Volume CXLXXXVIII July 24, 2024

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St. John Vianney

Cleburne, TX

A Catholic Church under the Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter

200 S. Nolan River Rd. Cleburne, TX 76033

Saturday, Sunday

Masses & Confessions

Monday, Wednesday - Friday

Daily Mass & Confessions

Contact us at:


(682) 253-2343

Reminder: Items for the weekly ebulletin are due by Monday (two days before it is sent) and must have committee head approval. Thank you!



Masses are celebrated in the church in the front building. Confession is also in the front building, offered beginning 45 minutes before Mass, ending 10 minutes before Mass begins.

If you would like a Mass offered for a loved-one, living or deceased, complete a Mass Intention envelope, enclosing your offering (customary is $10), and place it in the blue Mass Intentions box in the church Narthex. Intentions are indicated in the paper bulletin each weekend for the weekdays following, and below in parentheses.


Wed - July 24 -- St. Sharbel Makhluf, Priest

4:45pm Confession

5:00pm Rosary

5:30pm Mass (Peace and Unity within Our Church)

6:00pm Sunday Choir Rehearsal

Thurs - July 25 -- St. James, Apostle

4:45pm Confession

5:30pm Mass

6:00pm Saturday Choir Rehearsal

Fri - July 26 -- Sts. Joachim and Anne, Parents of the Blessed Virgin Mary

11:00am Adoration

11:15am Confession

Noon Mass († Mae Littell)

Sat - July 27 -- BVM

4:15pm Confession

4:30pm Rosary

5:00pm Vigil Mass

Sun - July 28

8:15am Confession

8:30am Rosary

9:00am Mass 

Mon - July 29 -- Sts. Martha, Mary, and Lazarus

11:15am Confession

Noon Mass ( Myrtle Bacon)

Tues - July 30 -- St. Peter Chrysologus, Bishop and Doctor of the Church

No Confession, Mass, or Office Hours

Wed - July 31 -- St. Ignatius of Loyola, Priest

4:45pm Confession

5:00pm Rosary

5:30pm Mass (Margaret Lyness)

6:00pm Sunday Choir Rehearsal

Mark Your Calendar:

  • Fr Scott will be on vacation Thursday, August 1, through Sunday, August 11. Mass will be celebrated at SJV on Saturdays/Sundays, August 3 and 4, 10 and 11, and Wednesday, August 7, with Fr Tom Kennedy presiding. No other weekday Masses will be celebrated. More details to follow.

  • ROSARY FOR THE USA: Gather on Friday, August 2.  Our country, fellow citizens, and leaders desperately need prayer during these turbulent times. Please join us as we pray the Rosary beginning at 10:30am on First Fridays each month through the end of the year, as we show our devotion to the Sacred heart of Jesus. We will pray each decade with special intentions that all people in America will turn their hearts towards God and seek His will for their lives. REMINDER: you can stay for Adoration at 11:00am. There will be no Mass that day.

  • Family Wednesdays: Wednesdays through August 14, the homeschoolers (all families are welcome) will meet at 10:00am at the Grandview Splash Pad at 501 S 5th St, Grandview. You are welcome to bring snacks or a picnic lunch and stay as long as you'd like to let the kids play.

  • Hand Chime Practices will resume August 10. Meet from 3:00 to 4:00pm.

  • The Sewing Guild Meeting is Friday, July 26, from 5:00 to 8:00pm in the Parish Hall. The group is planning on making lap quilts to gift to retirement communities this winter. If you have scrap fabric you would like to donate, please place it in the basket in the Parish Hall entrance. If you would like to make a monetary donation please mark envelopes and indicate Sewing Guild in the memo line of checks. 

  • Final Youth Bowling will be on Saturday, August 17, 10:00am-1:00pm. Additional calendar dates: September 17 10:00am-1:00pm Granbury Beach Youth Day; October 12 10:00am-1:00pm Youth Paintball - Fun on the Run in Lake Worth

  • A Youth Dance at SJV on Saturday, August 17 -- Sign up on the SJV website for the 6:00 to 9:00pm dance at SJV! Adult chaperones are needed (must take safe child training or be trained), as are western style decorations. Contact Julianne Slinkman at julianne.watkins@gmail.com.


  • Great Adventure Bible Timeline with Jeff Cavins is on hold for now. Paul Vinson will stay in touch with participants.

View the entire Church Calendar:

Church Calendar on Google

Continuing Education

A Message from Fr Scott

When I was an architect, this phrase brought groans to all who heard it mentioned. We all went through a lengthy education, passed state boards and learned from the cruelest of professors, reality, in doing the job. Why must we go and listen to someone drone on about the newest and the latest? We had to get so many hours, so we got them and went on with our life.

