Belonging. Believing. Becoming.


Hello Christ Church Family!

This Sunday is Youth Sunday and our students are leading worship! From the Call to Worship, to the music, to the sermon, both morning services will be primarily youth-led. I hesitate to say they will give you a glimpse of the future of the church, only because they ARE the current church. Many of whom you’ll see this Sunday are members through Confirmation! I want to encourage everyone to come and see the wisdom and grace that God has been pouring out onto them.

This Sunday's Faith Formation hour will be more of a hangout/celebration of our youth. Of course, discussion will still be available for those that are wanting it, but overall we'll use the time to celebrate all that God has been doing in their lives!

See you this weekend!



Youth Sunday! Youth leading worship in the Chapel (9 and 11:15 am)

10 am - Faith Formation in the Youth Center


No Sunday Evening Activities


CCUM's Final Summer Twilight Market is TONIGHT!

Shop local with more than 50 farmers, artisans, gardeners, authors and small businesses while enjoying live music, food trucks, games and more. We hope you can come and support our amazing vendors one last time this summer from 5 - 8 pm!

Summer Fridays of Fun:

Friday, July 26th - King's Island (All Youth)

  • Deadline to register is tonight at 5 pm!

Friday, August 2nd - Middle School Day at Main Event

Register here!

Sunday of Blessings - Please join us in worship on Sunday, August 18 at 11:15 am (one worship service that day)! We will bless our 6th graders, welcoming them into Youth Ministry from Children's Ministry. Sign up here to participate! Deadline is Tuesday, August 6.

Church-wide Potluck Lunch - After worship on our Sunday of Blessings, join us in Fellowship Hall for a potluck lunch! The church will provide a main dish (BBQ) and drinks. We ask that people with last names A-M bring a salad or dessert and N-Z bring a side dish. Keep in mind:

  • Consider bringing your food in a dish you don’t need back.
  • Consider bringing something that will not need to be reheated.

Please register for the potluck here. If you would like to volunteer to help, please click here!

Youth Music Registration is Open!

Sign up to join Laudate, our Middle School Choir or One Voice, our High School Choir, or ring Handbells. No prior music experience is necessary, just come with an open heart and ready to have fun! Click here to sign up!

Sunday, August 18

Youth Music Opening Night at 5 pm!

This is the kick-off event for all things youth music, and it is for youth, parents, and volunteers. We will get all your questions answered, forms filled out, concert attire distributed and much more. Registration is not required - just show up to learn more!

Youth Center Open House and Ice Cream Social at 6 pm!

When you are finished with the music kick-off, come and join us in Youth Center for ice cream, games and fellowship. 

Middle School Retreat: August 30 - September 1 

Calling all 6th - 8th graders - we've planned a retreat just for you! We're heading to Camp Loucon for the weekend for a time of fun, bonding, and a deep dive into our faith! Please sign up here by August 20. Cost is $115 and financial assistance is available. Please contact Bobby for more information!

Christ Church Cares Day of Service is Saturday, September 21! 

Get some service hours logged while being blessed by serving others! Click here to be notified when registration opens.

Parents, thanks for your continued support! Whether it’s signing up to provide breakfast snacks on Sunday morning or offering to volunteer, you help make a lot of things happen!

  • To volunteer to help with a Sunday morning or an event, click here.
  • If you'd like to sign up for Youth Faith Formation breakfast goodies, please click here.

Thank you! 


The Youth Ministry Team