Sun Oct 15 2017 Autumn #4
Practice of the Week
Mealtime Practice. Many families struggle to juggle competing work schedules, school activities, and community commitments. Yet taking time to eat together can be one of the most important activities that families do. Mealtime is a spiritual discipline: an activity through which those gathered may
From the Minister
"These are times that try men's souls," wrote Thomas Paine at the beginning of a series of pamphlets,
The American Crisis, begun in 1776. Today men's, women's, and all people's souls in this country are tried by times that, if not already at crisis, appear to be on the brink of it. This may seem a strange
Minister Coffee Chat. On Tuesdays, 3-5pm, I'm available at an area coffee shop. In October, I'll be at the Starbucks in Rye: 51 Purchase St. In November, I'll be at the Barnes & Noble Cafe, City Center, 230 Main St, White Plains. Drop by if you can! - Meredith |
Lifespan Religious Education
Last Sunday, Rev. LoraKim (our Community Minister and a wildlife veterinarian) and the Animal Advocacy Social Justice Team facilitated a Nurture Nature RE workshop. We began by reciting our chalice lighting with the word "people" being replaced by "being." Let us light this chalice of understanding in our hearts so that we may know...READ MORE, PLUS RE NEWS
From the Music Director
Sunday morning's special guest musicians are The Biryani Boys, Mustafa Bhagat and David Freeman. Their mission is to preserve and promote the Indian classical music tradition and to provide safe passage into the contemporary landscape...
Upcoming Worship Services
Sun Oct 15 What Other People Think Rev. Meredith Garmon
Shockingly, it turns out that other people -- some of them, anyway -- have opinions about you. What can be done about this? Should you care what they think? Is it possible not to?
Sun Oct 22
Which Way Healing?
Rev. Karen Brammer
Facing the hard realities of environmental racism, trying to grow new muscles of collaboration can be difficult, sometimes overwhelming. We'll do some of that thinking together, and we'll learn from stories of relationships growing and efforts blossoming to mend the web among peoples, planet, and all beings.
Our annual pulpit swap.
Science & Spirituality, Today, Thu Oct 12, 11:30am, Fireside Area
A bi-monthly meeting to explore the relationship between science and spirituality. We are discussing Evening Thoughts by Thomas Berry and preparing for How the Mind Works by Steven Pinker. Join us! Contact: Yvonne Lynn (ylynn20@gmail.com).
Harvest Brunch, Sun Oct 15, 11:30a, Fellowship Hall
The CUUC Brunch Gang invites you to an Indian vegan and vegetarian feast. Suggested donation: adults $5, Kids and Seniors $3, maximum per family $15. Contact: John Schwam (jgschwam@gmail.com).
Collection of New Toys for Hour Children's Center at the Bedford Correctional Facility, Sun Oct 15 & Sun Oct 22
Please bring new, unwrapped gifts only (each item is checked by security). Click HERE for a list of items in highest demand. Feel free to donate a present not listed, but note the items that are not permitted. Contact: Ray Messing (raymessing@gmail.com).
Adam Kent plays All Mozart, Sun Nov 5, 12:30pm, Sanctuary
Come hear CUUC Music Director Adam Kent in an all-Mozart program featuring piano sonatas, variations, rondos, and fantasies by the prodigy from Salzburg. The concert opens with a brief family-friendly Music for All Ages presentation. Suggested Donation $20, Students/Seniors $10, Children 13 & Under $5, Maximum Family Donation $45. Online ticket orders available soon at cucwp.org. Contact: Janet Bear (jsbear1@gmail.com).
Social Justice
Team Events
LGBTQIA Social Justice Team Event: Trans* 102 with Rhyrus Falcone, Sun Oct 22, 11:40am, Fellowship Hall
Join us for a recap and follow up to last year's presentation Trans* 101 Talking Gender, followed by an LGBTQIA Social Justice Visioning session. Childcare available with advance request to
by Sun Oct 15. Contact: Tony Arrien (
"Reframing Westchester's Housing Crisis," Sun Oct 29, 11:45am, Fellowship Hall
Our guest speaker is Alexander H. Roberts, Exec Dir of Community Housing Innovations
. CHI is the largest provider of housing for the homeless outside of New York City, with 1,000 people in its facilities each night. Co-sponsored by the Racial Justice and the Hunger and Homelessness social justice teams. Childcare available with advance reservation to
A Night in Havana - New this year...
