If you are struggling with rust and corrosion damage on your metal belongings, consider using Zerust to protect them. Zerust plastabs and other rust prevention products can keep your belongings safe from rust and corrosion.
Plastabs offer the ability to provide rust prevention in hard-to-reach locations. Their narrow shape makes them perfect for protecting areas that are usually restricted: tool boxes, tackle boxes, control boxes, enclosure cabinets, and spaces containing electrical components. Plastabs can also be shipped with metal parts, providing defense on the go. These products offer protection for up to two years.

Tool Box Liner and Other Products
Our tool box liner can be sized the fit almost any size of drawer or shelf space. The Zerust tool box liner will fit comfortably and protect all of your belongings from corrosion. Learn more about the tool box liner and others products on our website.

Zerust | (Phone) 1-763-225-6600 | (Toll Free) 1-800-328-2433 | (Fax) 1-763-225-6645 | techsupport@zerust.com | Zerust.com