St. Barnabas' Episcopal Church

We are called by God to see Christ in all persons,

grow in faith and live in joyful fellowship with all persons.

Please join us for worship on Sunday, April 21, 2024

  • 8 a.m. — Worship Service
  • 10:00 a.m. — Worship Service, followed by coffee hour
  • Worship led by Fr. Kenn Katona

Worship Page

Piano Concert Sunday at 3 p.m.!

Creation Sunday April 21

Special Earth Day Celebration

Join us for a special coffee hour in the lounge as we celebrate Earth Day and express our gratitude for the good gift of God's Creation. A chance for fellowship, tasty treats and an opportunity to recommit to good stewardship of the gift we have been given.

Coming up in April & May

  • Earth Day Celebration & Special Coffee Hour - April 21
  • Piano Concert at 3 p.m. on April 21
  • Prayer, Praise & Healing - April 24 at 5:30 p.m.
  • Building Bridges Conference - April 29 & 30 - more information below
  • Philadelphia Eleven Screening on May 1
  • Rogation Day - May 4 from 9 to 11 a.m.
  • Annual Meeting - May 5 following 10:00 a.m. worship

Episcopal Church 101

Fr. Kenn will offer Episcopal Church 101 classes for all interested in being Confirmed, Received, Baptized, or wishing to Reaffirm their faith. It's a fantastic way to deepen understanding of our faith, ask questions, and prepare for the Bishop's visit on May 19.

Classes will be Sundays after church in the conf. room – Apr. 21, Apr. 28 and May 12. For information, contact Fr. Kenn at:

Please note the class will not meet on May 5 due to the annual meeting.

St. Barnabas Concert Series

  • Sunday, April 21 at 3 p.m.
  • Featuring Martha on piano
  • Admission is free but donations are welcome
  • Invite a friend to join us!

The Philadelphia Eleven

Wednesday, May 1, 2024 at 6 p.m.

Sponsored by Christ Church Christiana Hundred and St. Barnabas Church

In an act of civil disobedience, a group of women and their supporters organize their ordination to become Episcopal priests in 1974. The Church of the Advocate in Philadelphia welcomes them, but change is no small task. The women are harassed, threatened and banned from stepping on church property. In this feature-length documentary film, we meet the women who succeed in building a movement that transforms an age-old institution, and challenges the very essence of patriarchy within Christendom

Director's Statement

I am not Episcopalian. I was raised in a Congregational Church, and to me this story is for everyone. It is about how to break down barriers with grace, and be true to oneself in the process. And it is about standing up to institutions that do not allow all people to be who they are called to be.

The story of the first Episcopal women priests has been under the radar for decades. Perhaps this is because they disregarded certain institutional edicts, or maybe because their story is inconvenient. After all, they challenged the very core of patriarchal culture. These pioneers have taught me new ways to think about whose history is recorded and remembered, and who does the work of remembering. ​And they provide a vision for what a just and inclusive community looks like in practice. If we are serious about loving every human being as they are, then we must find new ways forward that disrupt the hierarchies we have inherited, and replace them with the same kind of radical inclusivity demonstrated by these priests. 

My greatest hope is that viewers will watch, listen deeply, and engage with others about how you might stand up so that all of us can live fully who we are called to be.

More Info & RSVP

Evening Prayer, Praise and Healing

  • Wednesday, April 24
  • 5:30 p.m. in the Sanctuary
  • 45 minute Worship with short sermon and discussion
  • Contemporary music
  • Emphasis on healing
  • All are welcome!
Evening prayer

Quilt Raffle 2024!

  • Tickets $10 each or 3 for $25
  • Machine Pieced 100% cotton
  • 77 inches by 93 inches
  • Cash or Check memo: Quilt
  • Please share this opportunity with friends and family
  • Winner will be drawn May 5
  • All proceeds go to our outreach programs
  • Click below for the flyer and tickets to print

Raffle Tix and Info

The Department of Services for Children, Youth & Their Families

Division of Prevention and Behavioral Health Services

Invite you to join us for:



April 29 & 30, 2024 – 9:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

This annual conference, focusing on behavioral health and substance misuse prevention, is open to staff, providers, community partners, families, and individuals interested in learning more about these issues and how to address them.

More Info Here

Annual Meeting:

  • Sunday, May 5, 2024
  • Following the 10:00 a.m. worship service
  • Candidates for vestry: Norma Carre, David Lee-Sam, Courtney Lozowski and Carl Slocomb
  • Candidates for delgates to Annual Convention: Marian Weir, Bruce Baird, Lystra Ann Lee-Sam, Nicholas Sloman
Read about Vestry Candidates

Call for Vestry Candidates and Delegates

  • Elections will be held during the Annual Meeting on May 5
  • If you are interested in running for Vestry, please speak with Fr. Kenn
  • Please consider becoming a delegate for the Annual Convention for the Episcopal Church in Delaware
  • Interested parties can speak with Greg Taylor or Fr. Kenn

Prayer Requests

  • Submit prayer requests to the Office by 9 p.m. on Tuesdays for inclusion in Sunday's bulletin
  • Prayer requests will remain in the bulletin for one month
  • Prayer and Praise Chain offers the opportunity for parishioners to pray four the needs of our parish family
  • Contact Leslie Walker to submit a name to the Prayer and Praise chain

St. Barnabas Office Information

  • Phones are covered during office hours and after hours messages are checked daily. (302) 994-6607
  • Office hours: Mon. - Fri. 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
  • Please call Fr. Kenn for Pastoral Emergency (520) 561-1852

Best contacts for specific items:

Keep up to date on all activities by subscribing to the St. Barnabas Events Calendar.

Click for Calendar


Please submit announcement information for The St. Barnabas eNews to Beth Engler 

no later than Wednesday 9 p.m.