Now that I am a pastor, the tables have turned, I am now the one who attempts to get everyone to come to continuing education. But why?!  I went to Sunday school, RCIA, Catechism class, or whatever alphabet soup of letters or abbreviation your church uses to describe Christian education.

Back in architecture we all knew that, as the years progressed, we were increasingly unaware of the new technologies -- tech that we would need to offer our clients the best service which we owed them. As Christians, we also need to be concerned about our service to others. After all, we have all been sent, sent to share the Gospel with all. So is your sharing a service, or a comedy of errors? I have found that most simply shy away from sharing the faith because they cannot in good conscience attempt to explain the salvation that Jesus Christ afforded us through His work on the cross. So, we keep silent, and when pressed, we fumble through; too many times giving a fractured version of scripture.

I have spent a week at the Eucharistic Revival. I have a master’s in theology and 25 years of ministry, and I learned a lot this last week. Some of what I learned was simply a reminder, kind of like reading the old book that you have not touched in 30 years. But still some of it was new. This is not an indictment on my education; this is an admittance that God is infinite, and Theology (the study of God) is likewise infinite. I have a lot to learn! 

I have taken the last year to lead the build of our new church. I have been focused on that endeavor. I am now going to shift gears and begin teaching again. Those outside SJV, I am certain, have pastors that teach. We all need to understand that we have more to learn about God. We all need to admit that we need to sharpen our defense of the faith that God has gifted to us. And now the hard part: we all need to humble ourselves and sit and learn.

Continue your education! No matter if you are young or old, God has something to teach you through His pastors. Take the time. My classes are usually 45 minutes to an hour. Lunch will wait. Let us fill our minds with the knowledge we will need when we come face to face with the evil one who prowls around the world, seeking someone to devour. Let us be ready to fight him with the mightiest sword of all, the living Word of God.


Let Us Welcome

Our Visitors and New Members!

We have had many new and repeat visitors since our church remodel and consecration. Please continue to welcome, and direct them to the Welcome Desk in the office area. Please also keep the area clear after Saturday and Sunday Masses so that visitors may have access to the desk as well as to Fr Scott.

For those interested in an application to join the church, there are blank forms available on the black shelving in the office. Just ask a greeter to get a parish form and an Ordinariate form for the visitor to look over and complete as they wish. Thank you!


Religious Ed News

Watch for details about the following:

  • First Catechist Meeting July 28
  • Parent Meeting August 11


OCIA (formerly known as RCIA) for adults 18 and over will be having a meeting on Sunday, September 8, after Mass for all those interested in starting our new session and are looking to be confirmed. Parishioners who are already confirmed and want to come to our classes for increased knowledge do not need to attend this meeting.

OCIA will begin Sunday, September 22.

Greeters are needed for Saturday and Sunday Masses. Visitors genuinely appreciate a warm greeting and the offer of information, and this is an important but easy way to help grow the SJV family and Christ's kingdom.

If you would like to serve in this manner, the task is simple and training is brief. Put a smile on someone's face as you offer them a welcome to worship! Contact Jen Petri for info or to sign up, at iwu22@msn.com.

SJV needs you during Sunday Mass, serving on a team of video operators. The main requirement is comfort with using a computer. There will be training and a rotation! Please contact Darrel Petri at 309-826-1429.

Ushers are needed for Saturday and Sunday Masses, as well. There are a few important tasks involved, and Steve Franklin is ready to help prepare you. Contact him at 02RoadKing@sbcglobal.net.

Job opportunity (part-time) for Outreach Case Manager at Many-Mansions. Talk to Eric Forsythe or click here.

SJV Homeschool News

  • Homeschool Co-op News: Registration for SJV Homeschool Co-op Fall 2024 is now open! Please contact Susannah Shelton with questions and to register your child(ren). The registration deadline is August 20. Orientation will be Thursday, August 22, at 10:00am in the Parish Hall. General questions can also be directed to any of the co-op board members: Susannah Shelton, Corri Birch, Jessica Kinler, and Natalie Earley. 
  • SJV has two homeschool Groups on the myParish app: “Homeschool Group — Open” is for all homeschool families who would like updates and announcements for meet-ups and events with other homeschool families. “Homeschool Co-op” is specifically for those who participate in the co-op to get necessary updates and info on schedules, etc. Contact Susannah Shelton if you would like more info on joining one or both of the groups. 
  • Little Flowers: Contact Corri Birch for more info about Little Flowers at corri.birch@protonmail.com.

