Community Unitarian Universalist Congregation at White Plains, NY
Spirituality   ·   Compassion   ·   Service
Practice of the Week
Be Determined. At our best we all have high purposes, noble goals, even if we are modest about them. But we forget them. The daily grind takes us far from our reasons for doing what we do. We get lost in the...READ MORE
From the Minister

If you missed the August service on Moral Psychology of Left and Right, it's now posted, in three parts. Some interesting stuff for Unitarian Universalists to know:
1. Do We Want Our Moral Intuitions to be Rational?
2. Care, Loyalty, Authority, Fairness, Liberty, and Sacredness
3. Reason's Role

Yours in the faith we share,

Lifespan Religious Education

We are a covenantal faith, meaning that our commitments come from the agreements that we make with ourselves and each other. We are not obligated, but, rather, choose to be in relationship and mutually decide how we are going to be together. We remind ourselves of this each year in RE when we begin the year with our RE Covenanting in the sanctuary. Be there this Sunday to be in covenant with the children, youth, and teachers.

Please see the following three (3) announcements: 
1) This Sun Sep 17
All children/youth start in the sanctuary at 10 a.m. for Music for All Ages (meet our new Children's Music Director, Lyra Harada) and the RE Covenanting.


(To view pdf versions of the curricula, CLICK HERE; for online versions dayof curricula from Tapestry of Faith, click on curriculum title.)  
Pre-K - Chalice Children
K-1st - Creating Home
2nd-3rd - Passport to Spirituality
4th-5th - Bibleodeon
6th-7th - Neighboring Faiths ( Building Bridges)
8th-9th - Coming of Age
10th-12th - Youth Group

Coming of Age Parent Orientation at 11:30 a.m. 

To view the Religious Education Google calendar, CLICK HERE.  
To view a spreadsheet version of the RE Calendar, CLICK HERE.

2) Want to Experience RE, But Not Ready to Teach? 
We are looking for 2-3 volunteers to assist leaders on Special Sundays:
Sep 24 - Spiritual Practice; Oct 8 - Environmental Practice; Nov 12 - RE Veterans Day; Nov 26 - Fun Sunday; Jan 14 MLK; Feb 18 - Fun Sunday; Feb 25 - Alvin Ailey Dance; Apr 1 - Easter Egg Hunt; May 27 - Fun Sunday

Contact me at to find out more or sign up to assist.

3) Parent-Teacher Meeting Oct 1 at 8:45 a.m.
  • Discover our vision of RE and the specifics of each class
  • Meet your children's teachers
  • Bagel breakfast served and child care available
Director of Lifespan Religious Education  and Faith Development
From the Music Director  
Come meet CUUC's newest staff member, Lyra Harada, at a special Music for All Ages during this Sunday's service. Lyra will be serving as our Children's Music Director this year at CUUC, teaching songs and doing other musical activities with our youngest members. Lyra is a gifted violinist who trained... READ MORE.
Upcoming Worship Services

Sun Sep 17
Forgiving: When and When Not
Rev. Meredith Garmon

Forgiveness comes in many forms, from the easy to the hard, from forgiveness of others to forgiveness of self. Without forgiving others, our lives are wretched and mean. At the same time, forgiving wisely requires some care. There are times to consider checking an impulse to forgive.

