Volume CXLXXXI June 5, 2024

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St. John Vianney

Cleburne, TX

A Catholic Church under the Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter

200 S. Nolan River Rd. Cleburne, TX 76033

Saturday, Sunday

Masses & Confessions

Monday, Wednesday - Friday

Daily Mass & Confessions

Contact us at:


(682) 253-2343

Reminder: Items for this ebulletin must be turned in by Monday (two days before it is sent) and must have committee head approval. Thank you!



Masses are celebrated in the church in the front building. Confession is also in the front building, offered beginning 45 minutes before Mass, ending 10 minutes before Mass begins.

If you would like a Mass offered for a loved-one, living or deceased, complete a Mass Intention envelope, enclosing your offering (customary is $10), and place it in the blue Mass Intentions box on the Info Table in the Parish Hall. Intentions are indicated in the paper bulletin each weekend for the weekdays following, and below in parentheses.


Wed - June 5 -- St. Boniface, Bishop and Martyr

4:45pm Confession

5:00pm Rosary

5:30pm Mass (David Ray Marcum)

6:00pm Sunday Choir Rehearsal

Thurs - June 6 -- St. Norbert, Bishop

No Confession, Mass, or Office Hours (Fr Scott is out of town)

6:00pm Saturday Choir Rehearsal

Fri - June 7 -- First Friday; The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus Solemnity (Abstinence Dispensed)

No Confession, Mass, or Office Hours (Fr Scott is out of town)

Sat - June 8 -- BVM, The Immaculate Heart of Mary

4:15pm Confession

4:30pm Rosary

5:00pm Vigil Mass

Sun - June 9

8:15am Confession

8:30am Rosary

9:00am Mass 

Mon - June 10

11:15am Confession

Noon Mass (Mary and Paul Vinson)

Tues - June 11

No Confession, Mass, or Office Hours

Wed - June 12 -- St. Barnabas, Apostle

4:45pm Confession

5:00pm Rosary

5:30pm Mass (Mary Anderson)

6:00pm Sunday Choir Rehearsal

In the Week Ahead:

  • Youth Group meets tonight, June 5, after 5:30pm Mass, in the Parish Hall upstairs.

  • 24-Hour Adoration for Marriage and Family will take place starting at 1:00pm this Friday, June 7, and ending at 1:00pm on Saturday, June 8. Sign up in the Parish Hall or at this link. You may also scan the QR code on your paper bulletin, or contact Jen Petri at iwu22@msn.com. Currently there are only four timeslots vacant (which need coverage): Friday at 1:00pm, and Saturday at 2:00am, 8:00am, and 9:00am.

  • The Sewing Guild Chapel Veil Ministry, will meet from 5:00 to 8:00pm on Friday, June 7, making and providing simple chapel veils for women or girls who forgot theirs or who would like to try them out. Please support the ministry if you wish, by donating lace, veils, or money to be used toward the effort. Find a place for donations in the Parish Hall. Contact Karroline Franklin to participate in sewing or if you have questions. Her email address is karroline.franklin@gmail.com.

  • Throughout June, as the months of Spiritual Adoption wrap up, diapers (all sizes, but 1, 2, and 7 in most need) and wipes will be collected and gifted to the Cleburne Pregnancy Center. Look for a pack-n-play in the Parish Hall where items will be collected for young moms and dads in their time of need.

  • Knights of Columbus meet Monday, June 10, at 6:30pm in the Parish Hall. All men are welcome.

  • Please continue to bring non-perishable foods for the SJV pantry to the Parish Hall where you will find a bin for them. We are in the process of rebuilding our stock.

  • Great Adventure Bible Timeline with Jeff Cavins is suspended, and participants will receive weekly updates from Paul Vinson regarding when classes will resume. 

Mark Your Calendar:

  • Family Wednesdays: Wednesdays from June 12 - August 14, the homeschoolers (all families are welcome) will meet at 10:00am at the Grandview Splash Pad at 501 S 5th St, Grandview. You are welcome to bring snacks or a picnic lunch and stay as long as you'd like to let the kids play.

