Thursday, May 9, 2024
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Clergy Reflection
My son Ben and I recently enjoyed watching (again) a musical romcom movie called Yesterday. If you haven’t seen it, here’s its plot summary: “A struggling musician realizes he is the only person on Earth who can remember The Beatles after waking up in an alternate reality where they never existed.”
Imagine. One day, the music of The Beatles and the genius of Lennon & McCartney are part of the fabric of reality as they always have been. The next day, you wake up, and there is no trace or whisper of them having ever existed in the history of the world (Google searches for “The Beatles” and “Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band” yield pictures of insects and Dr. Pepper soda), except in your own memory and imagination!
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11:30 this Sunday in the South Transept
Life can sometimes bring pain that is so potent, so chest-crushing, so soul-deep that hope feels delusional. Part of learning to live in the hope of resurrection is discerning how, where, and in whom to place our woundedness and hope. If our hope is that broken things can be restored precisely to their former state, disappointment awaits, and we can miss resurrection when it's revealed in our life experiences. Rayner and Thomasina Wharton invite you to hear about their journey of resurrection.
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Supporting the Belize Pilgrimage this Sunday | |
Back by popular request after a delicious first run in December, the Belize pilgrims are back with another cookie sale on 5/12! Stop by their tables after church to purchase some delicious homemade cookies and support their fundraising for this summer’s pilgrimage to Belize. The pilgrims will also have bespoke, handmade bouquets – created under the tutelage of our own Flower Guild! – available for purchase as well. Both make excellent gifts for moms, mother figures, or really anyone in your life. We are just under half way to our fundraising goal – can you help us get all the way there?
If you aren't able to be with us on May 12 you may support the pilgrims by making a contribution through online giving. Click here to support the trip to Belize.
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Fatherhood & Faith- meets tonight
Are you interested in getting to know other men at Redeemer? Our Fatherhood and Faith group is not just for fathers. Please join us for fellowship and conversation in the Baker Room (or outside) at Redeemer on Thursday, May 9 at 8 p.m. For more information please contact David Frisch or Ted Winstead. Hope to see you then!
Friday, May 17 @ 7:30 p.m. in the parish hall
Join us for a concert highlighting dance in various forms such as minuet, folk music, waltz and tango. Featuring Elisabeth Green, harp; Bert Landman, piano and Rebecca Lange-Thernes, flute
Wednesday, May 15 @ 7:00 p.m. in the church
A Sacred Argument: Dispatches from the Christian, Jewish, and Muslim Encounter is a memoir written by ICJS founding Executive Director Chris Leighton, who retired in 2018. In this work, he recounts his friendship and collaboration with the late Rabbi Joel Zaiman, who was a driving force in the creation and work of ICJS. A Sacred Argument also addresses the sharp political, social, and religious polarization in society, equipping readers with practical and theoretical resources to engage problems that all too often break down trust, shut down honest conversations, and disrupt collaborative action.
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Christopher M. Leighton, Ed.D., is the founding director of the Institute for Islamic, Christian, Jewish Studies (ICJS), successfully leading the organization until his retirement in 2018. In addition to his 33 years of interreligious leadership at the ICJS, he has served as an adjunct professor at the Johns Hopkins University and at St. Mary’s Seminary and University. Chris and his wife now reside in New Harbor, Maine.
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On Wednesday evening, May 22 at 7:00 p.m., join us for a screening of Philadelphia Eleven, a compelling new documentary film about the first women to become Episcopal priests. Free and open to the public. The trailer is available here.
In 1974, a group of women and their supporters organized their ordination as Episcopal priests in an act of civil disobedience and challenged the very essence of patriarchy within Christendom.
This documentary film tells their story. The ordinations of the Philadelphia Eleven opened the way for fifty-years of living more fully into equity across the gender spectrum in an historically patriarchal institution. While there is still much work to do to dismantle oppression in all its forms, the Episcopal Church has inarguably been changed because of what happened on July 29, 1974 at the Church of the Advocate in Philadelphia.
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Thank you!
The BUILD Mayoral accountability action at St. Frances Academy Tuesday night was a huge success! A standing-room only crowd of more than 500 BUILD leaders attended and heard how Mayor Brandon Scott and Former Mayor Sheila Dixon will work with BUILD to address our priorities. They also described how they will work WITH us, not just FOR us.
For a list of questions that we asked the candidates, click here.
Baltimore Banner
Baltimore Sun
View Tuesday evening's action with Baltimore mayoral candidates Brandon Scott and Sheila Dixon on BUILD's Facebook page here.
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Johnston Square Elementary School News
The teachers from Johnston Square Elementary School send many thanks for the teacher appreciation T-shirts. Since we received generous donations exceeding the cost of the t-shirts goodies were purchased and delivered to teachers in their classrooms on a "Sunshine Cart". Knowing that you appreciate the work they do means so much! Your ongoing support helps with so many extras that make people feel special.
Principal Olumiji is planning a "prom" for all students with good attendance on May 23rd from 5:30-7:30 p.m. Donations of Capri Suns and snacks such as chips, Takis, and cookies would be greatly appreciated. Please drop them off at Redeemer by Monday, 5/21, so our Redeemer Readers can bring them down on Tuesday.
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Sunday School
Sunday school is offered each Sunday during the program year for pre-school through 5th grade. Sunday school begins at 9:45 am. Children will join their families at the 10 am Eucharist during the Peace. Please contact Rebecca+ with any questions.
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Pastoral Notes
A memorial service for Aurelia Bolton will take place tomorrow, Friday May 10 at 11:00 a.m. in the church.
