Community Unitarian Universalist Congregation at White Plains, NY
Spirituality   ·   Compassion   ·   Service
2018 Sep On the Journey, "Letting Go." HERE
Rev. Meredith Garmon's Weekly Post, HERE
Practice of the Week: The Shower-Write Practice / Our minds can sometimes fall victim to thoughts/feelings that spin out of control. This simple Shower-Write practice rescues us from mental "freak-out" and allows us to get our thoughts and emotions back under control. Begin with a warm shower, then gradually make...READ MORE.
Religious Education  September has arrived with all the promise and beauty of fall. The academic school year begins for all and so, too, Religious Education at CUUC! Religious Education this Sunday, Sep 23: K-5th grade start in Fellowship Hall for Children's Worship. Grade 6th-12th start in classrooms. Parent-Teacher Meeting, Sun Sep 30, 8:45am, Fellowship Hall: Learn more about RE. Breakfast served and childcare available... READ MORE
From the Music Director  When does a composer "let go" of a creation? When are "visions and revisions" at an end, and the piece belongs to the ages? The assiduous work habits of Johannes Brahms prompt such speculation. Brahms labored over his scores, spending nearly twenty years working on his first symphony. An indefatigable perfectionist, Brahms couldn't bear to leave behind evidence of his struggles... READ MORE
Upcoming Worship Services
Sun Sep 23, 10:00 AM  
"Let Go! Or Not"
Rev. Meredith Garmon
Knowing when, and of what, to let go, and when, and to what, to hold on -- is this not the fundamental question of our lives?
Sun Sep 30, 10:00 AM   
"Hoodlums and Zealots"
Rev. Meredith Garmon
A look at "the American Experiment" -- The British colonies were peopled in large part by Puritans and prisoners sent here as punishment for a crime or debt. It's an odd mix to start a country from.  
From Refugee Resettlement Social Justice Team

Postcard Writing Campaign, Sun Sep 23, After Worship
The White House has set the refugee admissions goal for 2019 at the lowest level in U.S. history. The RRSJT reminds us that this is not the country we want to be. We must do more - not less - for refugees. Call your Representative and Senators to make your voice heard (learn more HERE ) and join us during coffee hour this Sunday to write a postcard (or two!) to Congress.  
Science & Spirituality  
Science & Spirituality Group, Thu Sep 27, 11:30am, Fireside
We will share and discuss recent articles about the intersection of spirituality and science. Join us! Contact: Barbara Mair ( 
Faith Development Friday
Faith Development Friday, Fri Sep 28, CUUC
An evening of learning, spiritual growth, and community. 6:15pm Pizza & Salad Community Dinner; 7:00pm Programs; 8:30pm Coffee. Programs include Adult Religious Exporation, Family Journey Group, and Youth Group Gathering. Adults may also come for a slice and unstructured social time together. All may stay after  programs to share coffee and a chat. RSVP to
Day in Place 
Day in Place, Sat Sep 29
Join the PlaceKeepers for the day of activities to appreciate, improve, and maintain the building and grounds at CUUC, our physical and spiritual home. Contact: Bice Wilson (, Pamela Cucinell (
Sit and Sing with Us!
Choir Open House, Sun Sep 30, 11:40am, Sanctuary
Come see what it is like to work with choir director Lisa Meyer and pianist Georgianna Pappas. Sit with CUUC Choir members and sing a few rounds, anthems, and folk songs. Whether or not you are considering joining, come enjoy an hour of camaraderie! All are welcome - you do not need to be able to read music. Contact Lisa Meyer (, 347-278-3187). 
Did you know...

From heating and cooling systems, to lighting and appliances, buildings generate more than 40% of all carbon pollution in the United States. Learn more HERE
T oy- Drive Collection
Collection of New Toys for Hour Children's Center at the Bedford Correctional Facility, Sun Oct 7 & Sun Oct 14
Please bring new, unwrapped gifts only (each item is checked by security). Click HERE
for a list of items in highest demand. Feel free to donate a present not listed, but note the items that are not permitted. Contact: Ray Messing, (   
Presentation: Doctrine of Discovery 