  • Women's Retreat Saturday, June 15, will start at 11:00am in the Parish Hall with lunch. Please bring something to share. All women are invited to attend the Rosary at 9:30am followed by the Funeral Mass at 10:00am for Mike and Shelley Anderson's son on that day. Please RSVP to Jenny Fyn either in the myParish app or by email at jennericfyn@yahoo.com.

  • Funeral for Christopher Anthony Tynan, son of Shelly and Mike Anderson, will take place at SJV on Saturday, June 15, at 10:00am, preceded by Rosary at 9:30am. Graveside service at Holly Hills Memorial Park in Granbury at Noon. All are welcome.

  • National Eucharistic Congress July 17-21 in Indianapolis. If interested, please contact Fr Scott. More information here.

View the entire Church Calendar:

Church Calendar on Google

New movies in theaters to enhance your faith:

  • Jesus Thirsts documentary is showing in Burleson, Ft. Worth, and Hurst June 5 and 6. Watch trailer here.

  • Love God's Will movie will be offered in Cleburne in late July. Watch trailer here. This is a great film for everyone ages approximately 7 and up, helping all to identify vocations.

SJV Men, it is time to sign up for the Crosswalk Retreat in Oklahoma! Details:

September 12-15, 2024

Our Lady of Clear Creek Abbey

in the beautiful Eastern Oklahoma Ozarks

  • Thursday - Meet at Clear Creek Abbey (6:00pm)
  • Friday - Mass, 22 mile walking pilgrimage from St. Brigid (Tahlequah) to Clear Creek.
  • Saturday - Mass, Retreat, Meal with Monks, Camp Fire.
  • Sunday - Leave after High Mass (10:00am).

$35 registration fee (per person) - $150 donation* to the monks (per family)  

 If you plan to be a pilgrim this year please register this month. ONLY 21 SPOTS REMAIN

Yesterday, June 4, the statue of St. Joseph and the child Jesus arrived. Look for this beautiful reminder of the Holy Family this weekend in the church when you come to Mass.

Ordinariate News

Discernment Days

The Ordinariate is hosting Discernment Days in Houston for young men considering a vocation to the priesthood. Discernment Days will be held in Houston from June 26-29, 2024. The retreat is open to men ages 16 - 30 and includes time for prayer, conversation, and participation in the various events surrounding the Ordination to the Priesthood on June 28.

As vocations to the priesthood and religious life are a clear and eloquent expression of the vitality of the parish, Fr Scott would be happy to talk to you about this opportunity, and will be the one who provides names to the Ordinariate. Please speak to him or email him at fr.scott.wooten@ordinariate.net

Cathechist Formation Weekend


The registration form for the Ordinariate's Catechist Formation Weekend in Houston, August 2-4, 2024, is online and ready for submissions.

The Catechist Formation Weekend will be a time of study and reflection for those men and women who currently serve or who might be inclined to serve as parish catechetical leaders in your community. The weekend will begin on Friday evening, August 2, and will include talks, breakout sessions, and practical experiences of various topics in catechesis. These topics include Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, Sacrament Preparation, Order of Christian Initiation, and ongoing Family Faith Formation. It will conclude with the principal Mass at the Cathedral on Sunday, August 4.

If you are interested in participating, talk to Father who can access the registration form(s) no later than July 1, so that arrangements can be finalized.

NOTE: Each parish is responsible for sending and covering the cost of accommodations for participants. The chancery will be providing details by email to each participant about the accommodations for the weekend. Please plan accordingly.

Greeters are needed for Saturday and Sunday Masses. Visitors genuinely appreciate a warm greeting and the offer of information, and this is an important but easy way to help grow the SJV family and Christ's kingdom.

If you would like to serve in this manner, the task is simple and training is brief. Put a smile on someone's face as you offer them a welcome to worship! Contact Jen Petri for info or to sign up, at iwu22@msn.com.

SJV needs you during Sunday Mass, serving on a team of video operators. The main requirement is comfort with using a computer. There will be training and a rotation! Please contact Darrel Petri at 309-826-1429.

