June 14, 2024

Pro Bono Opportunities
Online Notices

2024 Annual Awards - Call for Nominations

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New Mexico State Bar Foundation - Golf Classic - Registration Now Open and Sponsorships Are Available!

Enjoy a fun day of golf, get noticed by the New Mexico legal community and support the New Mexico State Bar Foundation by sponsoring the Golf Classic! Please contact Marcia Ulibarri 505-797-6058 or marketing@sbnm.org for more information.

More Info & Register to Play!
Inquire About Sponsorships

2024 Annual Meeting - Sponsorships Now Available!

Reach over 8,000 members of New Mexico's legal community through your sponsorship! Please contact Marcia Ulibarri at 505-797-6058 or marketing@sbnm.org for more information.

View Sponsorship Opportunities

Upcoming Programs from the

Center for Legal Education

Elimination of Bias-Combating Age Bias

in the Legal Field

Ethics, Juror Misconduct, and Jury Tampering: The Murdaugh Motion For New Trial

Settlements in Civil Litigation: Strategic Planning and Drafting

View Full Course Catalog
Legal Education Calendar

Equity in Justice Course Spotlight 

Democracy's Battle: Understanding the Legacy and Tactics of Voter Suppression

June 26, In-Person & Webinar

Noon - 1 p.m.

1.0 EIJ

Explore the historical roots and contemporary manifestations of voter suppression in this comprehensive training session. From the Reconstruction Era to modern-day tactics, this session will delve into the laws, policies, and societal impacts shaping this persistent challenge. Gain insights into the legal frameworks, understand the detrimental impact on marginalized communities, and discover strategies for combating voter suppression.

Register for this CLE

SBNM Professional Programs Group

The New Mexico Lawyer Assistance Program (NM LAP)

Did you know that eyestrain is a common issue for professionals who spend extended periods in front of a computer, often resulting in headaches, difficulty focusing, and increased sensitivity to light?

To prevent eyestrain, ergonomics expert Alan Hedge advises that "the distance from your eyes to the screen should be approximately an arm's length. You should be able to comfortably read the text on your screen at that distance without squinting."

Other ways to reduce eyestrain or discomfort while working throughout the day:

  • Blink often to refresh your eyes and/or use eyedrops to keep eyes healthy.
  • Take small breaks away from the screen every hour.
  • Check the lighting and reduce any glare on the screen.
  • Adjust your monitor’s brightness.
  • Talk to your optometrist about blue-light glasses/contacts


How do blue light blocking glasses/contacts work?

To combat the harmful effects of blue light, experts advocate the use of blue light blocking glasses/contacts. These specialty glasses and contacts have a specific coating that covers the lens/contact. This coating contains filtering materials that block some of the light coming from your device. To be fair, the coating doesn't block out blue light completely, otherwise you would not be able to see at all. However, by reducing the light intensity that enters your eyes, you are more protected against the harmful effects of constant exposure. The sole purpose of wearing blue light blocking glasses is to reduce exposure significantly.

To learn more about the effect of blue light from devices, read this article published by the U.C. Davis Eye Center.

New Mexico Lawyer Assistance Program

Employee Assistance Program: Free Webinars

Register For A Free Webinar Here

Judicial Wellness Program (NMJWP)

June is LGBTQ+ Pride Month!

Did you know …. that there are many opportunities to join legal groups and associations to include us all in many diverse groups. The International Association of LGBTQ+ Judges is a leading group in this area, with a website containing resources and information pertaining to many Judicial and Bar associations supporting LGBTQ+ people and issues. The website also includes (under "Resources") a bench book around LGBTQ+ issues in our courtrooms and among our litigants out of Washington State that could be a wonderful resource for NM judges. 

JWELL is a place that is open to everyone, and its resources are here for you as N.M. Judges! We have been going out to judicial districts so that we can make connections with you and for you. The judges have enjoyed getting together at local restaurants and talking about common issues and building relationships, as well as finding out what JWELL has to offer. If we have not been to your jurisdiction yet, contact us and we will make you a priority.

Presentations on wellness topics are always on the menu, so if you have a topic that is pertinent to your judges and your jurisdiction, let us know and we can tailor the presentation to fit your needs.

Contact us anytime at Sandra.engel@sbnm.org.

International Association of LGBTQ+ Judges
New Mexico Judicial Wellness Program

Professional Development Program (PDP)

Assessments, Checklist and Ethics Help, Oh My! Check out all the resources the Professional Development Program has to offer at the Professional Development Program tab on the State Bar of New Mexico website.

Professional Development Program

Important Notices, Announcements and Deadlines

State Bar Notices 

Court Notices

Legal Community Notices

View Announcements and Deadlines

Pro Bono and Volunteer Opportunities

The State Bar of New Mexico and the legal organizations it supports all provide rich and significant opportunities to provide pro bono and volunteer legal service to underserved populations in New Mexico. Take a look below at some of New Mexico's most impactful options for serving the state's diverse communities.

Legal Fairs & Volunteer Events

Sign Up for Albuquerque Law-La-Palooza
Sign Up for Las Vegas Legal Fair

News & Other Information

Pro Bono & Volunteer Opportunities Calendar
View All Pro Bono Volunteer Opportunities

Legal Clinics & Workshops

Divorce Options Workshop


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Consumer Debt Bankruptcy Workshop
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Legal Resources for the Elderly Workshop

View Calendar

For more information on the Volunteer Attorney Referral process, and to learn about the volunteer attorney pool for LREP or the Modest Means Helpline please click the button below.

Volunteer Sign-Up

Featured Member Benefit


Ruby’s friendly, U.S.-based virtual receptionists answer your phone calls, 24/7/365, as a true extension of your firm! Answering with your custom greeting, they’re then able to make live transfers, take messages, perform intake, help with calendaring, or even assist with calendaring. Ready to answer all calls or be used as backup, Ruby is the best teammate you never had. State Bar members receive an 8% lifetime discount on all plans! 

State Bar of New Mexico | 505-797-6000 | info@sbnm.org | www.sbnm.org