"Doctrine of Discovery: Next Steps," with Petra Thombs, Sun Oct 7, 11:30am, Fellowship Hall
Film screening followed by discussion. Presented by the In the Spirit of Truth/Racial Justice Team. The Doctrine of Discovery has its roots the 15th century decree that Christian nations had the right to conquer and exploit non-Christian lands (learn more HERE). 
District Leadership Day    
UU Fall Leadership Day, Saturday, October 13, 9:30am - 4:00pm, CUUC
Presented by the UUA Central East Region/Metro District. Our keynote speaker is Rev. Robin Tanner discussing "Social Change Through Spiritual Transformation: Engaging Our Faith." Learn more HERE. Register by Mon Oct 8 HERE. 
The date for the Auction is Sat Nov 3 and the ticket price is $45. Some mailings had incorrect information printed. Updated merchant letters are available in the lobby. Apologies for any confusion! 
Under the Sea Auction Meeting this Week - Join Us!
Annual Auction Fundraiser, Sat Nov 3, Preview 5:30pm, T ickets $45
Please note this is the correct date and price - some mailings had incorrect information printed. Updated merchant letters available in the lobby.
We're jumping into the deep water ! Planning for our enchanted evening Under the Sea is in full swing and we would love for you to join our school of fish. Our team is having a short planning meeting this week after the service. Stop by and hear about what we're doing to gear up for this big event. If you'd like to be part of the fun and join our team, we have many ways you can get involved, including both small jobs the night of the event and advance planning roles that can be done at your convenience in the next few weeks. Join us and see if there is something that interests you! We are a fun group and would love to have you join us. Click HERE for a donation form .
Missing in Action
The Auction Committee asks for your help in solving the mystery of our missing tablecloths and dinnerware! Please check your laundry and pantry to see if any of our cloths, plates, silverware, or mugs may have lost their way and need to be brought back home to CUUC. No questions asked! ;-) 
Save the Date
"Giving Thanks for All Life" Thanksgiving Day Plant-Based Potluck, Thu Nov 22, 1:00 - 4:00pm, Fellowship Hall / Fireside
We will gather on this day to share gratitude for, and deepen our connection to, all earth's beings. We do so by sharing a plant-based meal that nurtures our health and the earth. Not only will we dine well with tasty dishes shared, but we will have time for discussion and fireside storytelling. Plan to bring at least one plant-based dish ready to serve by 1:00pm. We will be inviting the greater community, so share this invitation far and wide. If you'd like to volunteer to help, need more information, or ideas on how to prepare a dish with only plant-based ingredients, contact Doreen Rossi ( or Rev. LoraKim Joyner (
Call for Vendors

Holiday Arts & Crafts Fundraiser, Sun Dec 3 & 10, following Worship
If you are interested in selling your crafts at our annual fair, please contact Barbara Youngman ( Proceeds support the Minister's Discretionary Fund.

Minister's Discretionary Fund
We are asking Members and Friends to consider making a donation to replenish the minister's fund, which has been needed more than usual lately. Any contribution made by Mon Oct 15 will be matched up to $750. Make checks out to CUUC with the memo "Discretionary Fund." We look forward to again giving Rev. Meredith the ability to help those in need.
Limited-Time Opportunity to Benefit CUUC 

Wake Now Our Vision Legacy Challenge
10% Matching Opportunity for Planned Giving
If you name CUUC as a beneficiary in your will, your IRA, or other legacy gift, we will receive a 10% matching donation now from the UUA, up to $10,000. NOTE: FUNDS FOR THIS PROGRAM ARE EXPECTED TO LAST THROUGH SEPTEMBER ONLY, SO INTERESTED PARTIES ARE ENCOURAGED TO ACT NOW. Contact Chris Kortlandt ( 
Did You Know...?
A list of local social justice events is compiled, printed, and posted each week on the front bulletin board? The list is also linked at the bottom of "In the Community," below. Check it out -then get involved!  
In the Community
"Breakfast" Run, Sun Sep 23, 7:00am, First Unitarian Society, Hastings
Make a difference in the lives of those in need. Volunteers needed to help prepare food, pack clothes, and distribute and interact with the homeless in NYC. You can also support us with donations of clothing and food. Breakfast Runs are the perfect time to introduce kids and youth to the practice of service to others! Contact: Art Lowenstein (, 914-844-4189), Annie Patton (, 914-588-4782).   
Find more local social justice events HERE.  
Share the Plate for September: PrideWorks
PrideWorks was first organized to produce an annual conference for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer/questioning (LGBTQ) youth, their allies, and the adults in their lives. PrideWorks' mission is to inform communities about the realities of growing up gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgender, and to inspire them to respect and support LGBTQ people and to advocate for positive change.
Share-the-Plate Requests

Share the Plate requests are made to the Social Justice Coordinating Committee. Priority is given to requests of Social Justice Teams who have a long-term relationship with the organization they are recommending.
Congregants who wish to suggest an organization are encouraged to connect with a committee or social justice team that can champion their request. Other requests are considered on a case-by-case basis, if there is an available slot and if there is a connection to CUUC. Learn more HERE. Social Justice Coordinating Committee: Jeff Tomlinson (; Mary Cavallero (; Pamela Cucinell (; Rev. Meredith Garmon (
Our Faith Family
Memorial for Hollis Huston, Sun Sep 30, 3:00pm, Unitarian Church of All Souls, 1157 Lexington Avenue, New York  
Memorial Service for the partner of Rev. Carol Huston, our former minister. 
Caring & Sharing Ci rcle

