Sun Feb 25 2018 Winter #10
On the Journey, 2018 Feb: "Love": HERE |
Practice of the Week
Vegetarianism. Today, with few exceptions, chickens, pigs, and cows are considered to be here on earth only for human use and convenience, which often means that they endure terrible torture in the name of efficiency. There is no longer any sense of these animals being fellow creatures of this earth, no sense that the ...READ MORE |
From the Minister
Kudos and deep gratitude to Creighton Cray and everyone who has been involved in strategic planning for the last year. Creighton and his team have been talking to people from every sector and level of our congregation and have carefully identified four areas for us to work on. The one-page version (HERE) points us in some...READ MORE |
Fred Rogers shared what his mother told him when scary events happened, "Always look for the helpers. There's always someone who is trying to help." This reassurance about the goodness of humanity is a vital message that we all need during crisis moments, such as the recent school shooting. It is important for children to know that they are loved... READ MORE, RESOURCES & RE NEWS |
Council of All Beings - I was participating in an Earth Literacy retreat some 20 years ago at the Pendle Hill Quaker center. After days of discussions devoted to readings on ecology, environmental ethics, and climate change realities, this particular afternoon was devoted to The Council of All Beings...
Creatures great and small, fast and slow, loud and soft---are all in Sunday's music at CUUC this week. In our Centering Music, French composer Jacques Ibert provides a tender portrait of golden tortoises from his Histoires for solo piano, followed by Franz Liszt's depiction of St. Francis of Assisi preaching to the birds... READ MORE
- Minister's Tuesday Coffee Chat - On Tue Feb 27 find me at Black Cat Cafe, 45 W. Main St., Irvington, 3:00 - 5:00pm. Drop by if you can! - Meredith
- See the current version of the Statement of Conscience, "Escalating Economic Inequity" with the amendments supported so far HERE. See the original SOC HERE. (This version does not reflect the supported amendments.) You can add a comment to the post HERE to propose an amendment.
- Check out the two Common Reads for 2017-18 HERE.
Upcoming Worship Services
Animal Advocacy
Rev. Meredith Garmon
Understanding our humanity is largely a matter of understanding our animality. Loving our fellow humans entails loving, too, our fellow nonhuman beings.
Spirituality of Money
Rev. Meredith Garmon
Our relationship to money is complicated. What would it mean to relate to money in a way that helped our spiritual deepening?
Memorial Service for Trudy Katz
Sun Feb 25, 2:00pm, Sanctuary
Strategic Planning
Strategic Planning Committee Forum, Sun Feb 25, 9:00am, Room 41 The CUUC Strategic Planning Committee has drafted a set of goals for the future direction of our congregation, and invites you to offer feedback at their forum this Sunday. A second forum will be held on Sun Mar 25. Read the goals HERE. Childcare available. Contact: Creighton Cray (creighton.cray@gmail.com).
Community Chat, Sun Feb 25, 11:30, Fellowship Hall The Committee on Ministry asks, "How are we doing?" When you think about all aspects of our faith community, what is working well and what would you like to see improved? Childcare available. Contact: Emily Economou (emily.economou@gmail.com).
Response to Gun Violence
Gun Control Discussion, Sun Mar 4, 12:00pm, Room 41
Join us after Canvass Brunch to talk about gun control, from sharing our personal thoughts, to organizing possible actions, to learning about upcoming events we can join. Contact: Emily Economou (emily.economou@gmail.com).
Let's Journey Together
2018 Annual Giving Campaign, Kickoff Sun Mar 4 Your contributions power CUUC's activities both inside our congregation and out in the wider world. We need everyone's support to remain a healthy and viable faith community. Please do all you can to continue funding our work and aspirations. This year's giving campaign kicks off Sun Mar 4 with our annual Canvass Brunch. Pledge forms will be arriving in the mail; please return yours quickly. You may also pledge online at cucwp.org/giving. Contact: Barry Litcofsky (barry.litcofsky@gmail.com).
In the Community
Interfaith Climate Vigil, Sun Feb 25, 4:00-5:00 pm, Outside of Governor Cuomo's home, 4 Bittersweet Lane, Mt Kisco
Meet at the Mt. Kisco train station (free parking) at 3:30pm for a ride - no parking at the house. Hosted by Healing And Protecting Our Land Together. Come share a prayer, poem, music, and your presence. You may wear your yellow Standing on the Side of Love tee shirt to identify with other UUs there. Flyer HERE, Info HERE, 917-647-5143.
Share a Meal and Support the Homeless, Wed Mar 7, Sam's of Gedney Way, 50 Gedney Way, White Plains Enjoy a delicious meal with friends while you support housing for homeless families. The restaurant will donate 10% of your lunch or dinner bill to SHORE (Sheltering the Homeless is Our Responsibility) and I CARE (Interfaith Council for Affordable Housing). Reservations 914-949-0978, samsofgendeyway.com.
PrideWorks Conference, Wed Mar 14, 8:00am - 3:00pm, Pace University, Pleasantville The Westchester UU congregations are a sponsor of this annual educational conference for LGBTQ youth and allies, and we consider this an important part of our youth ministry. Learn more HERE. Register HERE. To volunteer, contact Tracy Breneman (dreuufnw@gmail.com) or Nancy Ulrich (nju247@gmail.com) from First Unitarian Society-Hastings.