Retreat at Our Lady of the Snows in Belleville, IL

(St Louis, MO, area)

Led by Fr Scott Wooten Monday through Wednesday, August 19-21.

The theme of the retreat is the Confluence of Messages from Mary.

Explore Our Lady of Snows website at www.snows.org. We will stay at the guest house and will have access to the entire campus for meditation, prayer, and worship, as well as a retreat organized by Fr. Scott. A map of the beautiful grounds can be found here.

Sign up now! Cost: $190.80 per person, double-occupancy; $280.80 per person, single-occupancy. This is the entire cost of the retreat (meals and lodging included), though transportation is up to you.


Sign up or ask questions by emailing Jen Petri at iwu22@msn.com.

A Message from Champion Shrine's

Shepherd Project

Last year May - October, thousands joined the National Shrine as we prayed for each Bishop by name across the U.S. through the Shepherd Project.

This year we again pray for our Bishops in Wisconsin (where the National Shrine of Our Lady of Champion is located) and continue across the United States and U.S. territories until each Bishop and his Diocese is prayed for. We have great confidence that our Blessed Mother will intercede for us and that our Lord hears our prayers for our Nation's Shepherds.

On the grounds of the National Shrine, a candle will be lit for our Shepherds in the Apparition Oratory and each day's Bishop will be prayed for during daily Mass at 11:00 a.m.

Note: Bishop Olson will be prayed for on September 13 and Bishop Lopes will be prayed for on October 29.

Learn More


Building Use Request Form Needed for Most Events

Find the form here or on the SJV website (Events tab).

Things to Do/Reminders

  • Please do not place any thermostat on HOLD mode, as it will stay at that temperature indefinitely.

  • If you have been given a key to SJV (or if you use one of the key lock boxes), please be sure to act responsibly with it. Remember to turn off all lights and relock the building when you are through with your activity or event. If you have taken the key from a lock box, please return it to that box before you leave the premises. Also, please DO NOT make copies of the key(s) that you have been given. Thank you! ~ Fr. Scott

  • SJV Golf Tournament 2024 will be held Friday, September 13. It's time to sponsor or gather sponsors. See info here.

  • Please do not get in line for Confession less than ten minutes before Mass. If you are in line and it is five minutes before Mass, please be seated for Mass.

  • SJV Pantry Monetary donations and non-perishables are needed, as we now have space for the food items. Those wishing to donate monetarily can do so by notating the Benevolence Fund on checks, in the memo line. A bin is available for food donations in the Parish Hall.

  • If you have an SJV t-shirt that doesn't fit and/or would like to see if someone else has one that they don't need, Jen Petri will be happy to help with a shirt swap. At some point in the next year we will have another shirt sale, but if you would like swapping assistance in the meantime, email Jen (see below). Please wear your shirts throughout the community to spread the word of our presence!

  • Subscribe now to our YouTube Channel so you can view our livestreamed Masses as well as helpful and relevant videos. Find the channel here and simply click "subscribe." If you are not a regular YouTube user, you may have to create an account.

  • Our Inreach/Care Ministry is led by Mary Vinson, and will be temporarily managed by Loraine Pittenger. The ministry coordinates prayer requests, meal train requests, bereavement meal support, and financial assistance for parishioners. Please remember to send or bring prayer requests directly to Loraine Pittenger when you have them for yourself, family, or friends, so that you can be sure they will be put on the list. You may also use the myParish app Prayer Request feature (find it in the Prayers section) or use the Prayer Requests box on the Welcome Table. Loraine's email address is loraine.pittenger@yahoo.com.

  • Donuts! Please consider making a small donation as you enjoy your donut each week. Thank you!

  • If you received the Sacrament(s) of baptism, first communion, or confirmation at St. John Vianney Catholic Church and did not receive a certificate, please send an email to stjohnvianneycleburne@yahoo.com. Please use the subject line "Sacrament Certificate," and in the body of the email give any pertinent information about that day, such as child’s name, parents' names, godparents' names, date, priest, sponsor's name, confirmation name. You will receive a response to acknowledge your request and to gather more information, if needed.

  • New parish members please stay after Mass any Sunday and find Earl Lutz, so he can take your picture and obtain your information for our online directory.

  • If you are a regular visitor and would like to join our parish, ask for a parish registration form at the Welcome Desk. Thank you for joining us!

  • Take home with you from Mass, and keep with you, some "contact cards" to give to folks you tell about St. John Vianney when you are out in the community. They have SJV information, as well as a QR code that is linked to our Mass Times page on our website.

