Friends of the Congregation
Lynn Balch (health, wife of Craig Balch)
Brynn B. (NICU baby, friend of Riley Merritt)
Debby Bearden (health, friend of Mary Alice Leaphart)
Kimberly Bollinger (health, sister of Barry Granda)
Rick Bollinger (health, brother in law of Barry Granda)
Beth Bolt (health, mother of Mary Beth Bigham)
Mitchell Bowman (health, cousin of Nikki Harmon)
Jackie Brock (mother-in-law of Chuck Dickson)
Celeste Carlson (health, sister of Paula Carlson)
Glenda & Everett Crafts (health, friend of Geri Nilsestuen)
Adam Demars (stroke, friend of Christy Jacobs)
Jeri Dickson (health, wife of Chuck Dickson)
Lynn Donohue (surgery, sister of Mary Hampton)
Jack Elrod (alzheimers, father of Todd Elrod)
Rev. Donna Florio (health)
Sarah Harmon (cancer, friend of the Harmons)
Carly Huggins (friend of Stefanie Wingard)
CJ Keathley (health, brother of Denise Caulder)
Kathy Killian (cancer, friend of the Levers)
Shelly Koenig (cancer, daughter in law of Mary Nell Panyard)
Cooper & Murphy Krall (premie twins, relative of Geri Nilsestuen)
Brooklyn Adele Lipari (granddaughter of Mark & Karyn Stoneberg)
Phyllis Livingood (cancer, cousin of Al Fallaw)
Jim Moyer (cancer, brother in law of Mary Hampton)
Jill Reed (surgery, niece of Mary Hampton)
Libba Rhoad (cancer, friend of Janice Sult)
Donna Riggins (cancer, sister in law of Rachael Rhoden)
Adrienne Rutledge (cancer, friend of Chuck Dickson)
Greg Sommer (health, friend of the congregation)
Peggy Sox (health, mother of Evelyn Varn)
Roger Spires (chemo, friend of the congregation)
Gary Swancey (health, nephew of Shirley Derriso)
Emit Taylor (health, grandson of Craig Balch)
Ronnie Tunstill (cancer, friend of Geri Nilsestuen)
Walters Family (auto accident, family of the Leapharts)
Edith Wessinger (health, sister in law of Ethel Riley)
Ron White (cancer, friend of the Caulders)
Carroll Wise (health, father of Julie Branham)
Lee Wolford (health issues, friend of the Leapharts)