Save the Date: March For Our Lives, Sat Mar 24, New York City Created, inspired, and led by students, the March For Our Lives movement is calling for demonstrations to show our politicians that gun violence is an issue they cannot ignore. In New York City, the March For Our Lives is being planned by New Yorkers Against Gun Violence, Moms Demand Action NY, Guns Down Life Up, and metro area students. Details to come. To join UUs traveling into the city by train, contact Mary Cavallero (marycava4@gmail.com).
Do You Have a Sermon in You?
The Summer Services Task Force Wants to Know!
If you would like to lead a summer service, or have a speaker to recommend, contact Pam Parker at admin@cucwp.org by Wed Feb 28. The Summer Services Task Force will get back to you in March.
Share the Plate for February: MLK Institute for
We share half our non-pledge collection this month with the
Westchester MLK Institute for Nonviolence, which has promoted
nonviolent activism for social justice since 1987. Their mission is to advance racial equity for all our communities by: educating and empowering youth and adults; supporting inclusiveness, courage, and peace; and collaborating to advocate for justice, equity, and shared power for all. Learn more at mlkwestchester.org.
Caring & Sharing Circle
If anyone knows of another among us who is in need of a caregiver, please contact Johanna Bauer (914 636-1047, johbauer@msn.com) or her backup Ingrid Hartmann (914 946-2026 or wwwingrid@webtv.net).
This Week at CUUC
The full calendar can be found HERE. Room numbers subject to change; please check the board on Sunday morning. To reserve a room, contact Pam at the CUUC office (914-946-1660 x2, admin@cucwp.org).
Fri Feb 23 - 7:30pm Choir Rehearsal
Sat Feb 24 - 10:00am Zen
Sun Feb 25 - 8:45am Choir Rehearsal; 9:30am Nursery Care; 10:00am Worship; 11:15am Coffee Hour; 11:20am Newcomers' Conversation; 11:30am Community Chat; 11:30am Strategic Planning Forum; 11:40am Racial Justice/ITSOT; 2:00pm Memorial Service for Trudy Katz
Mon Feb 26 - 6:30pm Refugee Resettlement; 6:30pm T'ai-ch'i; 7:30pm Internship Committee
Tue Feb 27 - 3:00pm Minister's Tuesday Coffee Chat; 7:00pm Rental: WCSPP Town Meeting; 7:30pm Choir Rehearsal; 7:30pm Journey Group - J. Majsak
Thu Mar 1 - 9:30am Rental: League of Women Voters; 7:30pm Journey Group Facilitators
Sat Mar 3 - 10:00am Canvass Brunch Prep; 10:00am Zen; 10:00am Caring & Sharing (tentative); 12:30pm Journey Group Facilitators; 2:30pm Rental: WCHJ
Sun Mar 4 - 8:15am RE Council; 8:45am Choir Rehearsal; 9:30am Nursery Care; 10:00am Worship; 11:30am Canvass Brunch; 11:45am Young Adult Gathering; 12:00pm Gun Control Discussion
Minister: Rev. Meredith Garmon, minister@cucwp.org, 914-946-1660 x3
Director of Lifespan Religious Ed. & Faith Development: Perry Montrose, dlre@cucwp.org, 914-946-1660 x4 Community Minister: Rev. Deb Morra, getreal714@verizon.net, 914-830-1509 Community Minister: Rev. LoraKim Joyner, amoloros@gmail.com Ministerial Intern: Cindy Davidson, intern@cucwp.org, 781-710-1640 Youth Program Coordinator: Chandeerah Davis, cuucypc@gmail.com Music Director: Adam Kent, music@cucwp.org, 212-595-7280 Choir Director: Lisa Meyer, choir@cucwp.org Congregational & Communications Administrator: Pamela Parker, admin@cucwp.org, 914-946-1660 x2 Bookkeeper: Diane Pearson, cuucwpbookkeeper@gmail.com, 914-946-1660 x5
Board of Trustees
Board Chair: Dean Silverberg, Dsilverberg@ebglaw.com, 212-351-4642
Vice Chair: Karen Dreher, KMDreher55@gmail.com, 914-235-7845 Treasurer: Chris Kortlandt, kortlandtbunch@gmail.com, 914-834-7112
Social Justice Coordinators
Jeff Tomlinson, jefftomlinson8@gmail.com
Mary Cavallero, marycava4@gmail.com Pamela Cucinell, pamelajcny@gmail.com Rev. Meredith Garmon, minister@cucwp.org |
Your Moment of Zen
Next day, Woodpecker came around when Raven was cleaning up after a windstorm, and asked, "Do you think I could be a teacher?" Raven looked her over. "What's the dark side?" she asked. Woodpecker hesitated. "I'm not sure there is one," she said. Raven turned away, saying "Then how can you be a teacher?" READ MORE Info on our Saturday Zen practice: HERE |
newsletter is e-mailed each Thursday.
Please send submissions to admin@cucwp.org by noon on Tuesday.