Teachers Needed! The future of our Catholic Church could be in your hands! Our children are our future! While the parents have the role of the first teachers of their children , our Religious Education program at St John Vianney strives to support parents in their efforts to educate their children. If you are a confirmed Catholic age 18 and above, you can be a teacher. If you think you don’t know enough… even better! YOU LEARN THROUGH TEACHING! Our program is theme-based, in that each month we teach a different aspect of the Catholic faith. And we have grade level books for the teachers and students to use. Please see Cathy Malczynski if you’re interested in the opportunity to grow our entire Catholic Church!

An affordable retreat...

Retreat at Our Lady of the Snows in Belleville, IL

(St Louis, MO, area)

Led by Fr Scott Wooten Monday through Wednesday, August 19-21.

The theme of the retreat is the Confluence of Messages from Mary.

Explore Our Lady of Snows website at www.snows.org. We will stay at the guest house and will have access to the entire campus for meditation, prayer, and worship, as well as a retreat organized by Fr. Scott.

A map of the beautiful grounds can be found here.

Sign up now! Cost: $190.80 per person, double-occupancy; $280.80 per person, single-occupancy. This is the entire cost of the retreat (meals and lodging included), though transportation is up to you.

Thinking about how to get there? Not a fan of driving that distance? Did you know you can take Amtrak directly to St. Louis from Cleburne or Ft. Worth?  Several attending the retreat are planning to sit back and enjoy the train ride!


Sign up or ask questions by emailing Jen Petri at iwu22@msn.com.

A Message from Champion Shrine's

Shepherd Project

Last year May - October, thousands joined the National Shrine as we prayed for each Bishop by name across the U.S. through the Shepherd Project. Beginning today, we embark on this season of prayer again, and You are invited to join us!

We will begin by praying for our Bishops in Wisconsin (where the National Shrine of Our Lady of Champion is located) and continue across the United States and U.S. territories until each Bishop and his Diocese is prayed for. We have great confidence that our Blessed Mother will intercede for us and that our Lord hears our prayers for our Nation's Shepherds.

On the grounds of the National Shrine, a candle will be lit for our Shepherds in the Apparition Oratory and each day's Bishop will be prayed for during daily Mass at 11:00 a.m.

Note: Bishop Olson will be prayed for on September 13 and Bishop Lopes will be prayed for on October 29.

Learn More

Important: Building Use Request Form Needed for Most Events

Thinking about having an event, large or small, at SJV? With limited space and a growing parish, calendaring of events must be handled carefully, and often there is a need to prioritize and thus adjust dates, times, and/or rooms used. Read the guidelines in the graphic to the left.

Find the form here or on the SJV website (Events tab).

Additional helpful information about Events and Communication at SJV: As a growing parish, we no longer can count on everyone knowing about every event or meeting by word of mouth -- it's vital for the success of these occasions that the planner advise the keeper of the calendar and the one who creates bulletins and newsletters, Jen Petri, of all events/meetings and the details of what/when/where. This can be accomplished by completing and submitting your building use request form, rather than other ways like adding a comment at announcement time in Mass. Jen will be glad to create or receive from you a graphic, make signs or flyers, and share on social media, if appropriate. Just ask her and give her the details. Again, if in doubt, fill it out -- the building use request form is your friend!

Additionally, some might wonder why we don't advertise particular events beyond the church. We do not have a kitchen set up for preparing food, so we don't have a permit for that. Private events like the Fish Fry Suppers are, thus, for us and our families. Please respect that limitation and understand our approach to advertising. Any questions can be directed to Jen at iwu22@msn.com. Thank you!

Did You Know...

Duke Birch shares interesting and often lesser-known facts about the Catholic Church.

Check back next issue for another installment.

Have an idea for Did You Know? Find the myParish group and join. You may share your suggestion in the discussion there, or contact Duke Birch or Jen Petri.

RCIA, Religious Ed Schedule

RCIA and Religious Ed are on break for the summer and will resume in the fall.

SJV Homeschool Is on Break

  • Homeschool Co-op News Co-op is on break for the summer, but look for fall orientation information coming later. The homeschool group has meet ups throughout the summer, so if you homeschool, or have time off with your kids this summer, feel free to join the group! Any questions can be directed to any of the co-op board members: Susannah Shelton, Corri Birch, Jessica Kinler, and Natalie Earley. 
  • SJV has two homeschool Groups on the myParish app: “Homeschool Group — Open” is for all homeschool families who would like updates and announcements for meet-ups and events with other homeschool families. “Homeschool Co-op” is specifically for those who participate in the co-op to get necessary updates and info on schedules, etc. Contact Susannah Shelton if you would like more info on joining one or both of the groups. 
  • Little Flowers is on break for the summer but participated in the Mother's Day Crowning of Mary. Contact Corri Birch for more info about Little Flowers at corri.birch@protonmail.com.

