Buzzworthy News for the Week of:
September 20, 2020
Note: When scrolling the BUZZ you may be prompted with a message (see below) in order to view the entire Newsletter.
[Message clipped] View entire message 
Sharing Christ, Changing Lives!
A Note from the Elders
We will continue to worship outside on the lawn in front of the sanctuary in one service at 9:30 AM. Combining some of the traditional liturgy with praise songs and hymns; we encourage you to invite your family and friends, bring your lawn chair (chairs are available) & blankets, and while wearing your mask, join your brothers and sisters in Christ in responsible social distance outside worship!
We have incorporated communion on the 1st & 3rd Sunday of the month at our in person service. Zion also remains available to provide “touchless” communion to you at your home. Simply request a kit through the church office or click here to sign up for an @Home Communion Kit.

Although we encourage you to join us on the lawn, if you are unable to join us in person, we encourage you to join the FaceBook Live streaming of the service at 9:30 AM. Our weekly Zion Buzz newsletter will have a copy of the service bulletin with the words to the liturgy, scriptures, songs and prayers so that you can join us in lifting your heart and voice in worship.

We are continuing to take reservations (RSVP) for the time being so that we can ensure the health and safety of all who are attending. Let us know you're coming by registering yourself and your family. Please note, that an RSVP is required by all people including children.

Thank you!
We appreciate your time.


We want to hear your feedback on how we can provide the best worship experience for you.
Join us In Person or Worship @ Home
Streaming on Facebook Live
Sunday at 9:30 am
Please remember to pray for…
· Continue to keep Nikki McGannon, niece of Sharon Beaudoin, in your prayers for discernment and peace, as she is having to make some very important health decisions. 
· Zion ECEC Student, Jade, has just been diagnosed with Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Prayers for the Lord to surround this family with love and comfort. May God use Zion to bring HOPE to this family. And lastly we pray for God to provide wisdom to the doctors that He will perfectly place in little Jade’s healing journey.
· Zion School Parent, Melissa Ferguson, just completed 6 months of chemo. Praise God her test results show that the tumors are shrinking at the millimeter level. The oncologist is giving Melissa a 6-week break and then back to treatments. It’s all heading in the right direction. God is healing Melissa and she is grateful for all the prayers. Keep those prayers coming! This is Melissa's Victory Verse: Jeremiah 29:11
· Thank God for His help to reduce pain for Calvin Jin, friend of Glenda Flora, as he begins chemotherapy. And for continued prayers for the wisdom of doctors and the faith and love of his family.
· Infection rates to slow and cease; that those who have been infected will heal quickly; that healthcare staff and first responders will be sustained as they carry this very heavy burden; that our churches, schools and preschools would be sustained and reliant on our loving God and His guidance; for courage and peace for our pastors, lay leaders, church and school administrators, faculties, and all church and school workers who are making difficult decisions, creating innovative solutions for continuing to reach people for the sake of the Gospel; for our federal, state and local leaders to seek God's will as they make important decisions and take actions against this disease; for God to bring many, many people to faith through this situation, and that His Church would be more effective than ever in sharing the Gospel with the lost and loving our neighbors.
· Thank you for your prayers for our daughter, Elissa. Her surgery was a success and she is now recovering at home with minimal pain and in good spirits. Praise the Lord for His loving care! <3 Roanne & Ernie
· Praise report that Art Salcido, family of Roanne & Ernie Saucedo, has returned home and will continue his recovery and physical therapy from the comfort of his home with family. Thank You, Jesus!
· Mary Koschmeder, cousin of Becki Thompson, was released from the hospital thanks to the grace of God. And she would also like to thank the Zion congregation for their prayers.
How to Add Prayers:
We would be honored to pray for your loved ones and include
them in the weekly bulletin and also online in the Zion Buzz.
All prayer requests will be listed for a maximum of four weeks
and then rotate off the list. 
If continued prayers are needed, please send us an updated Prayer Request
by calling the Church Office at (714) 535-1169 or click on the
Submit Prayer Request button below:
Opportunity to Give Online
Zion encourages you to continue giving as best you can, now more than ever.
Because of your generosity, we are able to continue with our mission of "Sharing Christ, Changing Lives". Your tithes and offerings, are used to expand the reach of our ministries to share the love and hope of Jesus Christ.

Thank you for your support!

For those of you that do not want to use online giving options, please feel free to mail your offerings to the Church Office at:
Zion Lutheran Church
222 N. East Street
Anaheim, CA 92805
Zion is Offering Communion @ Home Kits
Have You Missed Communion?
Zion Elders want to extend the opportunity to share in Holy Communion during social distancing.

We are hoping to do all we can by offering this resource for those that are unable to make it to church or just not ready to return to the church for physical worship and communion. We want you to remain safe and secure in every decision you make. 

In doing so, we would like to offer you with the opportunity for a home delivery kit of the Communion Elements, followed up by a call from a Zion Elder who will administer communion with you over the phone.
Once you're request form has been submitted you will receive a confirmation email from Google Forms. Zion will then contact you to set up a time to drive over and deliver the kit to your home.
Click here to read all the details...
Are you in the Know?

