The blood of Christ, the cup of salvation  

We're now offering wine at our Communion service. We strongly request that you drink from the chalice and not dip (or intinct) the body. All scientific evidence makes it clear that drinking from the cup is safer than dipping the wafer. 
Monday, December 13th
Community Yoga on Zoom:
Yoga for Mobility & Stability: 2:30 pm (suitable for beginners)
Vinyasa Yoga: 4 pm
For Zoom link and more info, contact: Sarah Eck,

Service of Hope: 7 pm
Church Sanctuary

Tuesday, December 14th
Tuesday Men’s Bible Study on Zoom: 7:30 am
Contact: Patrick Patrick Strickler, or

Women's Bible Wisdom on Zoom: 5 pm
Contact: Mary Lou Rumble,

Education for Ministry (EfM) on Zoom: 6 pm
Contact: Jane Dowrick,

Wednesday, December 15th
Living Faith Bible Study: 10 am
Contact: Betse Trice,

Wednesday Night Worship, Study & Fellowship on Zoom: 5:30 pm - 8 pm
Meeting ID number: 838 0728 2761

The Great Preachers: Advent Series
Topic: The Presiding Bishop Michael Curry sermons
Facilitator: Hilary Streever
Evening Prayer at 5:30 pm,
Study at 6 pm, Fellowship at 7 pm
Come for all or part of our evening together

Thursday, December 16th
Men's Bible Study Breakfast: 7:30 am
Valentine Hall
Contact: Drew Lichtenberger, 

Saturday, December 18th
Christmas Pageant Rehearsal: 9 am-12 noon
Church Sanctuary

For more information about this week's events, visit
This week's eChimes features
  • The last Sunday to help us fill the Giving Tree.
  • Stations of the Nativity
  • Sign your child up to be in Christmas pageant.
  • McCard's Open House is this Sunday. All are welcome.
  • Our Children and Youth Ministries remain in good hands.
  • Enrich someone's Christmas. Invite them to St. James's.
  • Season of Unity: it takes all of us.
  • We need your magnolia branches.
  • Our Advent & Christmas schedule
  • 12/15, Wednesday night's The Great Preachers: Advent Series
  • Become a small group leader
  • Prayers of the People
This is the last Sunday to help us fill
the Peter Paul Giving Tree.
Following our annual Christmas tradition, St. James’sers are invited to give to the Peter Paul Giving Tree. Peter Paul is again asking for gift cards rather than gifts, which empowers families to select Christmas presents of their own choosing.
This is the last Sunday day to give, and a table will set up in the Narthex after both services where you can donate either in cash, by check, or online. Once you make the donation, you'll can write your name (or someone else’s name whom you’re giving in honor of) on an ornament and put it on the Giving Tree. 

  • In order to pay by check, please make the check out to St. James’s, and put “Giving Tree” in the memo line.

  • If giving online, also make sure to put “Giving Tree” in the memo. If you wish to give online, you may also do so at any time at this link.

If you have any questions, contact Blake at
Discover something new this Sunday.
The Stations of the Nativity.
All (or most) of us are familiar with the Stations of the Cross. Well, there’s also the Stations of the Nativity. Modeled after the traditional Stations of the Cross walked on Good Friday, the Stations of the Nativity are designed to guide us through the scenes of the Incarnation, and the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

This Sunday between services, the display of the stations will begin at the altar (not the Parkinson Room, as previously planned), then wind their way around our campus and grounds.

It’s a meditative and beautiful way to soak in the mystery of the season. Please find some time between the services to take this meaningful walk.
There’s still time for your child to be in
the Children’s Pageant.  
​​The St. James’s Christmas Pageant–for many parishioners the highlight of the Christmas season– is Sunday, December 19, at 5:00 p.m. There are still openings for children 3 years old through 5th grade. Costumes are provided and masks will be required for all participants.
This is an experience that is unforgettable for the children and their parents alike, so we strongly encourage as many children as possible to participate.

To sign-up your child(ren), please complete this Google form and submit it by 12 noon on Monday, December 13th.

Youth in grades 6-12 are also invited to participate in speaking roles, cameo appearances, or as part of the stage/tech crew. If you’re interested, please contact Mary Beth Abplanalp at
John & Cynthia’s Open House is this Sunday. 

Thanks to everyone who RSVP’d. But even if you haven’t, the doors will still be open to you.
The event is from 5 to 8 pm in the McCard’s home at 1104 West Ave. 

Park in the church parking deck. Walk down Birch Street and turn left onto West Ave.

By the way.... the photos are from the McCard's house.
Ashlee Ligon
Katie Ricard
Our Children and Youth Ministries remain in good hands. 

Following the recent departure of Becky Page and the imminent plans for Mary Beth Abplanalp to leave, we’re happy to announce that two St. James’sers with a lot of experience in our Children and Youth ministries–plus other relevant experience–have been named as the long-term interim Directors of our Children’s and Youth ministries. 

Ashlee Ligon recently took over the position of Director of Children’s Ministry and Katie Ricard will assume her duties as Director of Youth Ministry on January 3rd. 

One January 9th, we’ll be holding a Hello/Goodbye party where we’ll happily welcome Katie as we sadly say goodbye to Mary Beth. Details to follow. 

To learn more about Ashlee and Katie, click on their names to see their Welcome Videos. 
Think back to how you discovered
St. James’s.

As we move through Advent toward Christmas, it’s the perfect time to invite friends or family to meet us, worship with us, and add an extra layer of meaning to the season.
After all, our Church will be more beautiful than usual, ringing with familiar music, and filled with smiling faces. What better time could there be to bring someone to a service?
We’ve sent out a postcard to everyone in the parish with our Advent & Christmas schedule. Please post it in plain sight or–better yet!–give it to a friend or family member so they can join you at St. James’s during this special season. 

Together, to do better.

During this time of giving to loved ones, please consider your gift (or pledge) to St. James’s. As you can see, we’re getting ever closer to our goal. But it will take all of us–coming together–to reach our goal. 

Please be a light this Christmas. Go to and make your pledge to your church home.
We need your magnolia branches. 

The altar guild needs magnolia to decorate the church windows for Christmas services. Please bring your magnolia branches to the church on Wed. Dec. 22nd.

Please call Lucy Meade (804-200-1372) with questions or to let her know you have some to give. She would prefer you call but you can also email her at

Here’s our Advent & Christmas schedule…

.... all neatly wrapped and tied up with
a bow. Click the image to know everything that’s happening.
Adult Learning
The Great Preachers: Advent Series

This coming Wednesday December 15th will be the last of The Great Preachers: Advent Series.

We'll watch sermons given by our Presiding Bishop Michael Curry. After watching the sermons, Hilary will lead us in discussion.

Wednesday (12/15) will wrap up our Wednesday night gatherings for 2021. They will return on January 5th, so be checking the eChimes for what we'll be learning in 2022.

Here’s where to register for our Wednesday Zoom Gatherings, if you haven't already. 

Wednesday Night.... Evening Prayer at 5:30 pm / Study at 6 pm / Fellowship at 7 pm
We’re looking for Small Group leaders.

Our Sunday Small Groups have been a popular and meaningful Adult Learning program this fall. Participants have found the topics and the small group setting to be engaging and compelling. As we look ahead to the winter and spring, we’re looking for folks to host or lead a Small group. 
For more information, reach out to Hilary at

To sign up, go here.

Click here to see the names of those we're remembering in our prayers this week.

We do our best to keep this list current, but if you want your name added or removed, please contact Mary Brown or call her at 804-355-1779, ext. 313.

Do you have our App?
You can always find the eChimes at