2017 Auction, Sat Nov 18, 5:30p, Tickets $40
New at this year's auction:
~ Wheel of Chance! Here's a fresh way to have fun and get involved on auction night. Join the fun for just $10 and spin for the win! Instant prizes possible and every spin receives a raffle ticket for the jackpot: a bountiful basket of delights inspired by the beauty and culture of Cuba. ~ Second Annual Surprise Cocktail! Our mixologist is busy creating a delicious surprise libation to complement the evening's theme... can you guess what it will be?
Hurricane Relief Donations
As we plan our celebration of Cuban culture, we feel keenly the suffering of islands devastated by recent hurricanes. We invite you to support the UUA Disaster Relief Fund, created to assist congregations impacted by natural disasters. The UUA also includes helpful links to relief organizations on the ground in Puerto Rico.
A Message from the Refugee Resettlement team
Pelham to Syria Winter Donation Drive, Sat Oct 21, 10:00am - 4:00pm; Wed Oct 25, 4:00 - 8:00pm; Sat Oct 28, 10:00am - 4:00pm, St. Catharine's Rectory, 25 Second Ave, Pelham. In Syria, a harsh winter is about to descend on millions of refugee families. Hearts and Homes for Refugees, in partnership with
NuDay Syria
, will collect, pack, and deliver material aid to displaced Syrians. Due to limited space, only specific items will be collected. Learn more HERE.
A Message from the Temporary "Get Out the Vote" team
Homebound? College student? Traveling on Nov. 7? It's not too late to get your absentee ballot! Click HERE. And if you CAN get to the polls - VOTE! To learn how to become more involved in the upcoming County election, please contact
Charlie McNally (mcnally@POBox.com),
Barbara Lowney (bjgaube@gmail.com),
Deb Margoluis (debby14all@gmail.com),
or Karen Schmitt (schmitt8@verizon.net).
Social Justice Teams - Opportunities to Engage in Service
The third part of our mission statement is to "engage in service to transform ourselves and our world." Our goal is for each CUUC Member and Friend to participate on a team. Sign up in the lobby or online HERE... Read more HERE.
Journey Groups help deepen our understanding of life and strengthen our relationship to one another while we explore monthly themes together. Signup sheets are posted in the CUUC lobby or sign up online HERE.
Share the Plate for Oct:
International Fund for Animal Welfare
This month half our non-pledge collection goes to the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW), a non-profit that provides hands-on assistance to animals in need, whether it's dogs, cats, wildlife, or livestock. When disaster strikes, IFAW responders mobilize and are prepared to rescue animals anywhere in the world, working hand-in-hand with local communities to find solutions that benefit both animals and people.
The amount collected will be matched up to $1,000 by a generous couple in our congregation who have chosen to remain anonymous.
Process for a Share-the-Plate Request
There is no shortage of worthy causes, and as much as we wish we could honor all requests, there are only twelve months in the year. Please make your Share the Plate requests to the Social Justice Coordinating Committee (see Contacts below). We give priority to... Read more HERE.
Outside Events held at CUUC
"Picasso In Nazi Occupied Paris" talk with Cliff Tisdell, Sat Oct 21, 2:30pm, Fellowship Hall
Sponsored by the Westchester Community for Humanistic Judaism. An artist and historian, Mr. Tisdell discusses PIcasso and fellow artists and intellectuals in Paris at risk during WWII and how they survived and remained creative despite the threat. Admission $10. wchj.org, 914-713-8828 (after 6:00pm).
In the Community
Thu Oct 12, Concerned Families of Westchester Rally, 12:00 noon, Hastings
Meet at VFW Plaza (Warburton and Spring St) to stand up and speak out for peace with Iran. Contact: Frank Brodhead (fbrodhead@aol.com).
An Evening with Rabbi David Saperstein, Wed Oct 18, 7:30pm, Larchmont Temple, 75 Larchmont Avenue, Larchmont
Join AJC (American Jewish Committee) Westchester/Fairfield for an talk with Rabbi Saperstein, US Ambassador at Large for International Religious Freedom. Free. Register
HERE. Info at: westchester@ajc.org, 914-948-5585.
