Vol 7, Issue 5, July 29, 2021
Hamilton's Labour Market Connection
Your weekly news & updates from WPH!
In this week's edition: New member to WPH team, Youth Strategy Survey (14-29) , Youth who grew up in care have the right to post-secondary education- and tuition waivers , Return to workplace affects Canadian's mental health.

Welcome to the team!
We are happy to introduce you to Nourhan Wassim, our new Administrative Coordinator.

Nourhan has been working with business management for the past seven years and comes from a computer science background.

Nourhan developed a strong reputation as a capable problem-solver and hard worker. We are excited to have you onboard and confident that your skills and talents will be a great addition to the team. Nourhan will be replacing Michelle Butcher as of July 30th, 2021, and for the next year.

On this occasion, we also say a heartfelt congratulations and many happy returns to Michelle Butcher and her growing family. We will miss her dearly while she is away, and we'll take care of everything while you're away with your perfect new baby!

Good luck and congratulations to both of our WPH members.

If you have any questions, concerns and would like to connect please reach out to Nourhan at: nourhan.wassim@workforceplanninghamilton.ca
Youth Strategy (14-29) Survey
City of Hamilton has launched a Re-engagement Survey to finalize its Youth Strategy.

The youth strategy identifies the top 5 priorities to youth

Youth age 14-29 -

Please take the survey at https://bit.ly/HamOntYouthSurvey

Survey closes Sept 30, 2021
Youth who grew up in care have the right to post-secondary education — and tuition waivers open doors
There are more than 50,000 children living in foster care in Canada and the number continues to grow year every year. But it doesn't take into account the number of youth living in government care facilities such a group homes or other forms of residential care.

Many youth in care experience multiple forms of disadvantage due to poverty, racism, sexism and the legacies of colonialism: indigenous people are over-represented with 52 per cent of children in the foster care system identifying as indigenous.

Return to workplace affects Canadians’ mental health

Many Canadians are still unclear as to how their employer will handle the return to the workplace, and this is affecting their mental health.
One-quarter (25 per cent) are unclear of their employer’s plan for work, while another 12 per cent do not believe that their employer has a plan. However, 49 per cent say their employers’ plan is clear, according to a report from LifeWorks.
And the first two groups report the lowest mental health scores (-17.9 and -14.9, respectively) for the month of June compared with employees stating their employer’s plan is clear (-6.9).

“As flexibility and hybrid work environments become part of everyday life, yet another workplace transition is likely to cause increased mental strain among working Canadians,” says Stephen Liptrap, president and CEO of LifeWorks. “As we look to the other side of the pandemic, organizations should consider focusing on wellbeing as a vital part of their culture. This means continuing to prioritize employee mental health with empathy, clear communication and high-quality mental health resources.”

Hamilton Labour Force Information: JUNE 2021

The Hamilton COVID Concierge for Business is a one-stop online resource centre and phone line dedicated to supporting Hamilton businesses with their COVID-19 business questions and concerns.
Hamilton businesses can call the COVID Concierge at 905-521-3989 (Mon-Fri, 8:30am-4:30pm) or Contact Us online.

The Hamilton COVID Concierge for Business is brought to you by the Hamilton COVID Concierge Team, comprised of the City of Hamilton and the three local Chambers of Commerce.
Workforce Planning Hamilton | 905-521-5777| info@workforceplanninghamilton.ca | www.workforceplanninghamilton.ca