a.m. - Rite I in-person worship in the Chapel, with hymns. This service is not live-streamed.
10:00 a.m. - Rite II in-person worship in the main church with music. Live-streamed on Facebook and YouTube, and available for watching later.

Following the service we have coffee, tea (or plain, warm water), donut holes and other yummy nibbles. We also have a children's social hour in the St Francis' Garden, to the right of the church. There the kids enjoy juice, water, cookies and fruit. If you're reading this, odds are good you've been to at least one service - or someone surreptitiously gave us your email address. If you have any questions about what we do or why we do it, please don't hesitate to make an appointment with Father Jason, who loves talking about church (also Jesus, his kids and Star Wars, though not always in that order).
Please contact Kristina Pelá to arrange for a Lay Eucharistic Minister to safely bring you communion.

Yoga with Jill!
A spiritual mind and body practice!
  • Mondays 11:30am - 1:00pm - Level 1/2 Hatha for Strength and Mobility
  • Wednesdays 9:00-10:30am Level 1 Gentle Yoga for Vital Mobility and Balance
Parish Hall. No set fees - classes are free-will offering. Questions? Jill Fenske

Coffee Hour Ministry
To volunteer to help one week after the 10am worship service, see the sign-up sheet at Sunday coffee hour.
Our Parish Directory is Online
Need someone's email, or even map directions to their home?
Bookmark the link on your phone or computer and let your browser save the password and you will always be up to date with information!

Staff Directory

Office main line - 310-375-4617

The Rev. Jason Shelby 310-594-7984 - Rector

Mark Bennett 310-594-7416 - Director of Music

David Knight 310-375-4617- Organist

Claire Erbeznik 310-375-4617 - Office Administrator & Receptionist

Elaine Mistele 310-594-8268 - Business Manager

Joel Miranda - Sexton

Wayne Hastings 901-219-6564 - Communications Specialist

You are not interrupting our work - you ARE our work!