The Week Ahead: 11/16 - 11/21
Wednesday Lineup

  • 5:30 p.m. - Holy Eucharist in the Memorial Garden
  • No Fellowship & Study - November 18 and November 25
  • Fellowship & Study - Starting December 2 - Hope, Love, Joy and Peace: The Advent Wreath in an Age of Anxiety. Join the clergy of St. James’s
A BIG THANK YOU from the Taste of St. James's

to the 90 bakers, makers, and volunteers, and to all you shoppers! We have raised close to $10,000 for the Food Force!
Though our official deadline has passed, purchases may be made until November 18 or until all items are gone. Place Your Order

To learn more about the Taste and the Food Force, watch our short video
DOERS: Let's DO!
Evergreen & East End Cemetery Cleanup

Saturday, November 14, 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Rain date: Saturday, November 21
The Racial Justice and Reconciliation team is seeking Doers to help clean up the historic East End and Evergreen cemeteries 
All ages invited! No skills required other than a willingness to roll up your sleeves. Tools will be provided.
St. James's Annual Thanksgiving Offering
Turning Hunger into Hope!
Your gift of food during this Thanksgiving season is critically important to our community!
Throughout the week of Thanksgiving please pack a bag full of nutritious food – (see suggestions here) and deliver to FeedMore, located at 1601 Rhoadmiller Street, 23220.
Learn more about FeedMore here
Word Pediatric Project
As DOERS in Service, St. James's, in partnership with the World Pediatric Project, is supporting two children receiving medical services in Richmond. Naveah is three years old and is receiving general surgery. She is here with her mother, Umony, and they are from St. Vincent. Julius is twenty years old and is from St. Lucia. He is here with his father, Julian, for continued treatment for a congenital heart defect. They need our help with food and clothing - details are included in the sign up here. Sign up! It's Easy - you will NOT need to register an account. Call Julie Eckstein for details or,
More Events - Advent is Coming
NEEDED: House Church Pilots Volunteers!

During Advent, we are experimenting with an ancient form of worship that is new to us at St. James’s:

House Churches!

We are looking for liturgically-adventurous participants for one of the following: 
  1. Family House Church 
  2. Zoom House Church - Friends and Neighbors welcome! 
  3. In-Person House Church - Friends and Neighbors welcome! 
  4. More info is avaialble here
If you’re interested in any form of House Church, sign up by November 23 using this Google Form. It’s our hope that in their various forms, these House Churches will provide a space for more connection with one another, rich engagement with the traditions of Advent, and an opportunity to invite friends and neighbors into our worship.

For questions or more information, reach out to Hilary Streever or Blake Singer
"TO GO" Advent Fair
Order Advent Kits by November 18!

In lieu of our annual Advent Fair, we are offering an Advent Kit! One for children, one for youth and adults, and one to make your own Advent Wreath. Order your Advent Kits here by NOVEMBER 18!
Pick up kits and greenery at the Michaux House November 21, 22 and 28. Then join us Sunday, November 29 at 11:00 a.m. for a Wreath Making demonstration led by St. Jameser Leigh Hulcher! For the Zoom link to the workshop, register here
November 29th is the first Sunday of Advent.
Our Stewardship Matters
The Gift of Flat Jesus

There is no denying that these times are some of our most challenging, especially for our children. So what did our Children’s Ministry mail last week to all 55 children who are registered for Sunday School? A special friend, Flat Jesus.
This felt buddy is a constant reminder to each child that Jesus is always with them. They were encouraged to take Flat Jesus with them, put him in their pockets and keep him beside their beds at night to remember that Jesus loves them. Read more here.

We make offerings in thanks for God’s generosity to us. When you give to our church, you become a vital participant in building Christ’s Kingdom on earth. Thank you for making an annual gift commitment for 2021 by clicking on or by calling Suzanne Hall at 355-1779 to make your pledge.

You may also Text to Give: Text “Doers” to 77977.

Walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself for us, an offering and sacrifice to God.
Do you have our App?
Make sure to check out the new updates on our App. On the App, You will find tools like giving, streaming, and the bulletins. It is highly recommended to use the app as an alternative to paper bulletins.