Sun Sep 24
Yom Kippur
Rev. Meredith Garmon

In Jewish tradition, the day dedicated to atonement and forgiveness is the holiest day of the year. On this day when God forgives us and cleanses our sins, our part of the deal is to seek out those we have wronged, acknowledging what pain we may have caused, and, in turn, open our hearts to possibilities forgiving others, letting go what resentments we may harbor.
Science & Spirituality   
Science & Spirituality, Thu Sep 14, 11:30am, Fireside Area
A bi-monthly meeting to explore the relationship between science and spirituality. We meet the second and fourth Thursdays of each month.
We are considering our next book, possibly How the Mind Works b y Steven Pinker or Evening Thoughts by Thomas Berry. Join us! Contact: Yvonne Lynn ( 
Day in Place  
Day in Place, Sat Sep 23
Join us to appreciate, improve, and maintain the building and grounds at CUUC, our physical and spiritual home. Contact: Bice Wilson ( ), Pamela Cucinell (
Film Screening: "Gender Revolution,"
Sun Sep 24, 11:40, Fellowship Hall
Join us for the National Geographic's documentary "Gender Revolution: a Journey with Katie Couric,"
followed by a moderated discussion. Sponsored by the LGBTQIA Social Justice Team as part of CUUC's recertification at an LGBTQ Welcoming Congregation. Free program! Contact: Tony Arrien (
Sit and Sing with Us!
Choir Open House, Sun Oct. 1, 11:35am, Sanctuary
Come sing with the CUUC choir immediately after coffee hour. Gather near the piano to sing a few rounds, beloved hymns, and accessible choral pieces and see what it is like to work with Choir Director Lisa Meyer, pianist Georgianna Pappas, and veteran members of the CUUC Choir. Enjoy an hour of singing, laughter, and joy. All are welcome; you do not need to be able to read music. Whether you are thinking of joining the choir or just wish to enjoy participating for an hour, come sing and enjoy some light snacks and camaraderie to finish off our time together. For more information, contact Lisa Meyer at or call 516-299-2475 (daytime).
Neighborhood Socials - Last Call for Hosts
Sun Oct 1, 4:00pm-6:00pm
The first of our Neighborhood Socials will be taking place soon at locations throughout the community. We are looking for hosts willing to open their homes to CUUC families living nearby. Contact Jane Dixon ( If you cannot host, join us as a guest, bringing snacks or beverages to share.  
A Night in Havana... Donate!    
2017 Auction, Sat Nov 18, 5:30p, Tickets $40
A Night in Havana is just nine weeks away! Our annual auction, one of CUUC's best social events of the year and our biggest fundraiser, needs your help. Did you know that all the items we auction off are donated or solicited by YOU, our membership? Please help make this night a success by making a donation of goods or services. You might have something yourself or else you can ask your favorite restaurant or merchant to donate a gift certificate. CLICK HERE for more information and a list of ideas.   
Journey Group Signups   
Journey Groups help us deepen our understanding of life and strengthen our relationships to one another while we explore monthly themes together. Use the signup sheets posted in the CUUC entryway or go online here to sign up. Please join even if you can only attend a few monthly meetings -- Journey Groups are how we help each other become the people we most want to be!
Greeters Needed

Make our Sunday visitors feel welcome - come a little early to share your smile and a warm greeting. To sign up for one or more Sundays CLICK HERE
Contact: Jane Dixon (    
Sing, Sing, Sing -- with the CUUC Choir!   
Rehearsals Tuesdays, 7:30-9:15pm, Sanctuary  
All voice parts welcome - you don't have to read music! We sing two Sundays a month and perform two concerts a year (2017 winter concert is Vivaldi's Gloria). You can join full-time or part-time. Contact: Lisa Meyer at 516-299-2475 (daytime) or 
Share the Plate for September: Food Bank for Westchester
The recipient of half our non-pledge collection this month is Food Bank for Westchester and their BackPack Program, designed to help alleviate child hunger by providing hungry and at-risk children with nutritious, easy-to-prepare food during weekends and school vacations.
September Project: Birthday Bags 
When children in the BackPack Program (see above) have a birthday, they take home a special Birthday Bag filled with supplies for a special celebration. The Hunger & Homelessness Social Justice Team is collecting: * cake mix * frosting * birthday candles * small party plates * party napkins * individually wrapped toothbrushes * juice boxes * 7x9" gift bags. Bring items in on Sunday, or "sponsor" a bag for $15.Contact: Amy Swiss (
In the Community

Showing Up for Racial Justice (SURJ) Westchester Meeting, Mon Sep 18, 7:00pm, Ethical Culture Society, 7 Saxon Wood Rd, White Plains  
Open to everyone! Child friendly and wheelchair accessible space. Snacks provided. Contact:, 914-295-2527,,
Breakfast Run, Sun Sep 24, 7:00am, First Unitarian Hastings 
Help us make a difference for those in need. We need donations of food and clothings and volunteers to help prepare food, pack clothes, and distribute and interact with the homeless in NYC. If you haven't gone on a Run before, there is no time like the present to get involved! Save the date: our next Midnight Run is Fri Oct 20. Contact: Annie Patton (914-588-4782), Art Lowenstein (, 914-844-4189, or 845-424-3638).
Important Voter Registration Deadlines for 2017
The last day to register to vote for the November 2017 election is October 13th. If you want to change party affiliation to vote in the 2018 primary, the deadline is October 13th. If registering by mail, the form must be received by October 18th. Find the form HERE.  
Did you know...?   
Rather than gathering the autumn leaves that fall on our lawn to be hauled away by White Plains municipal trucks, CUUC blows the leaves into the woods where they can decompose naturally, replacing nutrients on the forest floor.
Important Kitchen Info