Midnight Run, Fri Oct 20, FUSW Hastings
We need volunteers to help prepare food, pack clothes, and distribute and interact with the homeless in NYC. If you haven't gone on a Run before, there is no time like the present! Contact: Annie Patton (914-588-4782), Art Lowenstein (
arthur.lowenstein@gmail.com, 914-844-4189, or 845-424-3638).
MLK Institute: Beloved Community Potluck Dinner, Mon Oct 25, 6:00-8:30pm, Memorial UMC, 250 Bryant Ave., White Plains
Our topic is "After Charlottesville: White Supremacists, Antifa, and Us." How do we understand the roles of violent and nonviolent activism in the face of white supremacy? Bring a dish to share OR $5 donation, and a table setting for yourself to save resources! RSVP HERE or 914-949-6555. connect@mlkwestchester.org.
Important Voter Registration Deadlines for 2017
The last day to register to vote for the November 2017 election is tomorrow, October 13th. If you want to change party affiliation to vote in the 2018 primary, the deadline is October 13th. If registering by mail, the form must be received by October 18th. Find the form HERE.
CUUC has already converted to using LED light bulbs in the Sanctuary fireplace area to reduce our energy use and seeks to put LED bulbs in other parts of the building.
If anyone knows of another among us who is in need of a caregiver, please contact Janet Giewat (914 617-2137 or bean1a2@aol.com) or her backup Adine Usher (914 328-2307 or adinevictoriaray@gmail.com).
This Week at CUUC
The full calendar can be found HERE. Room numbers subject to change; please check the board on Sunday morning. To reserve a room, please contact Pam at the CUUC office (914-946-1660 x2, admin@cucwp.org).
Thu Oct 12 - 11:30am Science & Spirituality; 7:30pm Journey Group- Montrose
Fri Oct 13 - 11:00am Journey Group-Davidson
Sat Oct 14 - 10:00am Zen
Sun Oct 15 - 9:00am Economic Social Justice; 9:30am Nursery Care; 10:00am Worship; 11:30am Harvest Brunch; 11:40am Sunday Journey Groups
Mon Oct 16 - 6:30pm T'ai-ch'i; 7:30pm Journey Group-Rocchi; 7:30pm Journey Group-Majsak; 8:00pm Finance Committee
Tue Oct 17 - 7:00pm Rental: WCSPP; 7:30pm Choir rehearsal
Wed Oct 18 - 7:30pm Worship Committee
Fri Oct 20 - 6:30pm Journey Group-Families
Sat Oct 21 - 9:00am Rental: WCSPP; 10:00am Zen; 2:00pm Rental: WCHJ
Sun Oct 22 - 9:00am Women's Issues; 9:30am Nursery Care; 10:00am Worship; 11:15am Coffee Hour; 11:30am Auction Committee; 11:40am LGBTQIA Presentation
Minister: Rev. Meredith Garmon, minister@cucwp.org, 914-946-1660 x3
Director of Lifespan Religious Ed. & Faith Development: Perry Montrose, dlre@cucwp.org, 914-946-1660 x4
Community Minister: Rev. LoraKim Joyner, amoloros@gmail.com
Ministerial Intern: Cindy Davidson, intern@cucwp.org, 781-710-1640
Youth Program Coordinator: Chandeerah Davis, ypc@cucwp.org
Music Director: Adam Kent, music@cucwp.org, 212-595-7280
Choir Director: Lisa Meyer, choir@cucwp.org
Congregational & Communications Administrator: Pamela Parker, admin@cucwp.org, 914-946-1660 x2
Bookkeeper: Diane Pearson, cuucwpbookkeeper@gmail.com, 914-946-1660 x5
Board of Trustees
Board Chair: Dean
Vice Chair:
Karen Dreher,
Treasurer: Chris Kortlandt, kortlandtbunch@gmail.com, 914-834-7112
Steve Miller,
Social Justice Coordinators
Jeff Tomlinson, jefftomlinson8@gmail.com
Mary Cavallero, marycava4@gmail.com
Pamela Cucinell, pamelajcny@gmail.com
Your Moment of Zen
Badger's question about the purpose of practice was followed up with a question from Porcupine: "What did Brown Bear have in mind when she took up her role as teacher?" Raven said, "To make little boys ask questions." Porcupine said, "Don't....
Saturday Zen Practice at CUUC:
newsletter is e-mailed each Thursday.
Please send submissions to admin@cucwp.org by noon on Tuesday.