St. Barnabas' Episcopal Church

We are called by God to see Christ in all persons,

grow in faith and live in joyful fellowship with all persons.

Please join us for worship on Sunday, June 16, 2024

  • 8 a.m. — Worship Service
  • 10:00 a.m. — Worship Service, followed by Coffee Hour
  • Worship led by Fr. Kenn Katona

Worship Page

Happy Father's Day!

Update from the Vestry

The vestry retreat was held Friday & Saturday, June 7 and 8. On Friday, the vestry talked about our goals, our mission and our vision. The vestry met with Canon Brad on Saturday, June 8 for several hours. It was an amazing conversation. It was powerful and motivating and we found that we are in a very good place thanks to Fr. Kenn, his ministries and the work of the parish. We are currently working on an outline of steps to move forward and also planning a going-away celebration for father Kenn. If anyone has any specific questions, please come to us. We intend to keep you informed every step of the way.

A very special Thank You !! to EPL and all of our parishioners who helped make our parish picnic a great success!

St. Barnabas Strategic Plan Update: Check out the poster in back of the church for an overview of this important work and plan for St. Barnabas. If you have questions or input, please discuss with one of the team members listed on the poster.

Summer Kick off Family Movie Night!


Mark your calendars for our summer kick off movie on Friday, June 14 at 7:30 p.m.! We will watch Shrek outdoors under the stars. Bring a blanket or chair and a friend. Pizza and snacks will be provided. All of our St. Barnabas Family Movies are free and all are welcome!

St. Barnabas Choir Thanks

Special thanks go to all members St. Barnabas Choir, Rector, and church members that have supported the music program. The choir will have a break during the summer and rehearsals will resume the Wednesday after Labor Day, September 4. As usual during the summer, we'll have volunteers from the church perform on some Sundays. Happy summer to all! 

Welcome Leah!

On June 18, Leah Saxberg-Turner starts her summer internship with us as digital content manager. She will be working with Martha on Tuesdays to develop our social media content and presence on-line. She is pursuing a degree in Society, Media, & Politics at Constructor University.

St. Barnabas goes to the Blue Rocks! on

Friday, July 12

  • Game starts at 6:35 p.m. at Frawley Stadium
  • Tickets are $13 each
  • It is a fireworks night!
  • Check payable to St. Barnabas "bball game in memo line"
  • Let Hal Bruner know how many tickets you need
  • Hal can be reached at (302) 373-8760 or email here

The Poor People’s Campaign, a National Call for Moral Revival, is a movement in 35 States that is calling for greater justice and equity in our nation. Delaware is one of those states. Delaware is organizing buses to leave from Wilmington and Dover on June 29 to be part of a Mass Assembly in DC, at 3rd & Pennsylvania Avenue NW, 10 a.m. to call our nation to move forward.
There will be free buses from Wilmington and Dover, a box lunch, and a return travel snack. Call 302-362-9885 to reserve your seat by providing your name and telephone number and where you will board. The Wilmington bus will be in the parking lot of the Episcopal Church of Saints Andrew and Matthew, 8th and Shipley. The Dover bus will be in the parking lot of the Wesley United Methodist Church, 209 S. State Street. Plan to be there to board by 7a.m., June 29, 2024.
More Info

Two special requests from the St. Barnabas Community

If anyone knows of anyone willing to rent a room to a middle-age woman, please contact Deacon Cecily at (302) 530-3493.

St. Barnabas participates in many different outreach activities, including Meals on Wheels.

One of the people we deliver meals to is going through some serious health issues and can no longer care for her two dogs. She is looking for a home for her female dog, Sasha. She weighs roughly 30 pounds. Below is more information about Sasha. If you are interested in adopting Sasha, please text Lynne McIntosh at 302.540.1864.

Hi! My name is Sasha and I love being taken on long walks, I love to cuddle and to lick 👅 you!! I am about 3 years old and I’m a poodle and possibly terrier mix. The vet is not quite sure.


I love to play with kids, but it would be nice if they were older, about 8 or older. I jump!! I just can’t help myself!! I’m good with other dogs, but I can be a bit bossy, so it would be nice if I can have my own person to myself!!


I recently started taking medication for a gallbladder problem, but the vet is not sure if it is serious or not. I am crate trained, but I occasionally have accidents in the house

As the Racial Justice and Reconciliation Commission in the Episcopal Church in Delaware continues our commitment to the vital work of racial justice, we believe there is power in coming together to deepen our understanding, strengthen our resolve, and forge bonds of solidarity. You are invited to join us as we embark on a transformative journey together.

Our pilgrimage September 22 - 26, 2024 will lead us to the historic cities of Montgomery and Selma, Alabama, where the echoes of the civil rights movement still reverberate. Together, we will walk in the footsteps of those who courageously paved the way for justice, equality, and freedom.

Let us raise our voices, amplify our actions, and stand in solidarity with all who seek a world where racial justice is not just a dream, but a lived reality.

Prayer Requests

  • Submit prayer requests to the Office by 9 p.m. on Tuesdays for inclusion in Sunday's bulletin
  • Prayer requests will remain in the bulletin for one month
  • Prayer and Praise Chain offers the opportunity for parishioners to pray four the needs of our parish family
  • Contact Leslie Walker to submit a name to the Prayer and Praise chain

St. Barnabas Office Information

  • Phones are covered during office hours and after hours messages are checked daily. (302) 994-6607
  • Office hours: Mon. - Fri. 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
  • Please call Fr. Kenn for Pastoral Emergency (520) 561-1852

Best contacts for specific items:

Keep up to date on all activities by subscribing to the St. Barnabas Events Calendar.

Click for Calendar


Please submit announcement information for The St. Barnabas eNews to Beth Engler 

no later than Wednesday 9 p.m.