Dedicated CUUC volunteers spent some 30 hours organizing the kitchen and now our cabinets are tidy and labeled inside and out. When you use the kitchen be sure to return your cleaned items to their labeled "home." Before you donate a kitchen item, contact John Schwam ( ) or Scott Damashek ( ) to check that we need it and have room to store it. Thanks for helping keep our cooking space looking great!
Are YOU in the Directory?   
Take a look HERE . If you don't see your picture or address included and you would like them to be, contact Pam at the CUUC office, or 914-946-1660 x2. Help us make our directory complete!  
Caring & Sharing Circle

If anyone knows of another among us who is in need of a caregiver, please contact Nicky Klemens ( 914-967-4419, or her backup Janet Giewat (914-617-2137,
This Week at CUUC

The full calendar can be found here. Room numbers subject to change; please check the board on Sunday morning. To reserve a room, please contact Pam at the CUUC office (914-946-1660 x2,
Thu Sep 14
11:30am Science & Spirituality Group
Fri Sep 15
11:00am Journey Group - C. Davidson
  3:00pm Rental: Westchester Refugee Relief
  6:30pm Journey Group - Families
Sat Sep 16
10:00am Zen
Sun Sep 17
  9:00am Animal Advocacy
  9:00am Economic Social Justice
  9:00am Communications Comm
  9:30am Nursery Care
10:00am Worship
11:15am Coffee Hour
11:30am Kitchen Committee
11:40am Sunday Journey Groups
  2:30pm Rental: Mind & Meditation Workshop
Mon Sep 18
  6:30pm Cancelled: T'ai-ch'i
  7:30pm Board of Trustees
  8:00pm Finance Committee
Tue Sep 19
  7:00pm Rental: WCSPP
  7:30pm Choir rehearsal
Wed Sep 20
  6:30pm Rental: WCHJ
Thu Sep 21
  6:30pm Caring & Sharing
Sat Sep 23
               Day in Place
  9:00am Rental: WCSPP
10:00am Zen
  2:00pm Rental: Rosedale Residential Assoc
Sun Sep 24
  8:30am Hunger & Homelessness
  9:30am Nursery Care
10:00am Worship
11:15am Coffee Hour
11:20am UU Roots: Conversation for Visitors & Newcomers
11:30pm Auction Committee
11:40am Film Screening: "Gender Revolution"
  2:30pm Rental: Mind & Meditation Workshop  
Minister: Rev. Meredith Garmon,, 914-946-1660 x3 
Director of Lifespan Religious Ed. & Faith Development: Perry Montrose,, 914-946-1660 x4 
Community Minister: Rev. Deb Morra,, 914-830-1509
Community Minister: Rev. LoraKim Joyner,
Ministerial Intern: Cindy Davidson,, 781-710-1640
Youth Program Coordinator: Chandeerah Davis,
Music Director: Adam Kent,, 212-595-7280
Choir Director: Lisa Meyer,
Congregational & Communications Administrator: Pamela Parker,, 914-946-1660 x2
Bookkeeper: Diane Pearson,, 914-946-1660 x5
Board of Trustees
Board Chair: Dean Silverberg,, 212-351-4642   
Vice Chair: Karen Dreher,, 914-235-7845
Treasurer: Chris Kortlandt,, 914-834-7112
Secretary: Steve Miller,, 914-723-0982
Quick Links

Your Moment of Zen
Inspiration. Raven took her perch on the Assembly Oak and said: "Some folks say that you must find your inspiration in your own heart. In a way that's true; you must find the place of peace and rest and carry out your...  READ MORE

Information on CUUC's Saturday Zen group: HERE.
The e -Communitarian newsletter is e-mailed each Thursday. 
Please send submissions to by noon on Tuesday.
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