Welcome to our new newsletter format. After upgrading our website, our newsletter wanted a little love, too!
In this newsletter we provide the video links to our Project Pack #01.
We also have some great stories and a few reminders.
Get Ready to Tangle with
Zentangle Project Pack #01
We are so excited to present you with the video content for Project Pack #01, the first of our new Project Pack series.
This has been a whirlwind of fun and we are learning and growing throughout the process. Our intent is to give you lessons and ideas to use and explore in your Zentangle Practice.
Have fun with these. Watch them once or over and over. Tangle along or just be inspired. Pause these videos at any time you want as you tangle along. These videos will remain available for an extended period of time, so you can watch them at your own pace. (You don't have to watch them all today.) Relax, and enjoy!
You'll notice that each video has its own hashtag. For all of you who post on the Zentangle Mosaic App to share your tiles, please use this hashtag (subscription required to post).
If you want to just search the app and see what other tanglers around the world did for each of these videos, just search the hashtag. (App is free to download and the free version has full search ability.)
As you look at what others create, remember that Zentangle is a practice. Each of us has a unique style and it is that uniqueness that contributes to the global mosaic.
The theme of this first Project Pack is working with white gel pens, inspired by Sakura's new White Gelly Roll pens.
If you did not purchase a Project Pack, no worries, grab what you can find and tangle along.
Most importantly, Have fun!
Note: Some of the videos use a graphite pencil . This is not included in the Project Pack. Although you can follow along without one, we recommend having one. Any graphite pencil will work.
Project Pack #01 - Warm Up
- Materials: Black Bijou Tile, White Gelly Roll Pens, White Charcoal Pencil, Graphite Pencil
- Length - 15:59
- Hashtag: #PP01WARMUP
- Materials: Black 3.5" Square Tile, White Gelly Roll Pens, White Charcoal Pencil, Graphite Pencil*
- Length: 7:54
- Hashtag: #PP01DEWD
Project Pack #01 - Bales, Part 1 |
Project Pack #01 - Bales, Part 2 |
- Materials: Black Apprentice Tile, White Gelly Roll Pens, White Charcoal Pencil, Tortillion
- Part 1 Length: 7:29
- Hashtag: #PP01BALES1
- Part 2 Length: 5:13
- Hashtag: #PP01BALES2
Project Pack #01 - Striping |
- Materials: Black Pre-strung Zendala Tile, White Gelly Roll Pens, White Charcoal Pencil, Graphite Pencil*
- Length: 10:45
- Hashtag: #PP01STRIPING
Project Pack #01 - Crescent Moon |
- Materials: - Black Square 3.5" Tile, White Gelly Roll Pens, White Charcoal
- Length: 13:59
Project Pack #01 - Paradox |
- Materials: Black 3z Tile, White Gelly Roll Pens, White Charcoal
- Length: 12:57
- Hashtag: #PP01PARADOX
Project Pack #01 - Pokeleaf |
- Materials: Renaissance Square 3.5" Tile, White Gelly Roll Pens, White Charcoal, Graphite Pencil*
- Length: 8:20
- Hashtag: #PP01POKELEAF
Project Pack #01 - Crazy Huggins
- Materials: Black Apprentice Tile, White Gelly Roll Pens, White Charcoal, Graphite Pencil*
- Length: 28:14
Stay tuned for Project Pack #02
- You can still order Project Pack #01. $19.95
- For info on the Zentangle Mosaic app start here.
Zentangle Art in Hong Kong
We received this email from Henri and Hatty, two CZTs in Hong Kong:
Dear Rick and Maria,
It's my honour to share with you about an art expo by mentally-rehabbed persons.
It's inspired by Sara Cheung, the CZT25 (to-be). She gave me chance to share Zentangle with the staff in a rehabilitation agency few months ago, and she mobilized them and the service users in their agency to draw Zentangle art.
There are around 700 tiles in the curtains. It's a great encouragement for us that the Zentangle method really helps a lot in improving mental wellness.
Once again, thank you for bringing Zentangle into our world.
Certified Zentangle Teacher Seminar Registration Is Now Open!
We recently opened registration for our 2018 Certified Zentangle Teacher (CZT) certification seminars.
For more information . . .
Learn more about our CZT Seminars and registration
Thank You . . .
. . . for sharing this exciting and wonderful adventure with us
and with tanglers all over the world.
With all our best wishes,
The crew at Zentangle HQ