Sunday Mornings at Zion 

9:00am Sunday School 

10:00am Worship for All 

 Onsite and Online

11:15am Fellowship Time

Monthly News & Updates

April 2024

Worship and Fellowship Opportunities this Month

Deepen your faith with others

with our weekly Bible Study groups:

Women’s Fellowship – Mondays, 9:30am

Chick-Fil-A Saluda Pointe

Men’s Bible Fellowship – Thursdays, 7:00am

Zion Family Life Center

 High School Bible Study – Fridays, 7:00am

Lowes Foods Coffee Shop

Wednesday Night Live RESUMES

April 10th - May 1st

Wednesday Night Live is our midweek church gathering. It’s a time to enjoy fellowship with friends in faith.

5:45-6:30pm - Fellowship Meal

in Family Life Center

6:30-7:30pm - Faith Formation for All Ages

New Members Class - We love new members!

Are you interested in learning more about Zion Lutheran Church? Do you know anyone who would like to become a part of this community of faith? Our New Members Class will meet on Wednesday, April 24th at 6:30pm. If you’d like to be a part of the group or if you’d like to learn more, contact Pastor Kathleen (803-356-2297, 

Pastoral Transition Update

We installed Zion's call committee on March 17th. They are hard at work finalizing our Ministry Site Profile so we can find Zion's next Pastor.

Please continue to pray for Zion's Call Committee:

Chuck Dickson

Katie McKinley

Shawn Cromer

Betsy Burn

Morgan Nesmith

Chris Harmon

Alternate: Janice Sult

Christian Education at Zion

Wednesday Night Live RESUMES

April 10th - May 1st

Click the button if you can help with meals!

Click to signup to help with Wednesday meals.

Summer Camp at Lutheridge is coming fast. Zion will be sending our confirmands to camp the week of June 16-22. We'd like to invite the whole congregation to attend camp that same week. If your child or youth is looking for a fun and faith filled experience for this summer, then this is it!

Find more details at 

Youth Ministry 

GraceWorks 2024 + June 10th-13th

Have fun + Help Others

The 11th annual GraceWorks Youth Servant Camp is coming this summer to the midlands. All youth 6th to 12th grades welcome! Mark your calendars now; registration info coming soon. Have great ideas? Want to help lead? This is a youth led event. Contact Walt by clicking below to volunteer.

High School Bible Study - Every Friday a group of Zion’s High School Youth and leaders meet for a time of devotions and prayer. All High Schoolers are invited to join us! We gather in the Lowes Foods Coffee shop at 7:30am and depart early enough to make it to school in time. Rides to River Bluff will be available. Please let Walt know if you need a ride so we can make sure we have enough seats.

Wednesday Night Youth Group - Wednesday Night Live continues this month. Youth group will meet for games and faith filled conversations. All youth grades 6-12 are invited to join us each week in the Family Life Center. Meal 5:45pm, Youth Group 6:30-7:30pm. (No Wednesday Night Live April 3rd)

Click to to reach out to Walt about Youth Ministry at Zion.

Hilltoppers - Zion's Retiree Group

Attention Hilltoppers! Our next meeting will be Tuesday, April 16th at 11:00am. After coffee, devotions and announcements, we will work on the Thanksgiving meal inserts until lunch time. Our meal will be potluck. Please plan on joining us and share a time of service, fellowship and “always delicious” food!

Lutheran Men in Mission

Our next meeting will be on April 16th at 6:00pm in the Family Life Center. All men of Zion are invited to attend and are encouraged to bring a guest as well.

I look forward to seeing everyone at our next meeting.

Russell Kleckley

Walking with our neighbors

Mission Lexington Donations

We support Mission Lexington to support our neighbors in need. Can you help feed a neighbor this week? Drop items in the bin inside the Family Life Center, church narthex, or in the office.

Music Notes

The Choir rehearses on Sunday mornings at 9:00am in the choir room. We can always use more voices, so please come join us! All are welcome!

Handbell ringers have been gathering as needed to prepare for festival Sundays right now. We always need more people to ring bells with us, so come join us!

*Call the church office at (803)356-2297 or email Julie at for more info.

Thank you to everyone who worked to prepare music for Easter Sunday! You are all a blessing!!

Share Your Gifts!

We are always excited and welcome you to share your musical gifts with us. Extra singers or musicians are appreciated during festival Sundays, but you can share those talents with us ANY Sunday. 

  • Do you sing? Join the choir or volunteer to sing a solo. 
  • Do you play an instrument? Consider playing an accompanied or unaccompanied solo anytime. And/or we’d love to have you play whenever we have musicians for festival Sundays. 
  • Do you play piano? You’re welcome to play the prelude or the music during the offering any Sunday. 
  • Interested in learning more about handbells? Just ask, and we’ll help you get involved. If you’ve never played before, we’ll help you get started.
Click for more info or to offer your musical talents!

Serving in Worship

We need your help to make Worship

happen at Zion. We are looking to fill

in a few serving roles this month. Click the button to volunteer now!

