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In this issue...
CZT seminar dates for 2018
Public Kitchen Table Tangle
California Tangling
Kirpalu Workshop in December
Zentangle Store

Zentangle Kit

Zentangle Mosaic

September 13, 2017

As the summer winds start cooling down and the smell of Autumn is in the air at Zentangle HQ, we are excited to announce our . . .

2018 CZT Training Seminar Save The Date(s)

We also share a link to one of our ongoing series Kitchen Table Tangles that we regularly feature on the Zentangle Mosaic app.

And there's more . . .


Certified Zentangle Teacher Seminars for 2018

Save the date!

Many of our Zentangle enthusiasts interested in our next Certified Zentangle Teacher Training asked for fall dates again, so this year we have shifted our programs a bit.
molly teach

Everyone enjoyed our inaugural year at the beautiful and regal Providence Biltmore Hotel in Providence, Rhode Island so much that we are thrilled to make this historic and regal landmark our home away from home once again.

Attentive student
Our 2018 Certified Zentangle Teacher Seminar dates are:

CZT #30 June 17-20, 2018

CZT #31 June 24-27, 2018
CZT #32 October 28-31, 2018
We will send out a newsletter around October 10th to announce that we are about to open registration.  That newsletter will provide the links to the registration page. Please do not make plane or other reservations until your registration is completed with us.

The registration choices are:

Day Student - $1,745

Shared Room Student - $1,995
Private Room Student - $2,245
Please note that each option has limited availability, so when registration opens, we encourage you to register as soon as possible. 

Tuition includes 
  • All supplies needed for seminar 
  • All meals and snacks starting with dinner on Sunday and ending with celebratory snacks on Wednesday afternoon. 
  • All taxes and gratuities
In other words, everything you need is included, except parking.

Maria look

If you choose a lodging option, the price will include 3 nights accommodations: Sunday, Monday and Tuesday nights. Additional days are available at a reduced rate . . . but all that info and more will be in the registration info.

To learn more about what CZT Seminars are like, please visit this link.

We look forward to meeting you soon!

If you have any questions, please email Martha at


ZAP Scholarship Availability

We have a long and valued partnership with Sakura of America (our pen makers!). 

This year, we once again join with them for the fourth annual Zentangle Apprentice Program (ZAP) Scholarship.

This scholarship is available to a current K-12 educator in the US to attend a CZT 2018 seminar. Details and application at this link.

Kitchen Table Tangles

Our Kitchen Table Tangle series (KTT) is a regular feature available to subscribers of our Zentangle Mosaic app.

Occasionally we make one public for everyone to enjoy.

We think you will enjoy this one. It brings a great new perspective (and metaphor!) to the Zentangle Method.

Remember, if you have not yet downloaded the Zentangle Mosaic app, you can see all the art that's uploaded from all over the world for free.

California Tangling!

Two Zentangle Workshops with Rick, Maria, Molly & Martha
1440 logo
A few seats remain for our first California Zentangle workshops with Rick, Maria, Molly and Martha.
We are honored to be invited presenters at the highly anticipated opening this year of  1440 Multiversity in California.

1440 Multiversity is a new school in Santa Cruz County, California that offers teachable skills for better living. It's a place where you can choose your path to a better life-on purpose, with practice. 

We will offer two different Zentangle programs:
  • A Zentangle Weekend, and
  • Zentangle Beyond Basics
We are excited to present the Zentangle Method on their brand new campus.  

See you there!

A Zentangle Weekend

Zentangle Beyond Basics

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Kripalu in December

Warm up your winter at a Zentangle workshop!


In one of Zentangle HQ's rare teaching engagements, we are once again invited presenters at the renowned Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health in Western Massachusetts. Join Molly and Martha on December 15-17, 2017, for a "Zentangle Weekend" at one of the most delightful retreat centers around.

Zentangle Weekend Info and Registration here.


For those who plan to attend seminar, we all look forward to the possibility of meeting you and working with you.

This is an amazing adventure. Thank you for being part of it!

Best from us all,
Rick, Maria, Martha, Molly and the whole Zentangle team

About Zentangle

The Zentangle Method is an easy
to learn, relaxing, and fun way to create beautiful images by drawing structured patterns.

phone: 508-234-6843

© 2017 Zentangle, Inc. All Rights Reserved