"Your mind is a garden,
your thoughts are the seeds...
You can grow flowers,
or you can grow weeds..." 
In This Issue
Mapping the Tipping Points of Your Customer's Journey
Zeldis Research Executive Vice President Kristina Witzling describes the long and short of customer journey research, and how mapping customers' "tiny decision points" can be the key to understanding their relationship with your products or services. Watch the video HERE.

See more about Zeldis Research's demonstrable Customer Journey Research results HERE.

See our new examples of Insurance Customer Journey mapping HERE.
Market Research Trends To Watch: Online Customer Communities
Speaking of journeys, we're seeing a growing client trend toward creation and use of online customer communities to learn from these customer experiences. Online communities are an efficient - and economical -- way to gather insights from customers and prospects to grow a stronger brand.  And they are one of the most flexible research tools because:  
  • Participants are on-demand: respondents are pre-recruited to participate, they are ready whenever you are, and response rates are generally higher then when asked to participate in just one study
  • Panels can be created over any period of time:  weekly, monthly, quarterly, or any time
  • Communities can be used for a wide range of purposes:  to ideate products, develop a specific product idea, monitor a journey, follow a trend, test communication, monitor brand performance, or anything else you can think of!
Download this example of an online community experience HERE or contact Doris Kaiser to find out how Zeldis Research can help you create your own online community.
Why work with a firm that does both qualitative and quantitative research? Learn from some of our Zeldis executives how this approach has both simplified and enriched the research process for our clients. Managing Partner Doris Kaiser explains that all Zeldis researchers are experts in both qual and quant, so they carry the project through from understanding the client's business problem to final execution with no transition. "Not only do our clients get to work with just one firm for qual and quant, they work with the same person." 
See the video HERE
Millennial Webinar Now Available on Site
The new Zeldis Research Webinar on "Seen One Millennial, and You Have Not Seen Them All: A Quantitative Segmentation of Millennial Customers," is now available on our website   HERE You'll learn some insights that will surprise you in our latest study of this important demographic, perceived often, and erroneously, as a homogenous group.

Or contact Amy Rey directly to set up a custom presentation for you and/or your colleagues!
Come see us at The Marketing Conference, the annual summit of innovative ideas for financial services marketers, to be held in Baltimore May 30-June 1. It's all about the customer experience and digital initiatives - right up the Zeldis Research alley! Executive Vice President Amy Rey and Senior Account Director Fred Gaudios will be waiting to meet you at our booth.
For more information or to set up a time to talk, contact Amy or Fred.
Congratulations to Karen Schmutz, a 23-year Zeldis veteran, on her promotion to Field Operations Director. Karen shares her perspectives on changes she's observed in the market research industry - technology plays a big part - as well as some of her favorite things about working at Zeldis Research in this issue's inaugural "Zeldis Perspectives." Read the interview with Karen HERE.
If you have any questions, or suggestions for articles you'd like to see in future issues of The Zeldis Buzz , please contact me by calling (609) 737-7223, x207, or by emailing doris@zeldisresearch.com .


Doris Kaiser, Managing Partner 

Zeldis Research Associates 

609-737-7223, x207


About Zeldis Research
Zeldis Research  can help you do smarter, more impactful research. In turn, this allows your stakeholders to market products and services more successfully to their targets.

Our deep and broad industry knowledge in the markets we serve, customized solutions blending qualitative and quantitative methods, highly responsive boutique size, and actionable results have helped clients effectively improve the development and communication of their products and services.

Zeldis Research Associates

1230 Parkway Avenue, Suite 311

Ewing, NJ 08628


p. 609-737-7223
f. 609-737-9272