June 21, 2024

Pro Bono Opportunities
Online Notices

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2024 Annual Meeting - Sponsorships Now Available!

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New Mexico State Bar Foundation - Golf Classic - Registration Now Open and Sponsorships Are Available!

More Info & Register to Play!
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Join the New Communications Advisory Committee!

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2024 Annual Awards - Call for Nominations

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Upcoming Programs from the

Center for Legal Education

How to Overcome Substance Use Disorder and Avoid Legal Ethics Issues Using Mindfulness as Part of Your Toolkit

On the Horns of a Dilemma: Clarence Darrow and the McNamara Case

Trust and Estate Planning for Illiquid Assets

View Full Course Catalog
Legal Education Calendar

Equity in Justice Course Spotlight 

Democracy's Battle: Understanding the Legacy and Tactics of Voter Suppression

June 26, In-Person & Webinar

Noon - 1 p.m.

1.0 EIJ

Explore the historical roots and contemporary manifestations of voter suppression in this comprehensive training session. From the Reconstruction Era to modern-day tactics, this session will delve into the laws, policies, and societal impacts shaping this persistent challenge. Gain insights into the legal frameworks, understand the detrimental impact on marginalized communities, and discover strategies for combating voter suppression.

Register for this CLE

SBNM Professional Programs Group

The New Mexico Lawyer Assistance Program (NM LAP)

Why You Should Take a Lunch Break

  • Mental Recharge: Working without breaks can lead to mental fatigue, decreasing your ability to focus and make decisions. A lunch break helps to clear your mind and return to work with a fresh perspective.
  • Physical Health: Sitting at a desk for extended periods can contribute to physical strain and discomfort. A lunch break gives you the opportunity to stretch, move around, and improve circulation, which is essential for maintaining physical health.
  • Improved Mood: A change of scenery, even if it's just moving to a different room, can have a positive impact on your mental state.
  • Social Interaction: If possible, use your lunch break to connect with colleagues or friends. Social interactions can provide emotional support and increase your sense of belonging and happiness.
  • Increased Productivity: Paradoxically, taking time away from work can lead to higher productivity. Breaks can enhance your ability to concentrate and work efficiently when you return to your tasks.

Practical Tips for Making the Most of Your Lunch Break

  1. Set a Regular Time
  2. Unplug from Work
  3. Engage in Relaxing Activities
  4. Eat Mindfully
  5. Get Some Fresh Air
  6. Exercise
  7. Hydrate
  8. Plan Your Afternoon
New Mexico Lawyer Assistance Program

Employee Assistance Program: Free Webinars

Register For A Free Webinar Here

Judicial Wellness Program (NMJWP)

June is LGBTQ+ Pride Month!

Did you know …. that there are many opportunities to join legal groups and associations to include us all in many diverse groups. The International Association of LGBTQ+ Judges is a leading group in this area, with a website containing resources and information pertaining to many Judicial and Bar associations supporting LGBTQ+ people and issues. The website also includes (under "Resources") a bench book around LGBTQ+ issues in our courtrooms and among our litigants out of Washington State that could be a wonderful resource for NM judges. 

JWELL is a place that is open to everyone, and its resources are here for you as N.M. Judges! We have been going out to judicial districts so that we can make connections with you and for you. The judges have enjoyed getting together at local restaurants and talking about common issues and building relationships, as well as finding out what JWELL has to offer. If we have not been to your jurisdiction yet, contact us and we will make you a priority.

Presentations on wellness topics are always on the menu, so if you have a topic that is pertinent to your judges and your jurisdiction, let us know and we can tailor the presentation to fit your needs.

Contact us anytime at Sandra.engel@sbnm.org.

International Association of LGBTQ+ Judges
New Mexico Judicial Wellness Program

Professional Development Program (PDP)

The Professional Development Program offers law practice management services and resources to State Bar members. This includes continuing education courses, “how-to” manuals and workshops, confidential practice consultations, a confidential ethics advisory helpline and information, sample forms, checklists and assessments on best practices for lawyers. For more information, please visit the Professional Development Program tab on the State Bar’s website, or call the Program at 505-797-6079.

Professional Development Program

Important Notices, Announcements and Deadlines

State Bar Notices 

Court Notices

Legal Community Notices

View Announcements and Deadlines

Pro Bono and Volunteer Opportunities

The State Bar of New Mexico and the legal organizations it supports all provide rich and significant opportunities to provide pro bono and volunteer legal service to underserved populations in New Mexico. Take a look below at some of New Mexico's most impactful options for serving the state's diverse communities.

Legal Fairs & Volunteer Events

Sign Up for Albuquerque Law-La-Palooza
Sign Up for Las Vegas Legal Fair
Sign Up for Taos Legal Fair

News & Other Information

Pro Bono & Volunteer Opportunities Calendar
View All Pro Bono Volunteer Opportunities

Legal Clinics & Workshops

Divorce Options Workshop


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Consumer Debt Bankruptcy Workshop
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Legal Resources for the Elderly Workshop

View Calendar

For more information on the Volunteer Attorney Referral process, and to learn about the volunteer attorney pool for LREP or the Modest Means Helpline please click the button below.

Volunteer Sign-Up

Featured Member Benefit


Clio’s groundbreaking suite combines legal practice management software (Clio Manage) with client intake and legal CRM software (Clio Grow) to help legal professionals run their practices more successfully. Use Clio for client intake, case management, document management, time tracking, invoicing and online payments and a whole lot more. Clio also provides industry-leading security, 24 hours a day, 5 days a week customer support and more than 125 integrations with legal professionals’ favorite apps and platforms, including Fastcase, Dropbox, Quickbooks and Google apps. Clio is the legal technology solution approved by the State Bar of New Mexico. Members of SBNM receive a 10 percent discount on Clio products.

State Bar of New Mexico | 505-797-6000 | info@sbnm.org | www.sbnm.org