Zion will be holding a Congregational Meeting on Sunday, 9/27 immediately following the 9:30am service for the purpose of placing a Divine Call for a Senior Pastor.
Since we are unable to have our LWML meetings for awhile, we’d like to remind our ladies about their Mite boxes. We need to keep filling them so we can help pay off our district and national Mite projects. Please empty your boxes into the Big Mite Box located in the Sanctuary's Narthex or bring to the Church Office between 9am-3pm (Monday-Friday).
Exciting News! 
Braille is planning to start upon Wednesday, September 23.
We are looking for volunteers! 
If you are available or would like further info please contact our Adult Ministry Director, Pam M.
via email: 
Stay Connected and Download the Zion App
Download the Zion Lutheran Anaheim App 
on your iPhone or Android and at your finger tips have access to Church & School calendars, the ECEC & Lion's Tale Newsletters, Sports Schedule, and receive the latest news and updates through push notification!
Update from our
Pastoral Call Committee
Dear Brother & Sisters of Zion Anaheim -
Over the last several months the Call Committee here at Zion has been working tirelessly to identify a second round of pastoral candidates after COVID played havoc with our first round of prospects earlier this summer. I am excited to share that we have identified 3 outstanding pastors and have met with all of them at least once.
Next week, we are moving forward with a second round of formal interviews with each candidate to determine who God is leading to serve here at Zion. While each of these prospects would bring a unique perspective and skill set, we are confident that any one of them would be an amazing addition to the Zion family and our various ministries. Our hope is to have our final selection ready to present to the Board and the congregation for approval by no later than the end of September. As we continue to move forward in faith, I ask that now more than ever… you keep the committee and the process in your prayers. We know that God has amazing plans for Zion and we are excited to see those beginning to unfold.

On behalf of the Zion Call Committee -
Eron Jacobson
Call Committee Chair
Eron Jacobson

Brad Heinecke

Brittany Ryan

Jennifer Giddens

Christ - Community - Connect
The Pacific Southwest District
puts out a weekly newsletter
every Thursday.
Click on the link below to enjoy this week's info:
Helpful Resources for our Local Community
Need Assistance or Know Someone that Does?
Search online or call them. 2-1-1 is a free and confidential service that helps people find the local resources they need. Available for you 24 hours a day / 7 days a week.
Zion's Thrift Shop has
slowly returned to normal business hours on Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays
from 10am - 4pm
Shop, Volunteer, and Donate to
the Zion Thrift Shop!

Located at:
Only 2 short miles from Zion

OPEN: Thursday, Friday, Saturday
10:00 AM - 4:00 PM

CLOSED: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday

Do your have extra time on your hands and looking for a way to give back? Come to the Zion Thrift Shop on Tuesdays & Wednesdays to help out! To schedule a time
 please contact Michele Brown
at 714-879-1147 or email
Hey Zion Youth!

We are meeting for Jr. High Youth Group on Wednesdays at 6pm on Zoom!
TIME: 6:00 PM
We look forward to seeing you WEDNESDAY!!!  

Should you have any questions please call:

Saul Mejia @ 951-532-9845

Tracy Mejia @ 951-415-5301
Star Wars WEEKEND!
🎟️Tickets for

September 18 - 20
🌟💫⭐️💫🌟 “A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away..."🌠⁠
Join us for our STAR WARS trilogy weekend. We are so excited to announce that the original STAR WARS trilogy will be shown - One film each night - starting on Friday, Sep. 18th - Sunday, Sep. 20th at @zionanaheim!⁠ The weekend is fast approaching so grab your tickets for one or all three, we won't judge!

✨All films will be shown in their special edition cut!
Looking For Gently Used Trikes or Little Tykes Coupe

Praise God, our PreK class is full!
So having 12 children does pose a problem since we only have 9 Little Tykes cars and 9 tricycles. Practicing social distancing, requires each child to have their own. Until we receive more, the cars will be moved back to the Bike Yard to ensure no child is left out. If you or anyone you know has a Little Tykes Coupe or a gently used tricycle they are no longer using and wish to donate to us, please let me know! I am even willing to pick them up. 
Email Mrs. Knapp or call 714-535-3600 ext. 300
Enroll for this school year
2 year old - 8th Grade
  • Christ Centered education since 1939
  • WASC & NLSA Accredited
  • Affordable tuition with small class sizes (K-8th)
  • Pay-As-You-Use before & after school-age -care available from 6:30 AM to 6:00 PM
  •  Experienced, Caring, Credentialed teachers
  • Music, Athletics, Arts, & Leadership
Check Out our School Facebook & Instagram
Be sure to LIKE Zion Lutheran School's Facebook page:
Zion Lutheran School of Anaheim and follow them on Instagram @zionlionsanaheim
Click on the Links below to follow now:
Zion Families,

We would like to thank all the families who participated in the Scrip program this last year. You benefited Zion as a whole and received a tuition rebate as well (when you signed up for the rebate program.) We invite all families to purchase Scrip and enjoy the benefits.

Scrip means “substitute money”. When you purchase Scrip, you are purchasing negotiable gift certificates and prepaid cards that are used just like cash. 

To get started use the attached Scrip order form and start ordering Scrip today and accumulate your rebate. Just drop your order with payment attached in any tuition box located in the School office, SAC lobby, ECEC office or Church office. Make checks payable to “Zion Scrip” and mark rebate designation. If no designation is marked, then it will be applied to Zion's general fund. You may also purchase Scrip on Sunday mornings between church services. We are also participating in the Scrip Now program. Families will be able to purchase scrip online. Attached is the flyer that explains this program, how it works, and Zion's enrollment code. Shop-with Scrip Now offers you to use a credit card to purchase your scrip.

Create the Scrip habit by purchasing Scrip weekly for gas and groceries. One of the great things about Scrip is that it does not cost you one penny more than you normally spend on regular purchases! Remember the Scrip program when making big purchases, like flooring, paint, furniture, appliances and home repairs. You can also have your family, friends and co-workers purchase Scrip.  Use Scrip for birthday, anniversary and Christmas gifts. Join the Scrip program today!

Thank you for your support!!

Questions?  Call Linda at 714-315-1738