Sun Feb 18 2018 Winter #9
On the Journey, 2018 Feb: "Love": HERE. |
Practice of the Week
When People Annoy, Ask Yourself Two Questions. Sometimes people are irritating! By learning how to view "difficult" people with compassion, you'll feel better - and may even help the annoying person. These two questions can almost instantly transform irritation into forgiveness, and judgment into understanding.... READ MORE |
From the Minister
Something about these paradoxical coincidences speaks an important truth. Is there not something sweepingly joyous about expressing passions even while letting go of passions - as if every day were both Valentine's Day and the beginning of Lent? Is there not something perfect and right about the resurrection of life and hope READ MORE |
In today's world, there are fewer opportunities for intergenerational connection. A congregation is one of the places where that enriching interaction can happen. Our Special Friends Pen Pal Program intentionally connects CUUC children and adults in a fun, simple way. Contact me to sign up to... READ MORE & RE NEWS |
From the Ministerial Intern
In Good Conscience, Democratically. The sign at the front door that's greeted me since I returned to CUUC two weeks ago reads: Economic Inequity: Shall CUUC make a Statement?" Make a statement? Most days, my inner response is, "Sure! Why not?" But today, in the aftermath of the many statements being made in the...
From the Music Director
Sunday morning's musical selections open with one of Catalonian composer Federico Mompou's delicate Charmes, or Spells, in this case "to inspire love" in keeping with February's worship theme. Black History Month is commemorated in the remaining works with music by composers of African descent in a variety of...READ MORE
- Minister's Tuesday Coffee Chat - On Tue Feb 20 find me at Black Cat Cafe, 45 W. Main St., Irvington, 3:00 - 5:00pm. Drop by if you can! - Meredith
- See the Statement of Conscience, "Escalating Economic Inequity" HERE. (This version does not reflect the supported amendments.) Further amendments still to be considered are posted as comments HERE. You can also add a comment to this post to propose an amendment.
- Check out the two Common Reads for 2017-18 HERE.
Upcoming Worship Services
The Spiritual Bypass
Rev. Meredith Garmon
I'm an advocate of spiritual practice, and I'm serious about my own. At the same time, spiritual development won't improve your skills in math, music, or athletics. More to the point, it won't clear up painful feelings, unresolved wounds, or meet developmental needs.
Animal Advocacy
Rev. Meredith Garmon
Understanding our humanity is largely a matter of understanding our animality. Loving our fellow humans entails loving, too, our fellow nonhuman beings.
Memorial Service for Trudy Katz
Sun Feb 25, 2:00pm, Sanctuary
Faith Development Friday
Fri Feb 16, 6:15pm Pizza Dinner, 7:00pm Programs, 8:30pm Coffee & Chat Programs include: Faith Like a River - This adult Religious Education class explores the people, ideas, and movements that have shaped our UU faith heritage; Youth Game Night - Hang out in the Youth Room for a night of fun - gnomes welcome; Family Journey Group - Parents discuss the monthly theme while children gather for related activities (adults without children are welcome in the parents' group); Social Gathering - Simply enjoy unstructured time with your fellow CUUCers. RSVP to cuucEvents@gmail.com.
From the Animal Advocacy team
Last Call - Send Us Your Animal Pics by Fri Feb 16!
We want digital photos of your pets or favorite animals to display at the Sun Feb 25 worship service on animal advocacy. (Learn more HERE.) Email or text your image to John Schwam (JGSchwam@gmail, 914-774-4204) by Fri Feb 16. Contact: Joe Majsak (jmajsak@verizon.net).
Strategic Planning Forum
Strategic Planning Committee Forum, Sun Feb 25, 9:00am, Room 41 The CUUC Strategic Planning Committee has drafted a set of goals for the future direction of our congregation, and invites you to offer feedback at their first forum. A second forum will be held on Sun Mar 25. Read the goals HERE. Contact: Creighton Cray (creighton.cray@gmail.com).
Join the Conversation
Community Chat, Sun Feb 25, 11:30, Fellowship Hall The Committee on Ministry ask, "How are we doing?" When you think about all aspects of our faith community, what is working well and what would you like to see improved? Contact: Emily Economou (emily.economou@gmail.com).
Do You Have a Sermon in You?
The Summer Services Task Force Wants to Know!