Things to Do/Reminders

  • Please do not place any thermostat on HOLD mode, as it will stay at that temperature indefinitely.

  • Completed Stewardship Pledge Cards are due now.

  • We have renewed our Formed subscription. If you use and enjoy Formed, please help us pay for our continued subscription by marking your checks or an envelope with cash with a note “Formed” renewal. We have collected less than half of the $999 renewal. Thank you!

  • You may pick up a box of offering envelopes for 2024 and enter your name and box number on the accompanying form in the Welcome area.

  • If you have been given a key to SJV (or if you use one of the key lock boxes), please be sure to act responsibly with it. Remember to turn off all lights and relock the building when you are through with your activity or event. If you have taken the key from a lock box, please return it to that box before you leave the premises. Also, please DO NOT make copies of the key(s) that you have been given. Thank you! ~ Fr. Scott

  • SJV Golf Tournament 2024 will be held Friday, September 13. It's time to sponsor or gather sponsors. See info here.

  • Please do not get in line for Confession less than ten minutes before Mass. If you are in line and it is five minutes before Mass, please be seated.

  • SJV Pantry Monetary donations and non-perishables are needed, as we now have space for the food items. Those wishing to donate monetarily can do so by notating the Benevolence Fund on checks, in the memo line. A bin is available for food donations in the Parish Hall.

  • If you have an SJV t-shirt that doesn't fit and/or would like to see if someone else has one that they don't need, Jen Petri will be happy to help with a shirt swap. At some point in the next year we will have another shirt sale, but if you would like swapping assistance in the meantime, email Jen (see below). Please wear your shirts throughout the community to spread the word of our presence!

  • Subscribe now to our YouTube Channel so you can view our livestreamed Masses as well as helpful and relevant videos. Find the channel here and simply click "subscribe." If you are not a regular YouTube user, you may have to create an account.

  • Our Inreach/Care Ministry is led by Mary Vinson, and will be temporarily managed by Loraine Pittenger. The ministry coordinates prayer requests, meal train requests, bereavement meal support, and financial assistance for parishioners. Please remember to send or bring prayer requests directly to Loraine Pittenger when you have them for yourself, family, or friends, so that you can be sure they will be put on the list. You may also use the myParish app Prayer Request feature (find it in the Prayers section) or use the Prayer Requests box on the Welcome Table. Loraine's email address is loraine.pittenger@yahoo.com.

  • Donuts! Please consider making a small donation as you enjoy your donut each week. Thank you!

  • If you received the Sacrament(s) of baptism, first communion, or confirmation at St. John Vianney Catholic Church and did not receive a certificate, please send an email to stjohnvianneycleburne@yahoo.com. Please use the subject line "Sacrament Certificate," and in the body of the email give any pertinent information about that day, such as child’s name, parents' names, godparents' names, date, priest, sponsor's name, confirmation name. You will receive a response to acknowledge your request and to gather more information, if needed.

  • New parish members please stay after Mass any Sunday and find Earl Lutz, so he can take your picture and obtain your information for our online directory.

  • If you are a regular visitor and would like to join our parish, find a parish registration form at the Welcome Desk. Thank you for joining us!

  • Take home with you from Mass, and keep with you, some "contact cards" to give to folks you tell about St. John Vianney when you are out in the community. They have SJV information, as well as a QR code that is linked to our Mass Times page on our website.

  • If you would like to check out a book from the library, see Jenny Fyn after Masses. You may also talk to Jenny if you'd like to make a donation to the library (book or monetary). Her contact information is jennericfyn@yahoo.com (email) or 682-283-5778 (text).

  • Fr Scott is interested in your early SJV stories -- about how SJV has come to be. Please email Jenifer Petri at iwu22@msn.com with your story or stories. Your parish family will be interested and this will be a valuable historical documentation for future SJV generations.

