June 29, 2024 - Siberian Pine Nut Oil & Acid Reflux

New to me just this week!

So often I tell you how I am always learning from my clients!

This past week, a new client told me he "cured" his acid reflux completely using Siberian pine nut oil.

I was flabberghasted.

ONE, because I had never heard of Siberian pine nut oil, and TWO, because as a practitioner I am always keeping up on things for this very common and devastating condition, and this was my first time hearing about it.

People typically are prescribed proton-pump inhibiting medication, such as omeprazole or one of the "prazoles," and these medications are not good things to be taking. They turn off ALL of the proton pumps in the body, shutting down much more than acid production in the stomach, negatively affecting many areas of health.

In the realm of natural health, we are always searching for things that will work well for this issue. Sometimes one thing works well for one person but not the next person, and so on. Sometimes it takes a combination of several things. It is often a process of trial and error, and, unfortunately, in some cases we do not see resolution.


I am dearly hoping, as I share this information, many will find similar success in treating this condition; healing the affected tissues AND stopping the acid problem in the first place, which, according to my research, appears to be how this Siberian pine nut oil works when it comes to acid reflux.

My research also reveals other important properties of pine nuts and pine nut oil, and we'll get into all of that, as well.

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Siberian pine nut oil info...

Siberian pine nut oil, derived from the kernels of Siberian pine trees (Pinus sibirica), has been utilized for centuries in traditional medicine due to its various health benefits. This unique oil is highly valued for its rich nutritional composition and therapeutic properties.

The oil is obtained through a cold-pressing method that preserves its nutritional content and beneficial compounds. It has a distinct golden color and a mild, nutty flavor, making it an excellent addition to various dishes and recipes.

Some health benefits of Siberian pine nut oil:

  1. Rich source of essential fatty acids
  2. Supports heart health
  3. Aids digestive health
  4. Boosts immune system
  5. Promotes skin health
Learn More

Int J Mol Sci. 2023 Jan; 24(2): 1171.

Published online 2023 Jan 6. doi: 10.3390/ijms24021171

PMCID: PMC9861571

PMID: 36674687

The Beneficial Effects of Pine Nuts and Its Major Fatty Acid, Pinolenic Acid, on Inflammation and Metabolic Perturbations in Inflammatory Disorders

Rabaa Takala,1,2 Dipak P. Ramji,2 and Ernest Choy1,3,*

Azzurra Stefanucci, Academic Editor

Author information Article notes Copyright and License information PMC Disclaimer

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Siberian Pine Nut Oil & Acid Reflux

The cause of heartburn is considered to be the penetration into the esophagus of stomach contents containing hydrochloric acid because of a weakness of the esophageal sphincter, abuse of food, or its low quality. As a result, a burning sensation occurs. Taking pine nut oil provides protection for the mucosa against the aggressive action of the acid, and the presence of specific substances in the oils has a gentle calming and anti-inflammatory effect.

The use of pine nut oil leads to the formation of a thin film on the surface of the mucous membranes of the esophagus, a film that mechanically protects the esophagus from the aggressive action of the stomach’s hydrochloric acid. And the presence in the oil of vitamins and substances having an anti-inflammatory effect promotes the healing of damaged portions of the esophagus and the elimination of unpleasant sensations.

The oil lowers the acidity of the gastric juice, which is the critical problem for patients suffering from heartburn. It is, after all, rarely observed in hypoacidic conditions. For that reason, in cases of heartburn, pine nut oil rapidly results in the elimination of the burning sensation. It also assists in preventing the progressive inflammatory process that accompanies heartburn and the stenosis (narrowing) of the esophagus that it provokes.

How to Use Siberian Pine Nut Oil for Acid Reflux

The instructions for how to use pine nut oil for heartburn are straightforward: one teaspoon is taken internally, one-half hour prior to eating. This is sufficient for the gradual reduction of the burning sensation, but to achieve a lasting result, the oil should be taken for no less than one month.

There is no point in using the remedy at night, since it contains compounds that are assimilated by the body only under the influence of the sun’s rays on the skin. The optimum time is considered to be the morning.


This also increases its efficiency, since during the night the stomach becomes completely empty of its contents and the oil may fully manifest its properties. In order for the remedy to produce an optimal effect, it is best to keep to a diet, which means giving up excessively fatty, fried, spicy, and salty food. In cases of concomitant pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, in particular an ulcer or diseases of the liver, one teaspoon of pine nut oil may be mixed with milk and taken three times a day on an empty stomach.

Pine nut oil and nuts may be added to salads, but in moderation, since they are high in calories. Note: It is important not to allow nut oil to come into contact with metal, including metal utensils. Before beginning to take the oil, a small amount should be placed on the inner surface of the elbow.

After 30 minutes, assess the condition of the skin. If there is no rash, reddening, itching, or swelling, you should wait for twenty-four hours and again examine the skin in the relevant area. If there are no changes, it means that the oil may be taken internally.

More research regarding Siberian pine nut oil & health

Clinical Trial Vopr Pitan

. 2006;75(1):51-3.

[Efficiency of Siberian pine oil in complex treating of people ill with benign hypertension]

[Article in Russian]

Iu V BakhtinV V BudaevaA L VereshchaginE Iu EgorovaE Iu ZhukovaA S Saratikov

  • PMID: 16739609


For people ill with benign hypertension and going through basis hypotensive therapy, taking in Siberian pine nut oil as much as 17.5 g per day, is accompanied by cholesterol-lessening effect, normalization of lipid spectrum of blood, systolic (maximum) benign pressure and lessening of surplus body mass.

Recipes featuring Siberian pine nut oil

See Recipes Here!

Recipes using Extra Virgin Siberian Pine Nut Oil

Our recipes featuring the traditionally produced, 100% natural extra virgin Siberian pine nut oil (EVSPO) represent a variety of delicious cuisines of the world. Most of them come from the Mediterranean, originating from countries like Greece, Italy, and France.

Many studies have confirmed that the Mediterranean diet is one of the best diets to follow for promoting and maintaining wellness and the sense of well-being.

We share this view, and also think that it is definitely one of the most flavorful and creative ways to eat.

All of our recipes are based on wholesome, nutrient-dense, healthy ingredients typical of traditional diets. Making your food from scratch may be a little more time-consuming than using modern “shortcuts”, but it will reward you with better-tasting and healthier meals.

Take as a supplement

100% Pure Siberian Pine Nut Oil Capsules, Premium Quality, Cold Pressed Using Wooden Presses,

No Preservatives or Additives, Benefits Digestive Health & Aids Gastritis, Ulcers, IBS - 90 Count

Purchase on Amazon

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