March 2, 2 016
Temporary Traffic Signal Installation

Motorists will encounter single right lane restrictions Thursday, March 3 from 10 p.m. until 5 a.m. on eastbound and westbound Cimarron at the I-25 southbound on-ramp intersection. These closures are needed to install temporary traffic signals.

Phase 1 Work Begins March 13

Expect overnight lane closures beginning March 13 for the next several months on I-25 (between Colorado Avenue and south Nevada Avenue/Tejon Street) and on US 24 (between 8th Street and I-25) for removals, restriping and setting barrier. This work will prepare for future traffic realignments. Watch for weekly eAlerts for the most up-to-date information.

Phase 1 Safety Alert

The travelling public will encounter traffic impacts during Phase 1. Pay close attention when driving near the I-25/Cimarron Project. Slow down, observe speed limits, avoid distractions, allow extra time for your commute and consider alternative routes if possible.
The following is a summary of upcoming project construction activity.
Construction schedules are subject to change based on weather/other unforeseen circumstances.
Activity Area
Time/date activity scheduled to begin
Time/date activity scheduled to end
Activity impacts/comments
Eastbound / westbound Cimarron/US 24
at the I-25 southbound on-ramp intersection
Thursday, March 3
10 p.m.
Friday, March 4
5 a.m.
Single right lane closures
Pikes Peak Greenway
Currently in place
Intermittent closures continuing through 2017
Detour routes clearly marked. Possible intermittent closures of trail throughout the project.
Midland Trail
Currently in place
Summer of 2017
Detour routes clearly marked.
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Project information is available at:
A telephone hotline is also available at 719-302-6781. 

What Are The Project Goals?
  • Maximize overall safety, capacity and operation of the interchange and the surrounding transportation network within the Project budget;
  • Complete Project construction to be fully operational before December 1, 2017;
  • Minimize impacts and inconvenience to the community, motorists, businesses, downtown and the public during construction; and
  • Achieve an aesthetically pleasing design compatible with current and future amenities and enhancements in and around the interchange.
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