Click to volunteer

Council Update

Below are the abbreviated minutes from our February meeting. If you would like a copy of the full minutes reach out to the church office or our Council Secretary Rebekah at

Rebekah Cromer

Council Secretary

Strategic Outlook: Our Big Picture Goals


Goal 1 – Welcoming and Connecting

Be a place of welcome where people can know God and connect to one another.


Goal 2 – Worshipping with Purpose

Offer meaningful worship that is creative, engaging, and God-centered.


Goal 3 – Nurturing Faith and Discipleship

Provide pathways for each age to grow in faith and be nurtured to live as disciples of Jesus.


Goal 4 – Sharing Gifts and Passions

Encourage all people to know their gifts and passions and to share them at church and in the community.  


Monday, March 11th, 2024 7:00 PM 

Call to Order: 7:08 PM

Devotions: Steve

Stewardship Announcement: Denise Caulder: See handout.

Report of the Secretary: Rebekah 

Report of the Treasurer: Roscoe

Report of the Pastor: Pastor Kathleen: See handout.

Report of the Chair/Executive Committee: Steve: See Task List: Lee Caulder has agreed to be the outreach chair Lee is working on the MSP to pass along to the call committee

Ad-hoc Visitor Welcome Team has been developed: see handout

Ministry Team Reports:

Christian Education: Geri Nilsestuen

Working on VBS Start Party

Christian Life: Chesson Merritt

Luncheon: planning for 90-100 people

Women's Prayer Breakfast: March 23rd

Mutual Ministry: Chris Ellisor: No report

Outreach: Rayna Kleckley

Snack Packs is Delivering every Thursday in March

Property: Roger Anderson

Water heater was fixed for $4,400

Stewardship: Craig Balch: No report

Technology: Ross Hunter

DMX controller/software installed in the sound booth to control sanctuary lights

Worship & Music: Linda Hendrix: No report

Youth: Jamie Fite

Prayer Friend program is in full swing with the luncheon on Palm Sunday

Continuing to plan youth gathering to New Orleans

Business/Action Items: 

Old/New Business: No discussion of old business

Trailer Stamping Event Approved

Newberry Group Approved to Come Speak at Church

Vote in Call Committee

PK prayed for the group leading into the voting

Steve presented the Call Committee Checklist and Questionnaire

Read through Questionnaires

Final Call Committee after three votes, one for committee, two for alternates:

Chuck Dickson

Katie McKinley

Shawn Cromer

Betsy Burn

Morgan Nesmith

Chris Harmon

Janice Sult is the alternate

Joys and Concerns

Lord’s Prayer and Adjournment

Giving & Generosity

Giving Info as of March 31, 2024

Budgeted 2024 Offering: $373,066.20

Offering received YTD: $80,591

Budgeted offering YTD: $86,092

2024 Excess (shortfall) offering YTD: $(5,500)



Mission Lexington: $1,853 + 386 pounds of food

Snack Packs Ministry: $1,646 + Matthew 25 Lunch Ministry: $435


We celebrate the gifts and commitments received from members and friends of Zion for our Grow & Renew Campaign.

Total committed to the Grow & Renew Campaign: $898,006

Total received so far for this work: $736,511

Total remaining: $161,495

Memorials generously given last month:

To the General Fund

In honor of Margaret Sox on her 95th Birthday by David & Kim Inman

In Memory of Jane Langston by Cory Cromer

In memory of Jane Langston by Ann & Dennis Hassett, Thomas & Ginger Sox

Barr-Price Funeral Home, Fairview Fire Department, Cheryl Ballentine

To Snack Packs

In Memory of Jane Langston by Burns & Jan Corley



Many members and friends of Zion give special gifts at Easter to support ongoing ministries in and beyond the congregation. We give thanks for these gifts, given in honor or in memory of loved ones.


For Mission Lexington

In honor of our children & grandchildren by Beth & David Lever

In honor of KK & Pop by Brantley, Caylan, Landon & Rhea

In honor of our family by Charles & Karey Hendrix

In memory of Patty Grant and in honor of my children,

grandchildren & great-grandchildren by Kent Grant


For Snack Packs

In memory of Jane Langston by Kregg & Lisa Corley

In memory of Patterson McKinley by Steve & Susan Shumpert

In memory of Ruth & Todd Areheart by Brenda Smith

In memory of Bud & Cynthia Darwin and Andy & Lucille Anderson by Roger & Sue Anderson

In memory of my parents, Amos & Blanche Swancey by Shirley Derriso

In honor of Opa & Nene by JC Marks

In honor of my Lenten Prayer Friend, Hadley Harmon, by Eileen Leapheart

In memory of Debbie Krall and in honor of Murphy & Cooper Krall

by Geri Nilsestuen & Jim Krall

In memory of Jane Langston by Robert & Kathy Bigham

In memory of our family members who are no longer with us and in honor of our children, grandchildren & great-grandchildren by Linda & Walter Hendrix


