St. Barnabas' Episcopal Church

We are called by God to see Christ in all persons,

grow in faith and live in joyful fellowship with all persons.

Please join us for worship on Sunday, July 7, 2024

  • 8 a.m. — Worship Service
  • 10:00 a.m. — Worship Service, followed by Coffee Hour
  • Worship led by Fr. Kenn Katona

Worship Page

Join us today for First Friday Walk for Justice & Peace

Update from the Vestry

The vestry met Tuesday, June 18th. In addition to normal business, we continued discussion on our next steps as a Parish, and how we will, as St. Barnabas, continue our Journey in Faith. We, the Vestry, need to complete a few more “vestry assigned items” with the Strategic Plan to prepare for presenting the Strategic Plan to the Congregation. Jack and Jay, our wardens, are working through the Supply Clergy list to provide Sunday Service coverage after July 14. Several Sundays are already filled. Please don't hesitate to contact us with any questions you might have.

Congratulations, Rebecca! Rebecca is one of our wonderful choral scholars. We are so grateful for the time she was with us at St. Barnabas! She shared with us her beautiful talent and voice in our choir. We will miss her but are excited for her next steps! We wish Rebecca all the best in this next chapter!

Summer Office Hours:

Our summer hours are Tuesday – Friday, 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. This change started on June 24. We will return to normal office hours on September 9. Thank you!

St. Barnabas Strategic Plan Update:

Check out the poster in back of the church for an overview of this important work and plan for St. Barnabas. If you have questions or input, please discuss with one of the team members listed on the poster.

First Friday Walk for Justice and Peace

  • Friday, July 5, 2024
  • 5:30 to 6:00 p.m.
  • Rain or shine
  • Start at the Episcopal Church of Saints Andrew and Matthew (SsAM) 719 N. Shipley Street
  • End at Rodney Square

Join us on a sunny summer afternoon for this peaceful, prayerful walk through the center of Wilmington to promote an end to racial and social injustice and to reduce gun violence in our city. We gather in the SsAM parking lot with people from various faith communities to share in this active, visible commitment to justice and peace. We walk in silence, ending at Rodney Square. Many participants wear orange in support of gun safety.

St. Barnabas goes to the Blue Rocks! on

Friday, July 12

  • Tickets are $13 each
  • It is a fireworks night!
  • The St. Barnabas Group has been established
  • For tickets, call Nick Urbani, Group Sales (302)472-5706 or Main Office (302)888-2015,
  • The tickets can be emailed to you or picked up on the night of the game at the “Will Call” window.

Other Upcoming Events in July

Men's Lunch at 2 Fat Guys

On Wednesday, July 10 at 12:30 p.m. For more information, contact Craig Brosi at (302) 598-6101 or Greg Yulduzian at (302) 239-9529

Family Movie Matinee

Escape the heat and join us in the Great Hall for a matinee viewing of Babe on Saturday, July 27 at 1:30 pm. Pizza, popcorn water and juice will be served. Movies are free and all are welcome. Bring a friend and a blanket or chair!

Two special requests from the St. Barnabas Community

If anyone knows of anyone willing to rent a room to a middle-age woman, please contact Deacon Cecily at (302) 530-3493.

St. Barnabas participates in many different outreach activities, including Meals on Wheels.

One of the people we deliver meals to is going through some serious health issues and can no longer care for her two dogs. She is looking for a home for her female dog, Sasha. She weighs roughly 30 pounds. Below is more information about Sasha. If you are interested in adopting Sasha, please text Lynne McIntosh at 302.540.1864.

Hi! My name is Sasha and I love being taken on long walks, I love to cuddle and to lick 👅 you!! I am about 3 years old and I’m a poodle and possibly terrier mix. The vet is not quite sure.


I love to play with kids, but it would be nice if they were older, about 8 or older. I jump!! I just can’t help myself!! I’m good with other dogs, but I can be a bit bossy, so it would be nice if I can have my own person to myself!!


I recently started taking medication for a gallbladder problem, but the vet is not sure if it is serious or not. I am crate trained, but I occasionally have accidents in the house

Prayer Requests

  • Submit prayer requests to the Office by 9 p.m. on Tuesdays for inclusion in Sunday's bulletin
  • Prayer requests will remain in the bulletin for one month
  • Prayer and Praise Chain offers the opportunity for parishioners to pray four the needs of our parish family
  • Contact Leslie Walker to submit a name to the Prayer and Praise chain

St. Barnabas Office Information

  • Phones are covered during office hours and after hours messages are checked daily. (302) 994-6607
  • Office hours: Tues. - Fri. 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
  • Please call Fr. Kenn for Pastoral Emergency (520) 561-1852

Best contacts for specific items:

Keep up to date on all activities by subscribing to the St. Barnabas Events Calendar.

Click for Calendar


Please submit announcement information for The St. Barnabas eNews to Beth Engler 

no later than Wednesday 9 p.m.