Medjugorje in 2024!

There will be another opportunity to visit this Marian site with Elizabeth Victory and 206 Tours. Mark your calendar for September 9-17, 2024 and visit the website to find out more about Medjugorje with Ivan Dragicevic.

An Italy Pilgrimage

with Fr Scott

While travel to the Holy Land is now on hold for us, we are working on an Italy holy sites itinerary. If interested, email Jen Petri at iwu22@msn.com.


Spiritual Adoption

10 Months (September through June)


As we did last year, SJV members are spiritually adopting babies who are not yet born, but in danger of abortion. It is recommended that each family member spiritually-adopt a baby, giving the baby a name. Please pick up a prayer card at the Welcome table for your spiritually-adopted child, and keep the child and its mother in prayer throughout the ten months. 


Sign-up for monthly e-mails and activities to engage your children at www.holyheroesspiritualadoption.com.

Development of your baby: 

June, Month 10 (weeks 37 through 40): Your baby is ready to meet the world at this point. Your baby is about 18 to 20 inches long and weighs about 7 pounds.

Men's Ministries

  • St. John Vianney has a great opportunity for all good Catholic men: the Knights of Columbus. If you are not a member, please join by emailing Fr. Scott at the link below. The Knights meet on the second Monday of each month at SJV, starting with the Rosary at 6:30pm. Email Fr Scott to join or to ask questions.

  • All men are invited! SJV Men meet the first and third Monday of every month at 5:30pm at SJV for Bible Study and prayer. We are currently studying the book of Wisdom.

Committee Listings

Please use this list of committee chairs (in italics) to help you navigate the system. A blank indicates no one is in the role currently.

Pastoral Council Fr Scott Wooten, Ryan Kinler, Shelley Hall, Susan Franklin, Samuel Shelton, Michael Cipriano

Education Cathy Malczynski

Building Samuel Shelton

Finance Cathy Malczynski, Elizabeth Victory

Worship Fr Scott Wooten

Fellowship Jessica Kinler

Evangelism Darrel and Jenifer Petri

Parish Care

Some of these committees have guilds as follows:


  • Choir Shelley Hall
  • Altar Guild Susan Franklin


  • Ushers Steve Franklin
  • Outreach Susan Franklin

Parish Care

  • Inreach Mary and Paul Vinson (temporarily Loraine Pittenger)
  • Men's Ministries Michael Cipriano
  • Women's Ministries

We also have a board of trustees: Steve Franklin/Rick Malczynski (with a safety guild serving under that board)

Lectionary for This Week

Daily Bible Readings

Communication at SJV

To add an item to this ebulletin, please email Jen Petri at iwu22@msn.com by Monday (two days before it is sent).

For an announcement to be made at the end of weekend Masses, email Jen Petri at iwu22@msn.com by Thursday morning of the week leading to that weekend. Late announcement submissions for Fr. Scott to read after Mass should be handed directly to him. All announcement and bulletin blurb requests should have committee head approval (see list above) and thorough details including information about signing up, and should pertain to the majority of parishioners’ interests. For events/items pertaining to a smaller percentage of members, consider a blurb in the paper bulletin or the Wednesday ebulletin.  If it is an item for the Care/Inreach Ministry (a prayer request), send the item to Loraine Pittenger (loraine.pittenger@yahoo.com).

Find items of interest on our Facebook page here. Be sure to Like it and Share with friends!

Use the myParish app for up-to-the-minute news about SJV that may affect you. Find it on the app store and create an account. Explore the app and "favorite" St. John Vianney, Cleburne.


Handy Links

Links to some of the information referenced in the paper bulletin available at Mass on the weekends


Now available online here! For privacy, you must enter the code listed in the paper bulletin to gain access. Not in the directory? See Earl Lutz after Sunday Mass and he'll get your photo and information!


Parishioners can create an account and use it to access a wealth of Catholic programs, movies, books and more. Access it here.


The mission: to provide scaled down baby caskets for those of limited financial means, in hopes of a Christian burial for babies that are miscarried, stillborn, or due to other infant loss. Please contact them at 713 858-1098 to contribute funds or wedding dresses, or to see how else this group can use your help.

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