A memorial service for William Balfour will take place on Wednesday, May 15 at 2:00 p.m. in the chapel.
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Services this Weekend
Seventh Sunday of Easter
Saturday, May 11 @ 5:00 p.m. in the church
Holy Eucharist, Rite 2
PREACHER & CELEBRANT The Rev. Rebecca E. Ogus
READER Alice Pinderhughes
LEM & INTERSSOR Wendy Moskowitz
Sunday, May 12 @ 8:00 a.m. in the chapel
Holy Eucharist, Rite 1
PREACHER & CELEBRANT The Rev. Rebecca E. Ogus
Scheduled to Serve
READER Susan Niemeyer
FLOWERS Jan Guyton, Wincie Skeen
ALTAR GUILD James Cesarini
Sunday, May 12 @ 10:00 a.m. in the church
Holy Eucharist, Rite 2
Click here to join the service via livestream
PREACHER The Rev. Rebecca E. Ogus
CELEBRANT The Rev. David J. Ware
OFFICIANT The Rev. M. Cristina Paglinauan
DEACON The Rev. Freda Marie S. Brown
Scheduled to Serve
VERGER Alison Cole
ACOLYTES Lucy Guyton, Eliza Taliaferro
LAY EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS Margie Chandler, Ann Warfield,
Leigh Lowe, Dorcas Hutton
READERS Kristina Strakna, William Tarter
FLOWERS Kathy Dickinson, Pam Meier
USHERS Kathy Dickinson, Michael Dickinson
ALTAR GUILD Margaret Daley, Brenda Ehlers, Alex McMahon,
Ann Warfield, Betsy Willett
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Weekday Service Schedule
Tuesdays 8:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist in the church
Wednesdays 8:00 a.m. Embodied Eucharist in the chapel
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2024 Stewardship
Collectively, we are on a pilgrimage. We are encountering. We are being transformed, even as we seek to be the change we wish to see in our lives, our city and our world. In order to keep going, we need you. Thank you for prayerfully considering how you might contribute financially to our collective pilgrimage in 2024 and for making as generous a pledge as you can.
Thank you for thoughtfully considering your pledge to Redeemer in 2024.
Download a 2024 pledge form or make your pledge online here.
FAQs about stewardship at Redeemer.
Create or access your online giving account.
Questions? Email Ellen Chatard
Bible Study
If you never thought you would study the Bible, then this is the class for you! Join us in person or on Zoom for a far-ranging, free-wheeling, intelligent and emotionally honest discussion of this amazing resource. The Wednesday morning class meets from 10:00-11:30 a.m. in person and on Zoom. The Wednesday lunch time class meets from 12:00-1:00 p.m. on Zoom (only) and the Thursday evening class meets at 6:00 p.m., in person only in the Women's Council Room.
Zoom Links:
Join 10:00 a.m. Bible Study on Zoom
Meeting ID: 863 7962 7803
Passcode: N3GA0M
Join 12 noon Bible Study on Zoom
Meeting ID: 831 6876 2958
Passcode: B9r07u
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Parish Directory
The link to the online directory is here. Please bookmark this directory link for future reference. Send an email to Ellen Chatard to request the password.
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Our prayers are requested for:
Gwendolyn Randall, Geralyn Schroth, Donna Van der Velde, Owen Callard, Kate Lears, Anita Gail Rohrer, Abby Francis, Deborah Hebb, Peter Terry, Melissa Heaver, Chris Rinker, Stephanie Cooper, Robin Carson, Kit Carson, Lucy Dunn Martin, Claire Inayatullah, Jennifer Lee & family, Veronica Jones, Mary Nickerson, Lucy Crannick, Seth Tucker, Ronnie Reno, Allison Robinson, Becca Manner, Ann Klaes, Patricia Reese, Rita DeaNova, Mike McShane, Mike Zuidema, Presiding Bishop Michael Curry, James Edmunds, Bill Leary, Lindsey Mooney, Sabina McMahon, Gail Plowman, Weston Garrett, Linda Randall, Kimberley Jones, Deborah Hull and family, Ray Sprenkle, Amy Bruno-Lindner, Leslie Ann Costa, Donna Austin, Linda Hursh, Mary Luck Stanley, Suzanne and Ron Roszell, George Fonyo, Betsy Baker, Miriam Killiany, Katherine Cross, Richard Hyde, Sherrill Nash, the Cheston family, Becky Slater, Carson Ruchlewicz, Laura Vlahovich, Jay Featherstone, Larry Cole, Jean Barry, Miranda Featherstone, Susan Smith, Telma Cornejo, Ronnie Carey, Diana Tirion, Judy McMahon, Roger Powell, Monet Chantiles-Ruby, Ashby Thompson, Linda Caporaletti, Brooks Kauders, Robert Lopez, Jr., Jim Haugh, Marie Hawkins Lucas, Ralph Partlow, Cooper Savage, Martha Galleher, Bill Fritz, Brandon Mollett, Liz Dorcey, Paula Hutson, Bob Noll, Ebert Landman, Maureen Wilson, Janet Dunn, Charles Evans
Names remain on our prayer list for a month. If you would like someone’s name to continue – please contact the office.
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Going Deeper @ Redeemer
Click here for the March 2024 Vestry Minutes
Click here for minutes from the 2023 Annual Meeting.
Vestry Minutes from the last 12 months are available here.
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The Church of the Redeemer | 410-435-7333 | 5603 N. Charles Street + Baltimore, MD 21210 | www.redeemerbaltimore.org | | | | |