If you would like to lead a summer service, or have a speaker to recommend, contact Pam Parker at admin@cucwp.org by Wed Feb 28. The Summer Services Task Force will get back to you in March.
Share the Plate for February: MLK Institute for
We share half our non-pledge collection this month with the
Westchester MLK Institute for Nonviolence, which has promoted
nonviolent activism for social justice since 1987. Their mission is to advance racial equity for all our communities by: educating and empowering youth and adults; supporting inclusiveness, courage, and peace; and collaborating to advocate for justice, equity, and shared power for all. Learn more at mlkwestchester.org.
Caring & Sharing Circle
If anyone knows of another among us who is in need of a caregiver, please contact Johanna Bauer (914 636-1047, johbauer@msn.com) or her backup Ingrid Hartmann (914 946-2026 or wwwingrid@webtv.net).
This Week at CUUC
The full calendar can be found HERE. Room numbers subject to change; please check the board on Sunday morning. To reserve a room, contact Pam at the CUUC office (914-946-1660 x2, admin@cucwp.org).
Thu Feb 15 - 7:00pm Journey Group - T. Litkofsky
Fri Feb 16 -
Spring Communitarian Deadline; Faith Development Friday: 6:15pm Pizza Dinner, 7:00 Programs, 8:30pm Coffee & Chat
Sat Feb 17 - 10:00am Zen
Sun Feb 18 - 9:00am Auction Committee; 9:00 Canvass Committee; 9:30am Nursery Care; 10:00am Worship; 11:15am Coffee Hour; 11:30am Nominating Committee; 11:40am Sunday Journey Groups
Mon Feb 19 - OFFICE CLOSED; 6:30pm T'ai-ch'i; 7:30pm Journey Group - A. Rocchi; 8:00pm Finance Committee
Tue Feb 20 - 3:00pm Minister's Tuesday Coffee Chat; 7:00pm Rental: WCSPP
Wed Feb 21 - Rental: Federated Conservationists of Westchester; 7:30pm Worship Committee
Thu Feb 22 - 10:00am Journey Group - Kung; 11:30am Science & Spirituality Group
Fri Feb 23 - 7:30pm Choir Rehearsal
Sat Feb 24 - 10:00am Zen
Sun Feb 25 - 8:45am Choir Rehearsal; 9:00am Strategic Planning Forum; 9:30am Nursery Care; 10:00am Worship; 11:15am Coffee Hour; 11:20am Newcomers' Conversation; 11:30am Community Chat; 2:00pm Memorial Service
Minister: Rev. Meredith Garmon, minister@cucwp.org, 914-946-1660 x3
Director of Lifespan Religious Ed. & Faith Development: Perry Montrose, dlre@cucwp.org, 914-946-1660 x4 Community Minister: Rev. Deb Morra, getreal714@verizon.net, 914-830-1509 Community Minister: Rev. LoraKim Joyner, amoloros@gmail.com Ministerial Intern: Cindy Davidson, intern@cucwp.org, 781-710-1640 Youth Program Coordinator: Chandeerah Davis, cuucypc@gmail.com Music Director: Adam Kent, music@cucwp.org, 212-595-7280 Choir Director: Lisa Meyer, choir@cucwp.org Congregational & Communications Administrator: Pamela Parker, admin@cucwp.org, 914-946-1660 x2 Bookkeeper: Diane Pearson, cuucwpbookkeeper@gmail.com, 914-946-1660 x5
Board of Trustees
Board Chair: Dean Silverberg, Dsilverberg@ebglaw.com, 212-351-4642
Vice Chair: Karen Dreher, KMDreher55@gmail.com, 914-235-7845 Treasurer: Chris Kortlandt, kortlandtbunch@gmail.com, 914-834-7112
Social Justice Coordinators
Jeff Tomlinson, jefftomlinson8@gmail.com
Mary Cavallero, marycava4@gmail.com Pamela Cucinell, pamelajcny@gmail.com Rev. Meredith Garmon, minister@cucwp.org |
Your Moment of Zen
Badger had been busy again, looking after his family. One evening after his return, he asked, "Is there really something to understand beyond the way to be a better person?" Raven said, "Outside history." Badger asked, "In a vacuum?" Raven said, "Where the freshet washed away the moss." READ MORE Info on our Saturday Zen practice: HERE |
newsletter is e-mailed each Thursday.
Please send submissions to admin@cucwp.org by noon on Tuesday.