For Matthew 25

In memory of Jack & Miriam Driggers by Donna Corley & Dale Driggers

In memory of  our parents, Alvena & Charles Hampton and Dorothy & James Girton and our siblings, Anne, Carol, Michael, Charles, William & Janet by Walt & Mary Hampton


For Snack Packs AND Matthew 25

In honor of KK and Pop by Azmi & Beth Jebali & children

In honor of our children, grandchildren & great-grandchildren by James & Iris Harman

In Our Prayers

Current Needs

Sydney Branham

Jerald Drafts

Tim Driggers

Barry Granda

Kent Grant

Paul Hook

Gege Kimball

Grace Lankford

Kay Waites

Chasen Williams



Les Caton (Brian Center)

Wayne Corley (Lex Ext.)

John and Norene Drafts (Wellmore)

Gene Hendrix (Westminster)

Melba Ivey (Carolina Gardens)

Wyman Keisler

Wyman Kleckley

John Shotts

Margaret Sox

Darlene Weight (Tennessee)

The family and friends of

Zion member Jane Langston upon her death March 11th.


The family and friends of

Earl McCombs,

father of Bob McCombs,

upon his death March 2nd.


Friends of the Congregation

Lynn Balch (health, wife of Craig Balch)

Brynn B. (NICU baby, friend of Riley Merritt)

Debby Bearden (health, friend of Mary Alice Leaphart)

Kimberly Bollinger (health, sister of Barry Granda)

Rick Bollinger (health, brother in law of Barry Granda)

Beth Bolt (health, mother of Mary Beth Bigham)

Mitchell Bowman (health, cousin of Nikki Harmon)

Jackie Brock (mother-in-law of Chuck Dickson)

Celeste Carlson (health, sister of Paula Carlson)

Glenda & Everett Crafts (health, friend of Geri Nilsestuen)

Adam Demars (stroke, friend of Christy Jacobs)

Jeri Dickson (health, wife of Chuck Dickson)

Lynn Donohue (surgery, sister of Mary Hampton)

Jack Elrod (alzheimers, father of Todd Elrod)

Rev. Donna Florio (health)

Sarah Harmon (cancer, friend of the Harmons)

Carly Huggins (friend of Stefanie Wingard)

CJ Keathley (health, brother of Denise Caulder)

Kathy Killian (cancer, friend of the Levers)

Shelly Koenig (cancer, daughter in law of Mary Nell Panyard)

Cooper & Murphy Krall (premie twins, relative of Geri Nilsestuen)

Brooklyn Adele Lipari (granddaughter of Mark & Karyn Stoneberg)

Phyllis Livingood (cancer, cousin of Al Fallaw)

Jim Moyer (cancer, brother in law of Mary Hampton)

Jill Reed (surgery, niece of Mary Hampton)

Libba Rhoad (cancer, friend of Janice Sult)

Donna Riggins (cancer, sister in law of Rachael Rhoden)

Adrienne Rutledge (cancer, friend of Chuck Dickson)

Greg Sommer (health, friend of the congregation)

Peggy Sox (health, mother of Evelyn Varn)

Roger Spires (chemo, friend of the congregation)

Gary Swancey (health, nephew of Shirley Derriso)

Emit Taylor (health, grandson of Craig Balch)

Ronnie Tunstill (cancer, friend of Geri Nilsestuen)

Walters Family (auto accident, family of the Leapharts)

Edith Wessinger (health, sister in law of Ethel Riley)

Ron White (cancer, friend of the Caulders)

Carroll Wise (health, father of Julie Branham)

Lee Wolford (health issues, friend of the Leapharts)

  Please help us keep the list up to date by adding or removing names when the time is right. To make

or update a prayer request email or call the church office at or 356-2297.

Special thanks for all of the kind words cards

and condolences from all on the passing of my father.


Bob McCombs

Celebrations this Month 

April Birthdays

2nd - Jerald Drafts, Brett Flashnick; 3rd - Carol Sandusky, Jason Wetzel; 4th - Lee Caulder; 5th - Ryan Stoudemire, Frank Waites; 7th - Olivia Beard, Libba Barrineau; 8th - CJ Harmon, Eleanor Reeside; 11th - Nolan Phillips, Shannon Bateman; 14th - Mae Wetzel; 16th - Rene Higgins; 20th - Susan Shumpert, Chris Ellisor; 21st - Elizabeth Grant, Kameron Keisler, Sue Anderson; 26th - Charley Hendrix, Walter Hampton; 27th - Russell Grant; 28th - GeGe Kimball; 30th - Savannah Wingard

April Anniversaries

2nd - Kathryn & Frank Barton; 5th – Traci & Roger Hanna; 11th – Rayna & Russell Kleckley; 16th – Beverly & Randy McCoy; 17th – Susan & Frank Boatwright; 19th – Katie & Dave McKinley; 20th – Beth & Azmi Jebali; 23rd – Jeannie & Steve Wingard

Seen around Zion