  • If you would like to check out a book from the library, see Jenny Fyn after Masses. You may also talk to Jenny if you'd like to make a donation to the library (book or monetary). Her contact information is jennericfyn@yahoo.com (email) or 682-283-5778 (text).

  • Fr Scott is interested in your early SJV stories -- about how SJV has come to be. Please email Jenifer Petri at iwu22@msn.com with your story or stories. Your parish family will be interested and this will be a valuable historical documentation for future SJV generations.

Medjugorje in 2024!


If you think the Blessed Mother is calling you to Medjugorje September 9 - 17, the time to reserve is getting shorter! Reserve soon!

One can still reserve as long as there are rooms, but after June 8, within 90 days of the journey, the current airfare price could change. I don't know how much longer they will hold rooms for us, since there are others outside of our reservation on the waitlist. We asked for these reservations last September!

Our group has 1 priest and 19 other pilgrims as of Thursday, June 6, 2024. For more information see the website above and/or call Elizabeth Victory at 817-223-1645.

Latest developments in Medjugorje here.

Join the ongoing Novena.

An Italy Pilgrimage

with Fr Scott

Travel with Fr Scott and Stephanie Wooten next year, during the Jubilee! Mark your calendar and watch for more information about the itinerary (flyers will come out soon!) for our November 2, 2025, Italy Pilgrimage!

If interested, email Jen Petri at iwu22@msn.com.

Men's Ministries

  • St. John Vianney has a great opportunity for all good Catholic men: the Knights of Columbus. If you are not a member, please join by emailing Fr. Scott at the link below. The Knights meet on the second Monday of each month at SJV, starting with the Rosary at 6:30pm. Email Fr Scott to join or to ask questions.

  • All men are invited! SJV Men meet the first and third Monday of every month at 5:30pm at SJV for Bible Study and prayer. We are currently studying the book of Wisdom.

Committee Listings

Please use this list of committee chairs (in italics) to help you navigate the system. A blank indicates no one is in the role currently. Note some roles have changed effective July 1, 2024.

Pastoral Council Fr Scott Wooten, Ryan Kinler, Corri Birch, Samuel Shelton, Michael Cipriano

Education Cathy Malczynski, Natalie Earley, Angie Newman

Building Samuel Shelton

Finance Jessica Kinler, Elizabeth Victory

Worship Fr Scott Wooten

Fellowship Jessica Kinler

Evangelism Darrel and Jenifer Petri

Parish Care Corri Birch

Some of these committees have guilds as follows:


  • Architecture Stephanie Wooten


  • Choir Shelley Hall
  • Altar Guild Wesley and Waree Ellis


  • Ushers Steve Franklin
  • Greeters Darrel and Jenifer Petri
  • Outreach Danny and Julianne Slinkman

Parish Care

  • Inreach Mary and Paul Vinson (temporarily Loraine Pittenger)
  • Men's Ministries Michael Cipriano
  • Women's Ministries

We also have a board of trustees: Steve Franklin/Rick Malczynski (with a safety guild serving under that board)

Lectionary for This Week

Daily Bible Readings

Communication at SJV

To add an item to this ebulletin, please email Jen Petri at iwu22@msn.com by Monday (two days before it is sent).

For an announcement to be made at the end of weekend Masses, email Jen Petri at iwu22@msn.com by Thursday morning of the week leading to that weekend. Late announcement submissions for Fr. Scott to read after Mass should be handed directly to him. All announcement and bulletin blurb requests should have committee head approval (see list above) and thorough details including information about signing up, and should pertain to the majority of parishioners’ interests. For events/items pertaining to a smaller percentage of members, consider a blurb in the paper bulletin or the Wednesday ebulletin.  If it is an item for the Care/Inreach Ministry (a prayer request), send the item to Loraine Pittenger (loraine.pittenger@yahoo.com).

Find items of interest on our Facebook page here. Be sure to Like it and Share with friends!

Use the myParish app for up-to-the-minute news about SJV that may affect you. Find it on the app store and create an account. Explore the app and "favorite" St. John Vianney, Cleburne.


Handy Links

Links to some of the information referenced in the paper bulletin available at Mass on the weekends


Now available online here! For privacy, you must enter the code listed in the paper bulletin to gain access. Not in the directory? See Earl Lutz after Sunday Mass and he'll get your photo and information!


Parishioners can create an account and use it to access a wealth of Catholic programs, movies, books and more. Access it here.


The mission: to provide scaled down baby caskets for those of limited financial means, in hopes of a Christian burial for babies that are miscarried, stillborn, or due to other infant loss. Please contact them at 713 858-1098 to contribute funds or wedding dresses, or to see how else this group can use your help.

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