If anyone knows of another among us who is in need of a caregiver, please contact Carole Mehta (914-234-6294, or her backup Catherine Kortlandt (914-834-7112,
Or contact the CUUC office (914-946-1660 x2,
This Week at CUUC

The full calendar can be found HERE. Room numbers subject to change; please check the board on Sunday morning. To reserve a room, contact Pam at the CUUC office (914-946-1660 x2,

Thu Sep 20 - 7:30pm Worship Committee
Sat Sep 22 - 10:00am Zen; 2:30pm Rental: WCHJ
Sun Sep 23 - 9:30am Nursery Care; 10:00am Worship; 11:15am Coffee Hour; 11:40am Sunday Journey Groups; 11:40am Auction Committee  
Mon Sep 24 - 6:30pm T'ai-ch'i
Tue Sep 25 - 10:00am Rental: Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous; 7:00pm Rental: WCSPP; 7:00pm Auction Committee; 7:30pm Choir rehearsal
Wed Sep 26 - 7:00pm Rental: WCSPP Faculty Meeting
Thu Sep 27 - 11:30am Science & Spirituality Group
Fri Sep 28 - 6:15pm Faith Development Friday - 6:15 Pizza, 7:00 Programs, 8:30 Coffee
Sat Sep 29 - Day in Place; 10:00am Zen
Sun Sep 30 - 8:45am Parent Teacher Meeting; 9:30am Nursery Care; 10:00am Worship; 11:15am Coffee Hour; 11:30am Choir Open House; 11:40am Economic Social Justice; 11:40am Welcome Committee
From the Minister / Kudos and much gratitude to Mary Cavallero, Jeff Tomlinson, and Pam Cucinell who, with me, constitute the SJCC -- Social Justice Coordinating Committee. (The name always reminds me of the historically significant SNCC -- the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee that did so much in the '60s to advance justice.)

Mary, in particular, has done yeoman's work in keeping the SJCC, our SJTs (Social Justice Teams) and, indeed, our congregation's social justice effort organized. The SJT Fair we had after the service last Sunday (Sun Sep 16) was wonderful, and I'm thankful to all SJTs for the heart and time they put into their displays. Way to go, teams!

If I had only seven words to say what Unitarian Universalism is all about, they would be these: Nurture your spirit; help heal our world. But I must take some additional words to emphasize that these are not two things, but one: nurture your spirit BY helping to heal our world -- and help heal our world BY nurturing your spirit, healing yourself, growing in wisdom and compassion. This was clearly on display at every table last Sunday at the SJT Fair!

Our Social Justice Teams are organized on a model of concentric circles: the center circle is the chair or two co-chairs of each team. The second circle is the 5-member "leadership core" of the team. The third circle is all the active members. Fourth is the "on-call" members. Fifth is the entire congregation, which may be called upon for certain specific big projects any SJT might initiate.

Love, my friends! And justice -- for justice is what love looks like in public,
The Liberal Pulpit / New this week: Index of past sermons: HERE. Index of other reflections: HERE. Videos of sermons are on the Liberal Pulpit Youtube Channel: HERE
C ontacts

Minister: Rev. Meredith Garmon,, 914-946-1660 x3
Director of Faith Development: Perry Montrose,, 914-946-1660 x4
Coordinator of Religious Education: Michele Rinaldi,, 914-946-1660 x4
Community Minister: Rev. Deb Morra,, 914-830-1509
Community Minister: Rev. LoraKim Joyner,
Youth Program Coordinator: Chandeerah Davis,
Music Director: Adam Kent,, 212-595-7280
Choir Director: Lisa Meyer,
Congregational & Communications Administrator: Pamela Parker,, 914-946-1660 x2
Bookkeeper: Diane Pearson,, 914-946-1660 x5
Board of Trustees
Board Chair: Dean Silverberg,, 212-351-4642
Vice Chair: Al Rocchi,, 914-777-3216
Treasurer: Chris Kortlandt,, 914-834-7112
Social Justice Coordinators
Jeff Tomlinson,
Mary Cavallero,
Pamela Cucinell,
Rev. Meredith Garmon,
Quick Links

On The Journey (current and past issues)
Social Justice Teams
Practice of the Week (current and all past)
The Quarterly Communitarian
CUUC Main Web Site
Liberal Pulpit Index
The Liberal Pulpit Video
Boundless Way Zen of Westchester
Your Moment of Zen: Not Helping / After a talk by Raven about the precepts, Woodpecker said, "The cowbird lays her egg in the wren's nest, and the two wrens have to hustle to feed the cowbird's baby as well as their own. I don't see why the wrens stand for it, especially since the cowbird's baby is a lot...READ MORE
Zen at CUUC: Sat Sep 22
The e -Communitarian newsletter is e-mailed each Thursday. 
Please send submissions to by noon on Tuesday.
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